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Xilandro Axeuora

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About this mod

Far Cry copycat strikes again!
Selective Fire and "if you aim at it - you gonna hit it"-shot-precision!

Permissions and credits

Mod adds Selective Fire with benefits & First Shot Precision!

ESPless! ScriptRunner. No ESP - no problems. You can poke the script too!
Selective Fire, A/B3/S1 for all auto weapons. Except Big Guns like Minigun.
● Using it will reduce your bullet spread by 35% for Burst and 60% for Single.
Reduces condition damage to your weapon. 25% less for Burst, 50% Single.
● Changing Fire Mode also makes clicking sound and tiny general animation.
First Shot Precision! Each round you fire after a break: 85% more accurate.
It applies to all weapons! Shotguns with slugs get First Shot Precision too.
Safe! NPCs with same weapon as your have - won't get extremely accurate 
Doesn't mess with VATS at all, to keep it all compatible, nice and balanced.
UI icon telling you what fire mode you're using. I mean, it's just like Far Cry.
Using this mod summons JazzIsParis to stab you in your sleep at Solstice!

● To change fire mode: press K on your keyboard, or Aim and press Left DPad on the controller.
● To use Selective Fire - you must equip fully automatic weapon. Service Rifle is not automatic.
● You can tell which fire mode you are using by checking bullets icon near your ammo counter.
Massive guns like Minigun, Flamer, Shoulder Mounted Cannon, etc - won't have Selective Fire.
● To tell if your gun supports Selective Fire - check the icon. If it's missing - gun is unsupported.
● To use First Shot Precision - fire a gun with small breaks after shooting, sprinting, reload, etc.

xNVSE version 6.3.3 or higher
JIP LN NVSE version 57.21 or higher
ShowOff NVSE version 1.75 or higher
JohnnyGuitar NVSE version 4.93 or higher
UI Organizer Plugin version 2.30 or higher
Very recommended for ScriptRunner mods:
Improved Console version 1.6 or higher
Recommended: Animation packs. Vanilla won't fly.

Install all required mods first, then this one.
Uninstallation - do the same, but in reverse.

Warning! Massive wall of text! TLDR: It a mod thing me want. If you don't want thing - go use other thing and we happy! <3

So, lemme guess your first comment: is it "cilantro guy stealing ideas reee" or "but such mod exists, why make another one"?
Answer to both questions is - because I wanted a mod that does exactly what I want, and the way I want. Not more, not less.
If you don't like what it does, please consider using JIP Selective-Fire (if for some reason you haven't before). There you will
have customization options, VATS support, Action Points bonus, different amount of rounds for burst fire, so on and so forth
As a matter of fact, this is pretty much a private mod going public, and you have JazzIsParis to thank for blessing it. Hail JIP!

Compatibility: This mod is incompatible with any and all mods that change weapon MinSpread STAT on the fly, as you shoot.

Now. To numbers, decisions, the why's and how's.
The aim was to add First Shot Precision. And yes, I know about Dynamic Weapon Spread(2). But no, it's a cool mod, but not
what I wanted. The aim was to make just one shot to get extra accurate, when player is calm and not blasting around mad.
So I made my own mod, with just this feature alone. So you chill, you shoot, and hit the target, with changes to spread being
reverted as soon as player is done shooting, instead of inc\decreasing spread at all times and while shooting. It isn't perfect
solution. Neither it is dynamic. And it doesn't have to be.
All it does - sends the first round you shoot with massively reduced,
down to 85%, spread (lower felt very cheaty). Then you have to wait like 2 seconds before you can land another precise shot.
Some might say why not use Hold Breath? Well, because holding your breath affects your weapon sway/wobble, not spread.

As for the spread reduction amount I chose, it's all going to be subjective. But I didn't want to completely annihilate weapon
differences, massively damage the balance (vanilla or overhauls, doesn't matter), or make changes drastic enough that turn
bad guns into great ones. And even if reduction sounds like a lot, it's not. Example - Automatic Rifle from Dead Money DLC.
Even with burst-firing drop of 35% in spread - weapon still hits all over the place. Meanwhile 60% for single fire with reduced
fire rate that selective fire introduces (a timer, no changes to weapon ROF stat, but derived from it) - you just have slow, but
somewhat useable gun, that you can fire with a chance to hit something. In other words, mod gives you more versatile gun,
that you can use for something other than spray and pray. Pros and cons. But then again, it is all matter of subjective taste.
I like how it is now. I played with values for several days, and 35/60% felt just right for me. And I hope you will like them too.

As for the weapon condition - 25/50% for burst/single shots felt most logical. On the other hand, condition damage is a flat
number, and applies to all weapons, which is kinda big shame, and reducing damage for one specific weapon just because
you're firing one round and not full auto (while also doing it only when burst/single) - feels a bit distasteful and cheaty. BUT
you're sacrificing ROF for it. So, if you suddenly have to go full-auto - you'll have to switch. And that takes precious time, so
things even out and balance, especially if you're in a firefight and not just taking potshots at Radscorpions few miles away.

Now, the rest. Why no VATS support? Again, balance. See, VATS chances are calculated on your stats, your gun stats, and
it's quite cheaty already. With no way to balance it out well - I decided to step away, to not make it even worse. I don't play
with VATS either, Bullet Time mods are my everything, so if you're a VATS person: please use Jazz's mod that supports it.

Last but not least. Suggestions and changes. I'm always open to them, but I've made this mod for myself, and unless your
requests or suggestions are something I'd like too - I will not implement them. So please, before asking, keep that in mind,
so don't expect me to make those changes, nor get offended if I refuse. I will not make Service Rifle full-auto, for example.

This doesn't apply to bugs, of course. I'll do my best to fix each and every bug you'll report (preferably with details).
Cheers and enjoy the mod!

Jazzisparis, for there is no xilandro without jazzisparis

Bethesda, for the engine
Obsidian, for New Vegas

Armed Forces of Ukraine, for keeping me alive and safe

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