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An alternate start mod that let's you choose your character's background and delays the main quest until you want to start it (or if you want just ignore it entirely).

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== Overview ==
This alternate start mod delays the main quest. This means that once you’ve selected your character’s background, you’re dropped into the Mojave, and all references to the main quest are disabled until you decide to become a courier. Consequently, until you initiate the main quest, Victor stays in Goodsprings, there are no Great Khans in Boulder City, and Benny doesn’t await you at the Tops.

As of version 1.20, the Goodsprings quests are available before you start the main quest. Like in vanilla, you will need to complete "Back in the Saddle" before Trudy will appear in the Saloon. Just ask Sunny Smiles  if she can "share some tips on surviving in the Mojave." For the "Run Goodsprings Run" quest, if you have not yet started the main quest, Doc  Mitchell is set as essential. He will stay in his home and will not join the rest of the Goodsprings militia to fight the Powder Gangers. You do not need to kill him to complete the quest. However, if you have  started the main quest and then start "Run Goodsprings Run," the quest  will play out as normal, and you will have to fight Doc Mitchell.

== Starting the Main Quest ==
To initiate the main quest, activate one of the Mojave Express Job Boards found in the wasteland. These can be found in Primm, Westside, the Mojave Outpost, and the Crimson Caravan Office. If you choose to work for the Mojave Express, the intro video will play and you’ll find yourself waking up in Doc Mitchell’s house. From this point, you can proceed with the main quest as you would in a regular game.

== Backgrounds ==
Currently, there are 53 backgrounds to choose from. Your selected background will determine your starting location and may influence elements like whether you start with a perk or your reputation with various factions. When possible, the game dialogue has been edited to reflect your chosen background better. For example, if you start as a Great Khan, the dialogue has been edited to convey the feeling that you’re part of the tribe and not just someone who has wandered into Red Rock Canyon.

Since some backgrounds may cause the player to start with a negative reputation with the NCR or Legion, Hit Squads have been adjusted to start appearing only when you are “Hated” by a Faction.

The Courier Stash preorder packs will not be added to your inventory at the game start. Instead, the gear will be provided if you choose the relevant backgrounds.

If you chose a background and then later decide you want to try a different one, fully exit the game and restart it otherwise you may run into issues.

The full list of backgrounds:

You’re a prospector by trade. You dig through ruins and loot the corpse of the old world. Rummaging through someone else’s 200-year-old garbage might not be the most “prestigious” of work, but you never know what lost treasures you might find.

+ Start with the Fortune Finder Perk

NCR Trooper
You served in the NCR army and during your tours of duty you made many friends. . . and also plenty of enemies. Since you were given your discharge papers, you’ve been trying to figure out what do with your life. After spending some time in California, the land that you fought and bleed for, you’ve ended up back in the Mojave. Only you know what brought you back.

+ Accepted by the NCR
- Shunned by Caesar’s Legion
- Shunned by the Powder Gangers
- Shunned by the Great Khans

Destitute Gambler
Boy, did you have a hot streak going for a while! You were winning caps hand over fist. You were on top of the world. You were the KING of the Strip. But then your luck took a turn . . . a really bad one. Somehow, you managed to lose all of your winnings. Technically, you still have the keys to the complimentary suites you won. Not that it does you much good since you’ve been thrown out of the Strip and onto your ass in Freeside. Still, you aren’t banned from the Atomic Wrangler. It’s not too late to turn your luck around.

+ Key to Casino Suites
- Banned from All Casinos on the Strip
- Shunned by the Strip

You’re a simple fisherman who owns a shack on Lake Mead. It’s not much, but it’s a good life. Just watch out for Lakelurks in the water and cazadors in the hills.

+ Fisherman’s Pride Shack becomes a player home

Robotics Expert
You know robots better than anyone and enjoy spending your days tinkering with them. Recently, you managed to repair a broken Eyebot who has since been faithfully floating by your side. Robots really are a man’s best friend.

+ Start with Robotics Expert perk
+ Start with ED-E as companion

Brotherhood Survivor
You are the last remaining survivor of your Chapter. Your bunker was destroyed and buried in the sands, along with its history and knowledge. You managed to track down what you believe to be the bunker belonging to the Mojave Chapter. However, you are uncertain of the kind of welcome you will receive. In recent years, the Brotherhood of Steel has diminished in power, and the remaining Chapters scattered throughout the wastes grow ever more insular and isolated, viewing even Brothers born outside their bunker as “outsiders.”

+ Power Armor Training
+ Accepted by the Brotherhood
- Shunned by the NCR

Brotherhood Exile
You have been exiled from the Brotherhood of Steel. Your crimes against the Codex are unexcusable, unspeakable, and unforgiveable. Only the mercy of the Elder spared you from execution. Exiled from Hidden Valley and forbade to return under penalty of death, you must now find a new path for your life.

+ Power Armor Training
- Vilified by the Brotherhood
- Shunned by the NCR

Primm Resident
You are a simple settler in Primm, working odd jobs and occasionally delivering packages for the Mojave Express. It was a nice life until the NCR lost control of their prison and convicts overran your quaint town. You ran to the old Bison Steve Hotel to hide, but that proved to be a mistake. The hotel is overrun with convicts, and you’ll need to figure a way out.

+ Accepted by Primm
- Start Trapped in the Bison Steve Hotel

Raided Farmer
After a long journey, you return to your humble farm to find it raided and your family dead. There is nothing left for you here, but bones and whithered crops. You can only hope your stash of caps hidden behind the oven in the trailer is still there.

You own a small ranch in the southern Mojave. Life is, for the most part, quiet and simple. However, with more Legion parties crossing the Colorado River and pushing deeper into the Mojave, you’re not sure what the future might hold. But, this ranch is yours, and no one’s going to take it from you.

+ Start with Wolfhorn Ranch as a player home

Great Khan
You were born into the Great Khans, “the sick man of the Mojave,” as some like to call them. But still, they are your tribe. You impressed many during your initiation. It’s clear you are eager to prove your worth and lead the Great Khans to glory.

+ Accepted by the Great Khans
+ Factionless Great Khan Outfit
- Shunned by the NCR

Wasteland Wino
You’re an alcoholic with no purpose in life. You spend your days wasting away in your room at the El Rey Motel. Not that you should venture outside. You’ve got Camp McCarran to your right, where NCR Troopers are waiting to evict you, and Fiends to your left, who are eager to commit all sorts of unspeakable acts against you. At least you have booze and a nice view of the Vegas lights.

+ Player home at the El Ray Motel
- Addicted to Alcohol

Van Graff Thug
You work at the Silver Rush for the Van Graff family. In fact, today is your first day! Just guarding the front door, but still, you’re eager to work your way up the business. After all, you’ve always had a love for energy weapons.

+ Start with the Plasma Spaz perk
- Shunned by the Brotherhood of Steel

Novac Settler
You live in Novac, making your living from scrapping and salvaging in the area. You’re new in town and are enjoying life here so far although things have been getting stranger with talk of ghouls and “chupacabras.”

+ Start with the Novac Motel Room
+ Accepted by Novac

Chem Addict
You are a chem addict living in Freeside. You have not prospects in life and most people don’t view you as anything more than trash in the street. Not even the thugs in Freeside bother trying to rob you. They know you aren’t carrying anything but empty jet inhalers.

+ Start with “Day Tripper” challenge perk
- Shunned by Freeside
- Addictd to Jet

Kings Gang Member
You are a member of the Kings, the coolest gang in Freeside.

What more is there to say?

+ Accepted by Freeside

Chosen One
While Arroyo is no longer the primitive tribe it once was, they still continue the tradition of selecting a young hero to venture forth into the wastes. The elders chose you and have sent you to the Mojave. Only you know what your quest is.

+ Start with “Classic Pack” gear

You are a member of a forgotten and lost tribe of the Mojave. The lands have changed greatly since the days of your ancestors, with the old tribes of Vegas forgetting their traditions and new tribes pushing in from both the East and the West. As the Mojave has changed, you must decide whether you will change with it or keep to your ways.

+ Start with “Tribal Pack” gear

Caravan Guard
You work as a caravan guard, escorting traders and their brahmin along the old asphalt trails that cut across the Mojave desert.

+ Start with “Caravan Pack” gear

You’re a mercenary, or simply a “merc” as some like to call you. Most of your contracts involve hunting down Fiends, Vipers, Jackals, and other vagrant gangs. Many have tried to kill you before you kill them, but none have succeeded so far.

+ Start with “Mercenary Pack” gear

Viper Gunslinger
You are a member of the Vipers, a violent raider tribe that earns their living by robbing caravans and harassing travelers on Highway 95. Life has been hard for the tribe for many years, and the old faith has largely been cast aside. Nevertheless, many have taken to venerating the Nightstalkers found in the Mojave.

+ Allied with the Vipers
+ Start with the “Mile in Their Shoes” perk
+ Turn In Nightstalker Tails, Eggs, and
Blood to Viper Leaders for caps
- Hated by the NCR

Jackal Gang Member
You run with the Jackals, a raider tribe that was pushed into the Mojave by NCR expansion. Since they’ve migrated into the area, they have been the blight of Interstate 15. The Jackals are known to be especially savage and are rumored to consume human flesh.

+ Allied with the Jackals
+ Start with the Cannibal perk
+ Can Turn In Human Remains to Jackal Leaders for Caps
- Hated by the NCR

To everyone else in the Mojave, the Fiends are a viscious gang of killers and addicts. To you, the Fiends are your family and your tribe. Your traditional rites just happen to involve copious amounts of psycho and jet.

+ Allied with the Fiends
+ Start with “Day Tripper” challenge perk
- Addicted to Psycho
- Hated by the NCR

Frumentarii Asset
Although not officially part of the Legion, you have often worked for the Frumentarii on various assignments against the NCR whether it be gathering intel or sabotaging equipment. You have proven yourself to be a very valuable asset.

+ Accepted by the Legion
- Shunned by the NCR

Thorn Gladiator
You are a gladiator that fights in the Thorn. Although you have won some victories, you are still a stranger to the Thorn and have much to learn.

+ Start with Hunter perk

Lone Wanderer
You are a wanderer from the East, and you’ve already had your fair share of adventures in the wasteland. Hopefully, your time in the Mojave will be nice and quiet. No matter what happens, you have your faithful companion by your side.

+ Start with Dogmeat as a companion

Enclave Remnant
Your parents were both Ex-Enclave. As a child, you remember constantly being on the run and having to hide your background. Other memories are of your father teaching you how to wear his rusty suit of power armor. If there were other Enclave survivors, you never heard about them. Now alone, you have to find your place in this new America.

+ Start with Power Armor Training

Enclave Patriot
Unlike other refugees from Navarro, you were never ashamed of your past. You’re Enclave and you’re proud! Only commies try to hide their colors, but you aren’t afraid to wave the red, white, and blue.

+ Start with Power Armor Training
+ Start with Purifier perk
- Shunned by the NCR
- Shunned by the Brotherhood

Vertibird Crash Survivor
Your Vertibird went down in the southern Mojave, but somehow you managed to pull yourself out of the wreckage. No one else survived, and the military robots you were carrying have all gone haywire. While you could probably salvage some supplies from the wreck, you’re not sure it’s worth the risk.

+ Start with Power Armor Training
- Injured with Crippled Limbs

NCRCF Convict
You were asleep in your bed when the prisoners started revolting. A dynamite explosion jolted you right out of bed. Although you’re not sure how it all happened, the next thing you knew, you were attacking the guards and fighting for your freedom. Now that the dust has settled, you have to decide whether to stick around with the Powder Gangers or wander out into the Mojave.

+ Accepted by Powder Gangers
- Shunned by the NCR

You were hired by Jas to grab a Deathclaw egg from Quarry Junction. You figured that with a Stealth Boy, you would have no trouble sneaking into Quarry Junction and grabbing an egg. And you were right. Getting into the Quarry was easy, but now your Stealth Boy is about to die, and you’re wondering if it has enough juice for you to get out alive.

Escaped Slave
Your land was conquered by Caesar, and you along with the rest of your tribe were enslaved by the Legion. However, you were able to escape and fled across the Colorado River.

+ Start with the Travel Light Perk
- Shunned by Caesar’s Legion

When your tribe was conquered and enslaved by the Legion, you did what few in Arizona dared to think possible. You stood in defiance of Caesar and led a slave revolt. Although you and your comrades fought bravely, the revolt was violently put down, and you were forced to retreat across the Colorado River.

+ Start with Fight the Power perk
- Hated by Caesar’s Legion

Desert Ranger
When the Ranger Unification Treaty was signed back in ‘71, not every Desert Ranger opted to join the NCR. You are one of those few that rejected the treaty. Now you wander the Mojave alone, trying to remember what it means to be a Desert Ranger.

+ Start with the Cowboy perk

Follower of the Apocalypse
A recent graduate from the Boneyard Library, you have arrived in the Mojave on your first assignment as a Follower of the Apocalypse. The dire poverty prevelent in Freeside is more than you could have imagined, but you are here to help and eager to do your part.

+ Start with the Educated Perk
+ Accepted by the Followers

==New in 1.2==

You don't remember who you are or where you came from, but maybe that's not relevant information anyway.

In comparison to much of the American wasteland, plant life in the Mojave is thriving and remains unmutated from the nuclear fallout the once engulfed the country. As a botanist, your trip to the Mojave should prove beneficial for your research.

+ Can study plants rather than harvest them,
rewarding xp and boosting your Intelligence

Star Collector
You have spent your life hunting for Sunset Sarsaparilla star bottle caps and have so far managed to accumulate a sizeable collection. You are ruthless in your pursuit to unlock the Legend of the Star, robbing and murdering anyone just to have another star in your pocket.

+ Start with 15 star bottle caps
- Start with Very Evil Karma

Nuka Cola Addict
Some might call you an addict, but you prefer to call yourself Nuka Cola's biggest fan. In fact, your love of Nuka-Cola is what brought you to the Mojave as sought you out new flavors like Nula-Cola Quartz!

+ Start with the Nuka-Chemist Perk
+ Increased AP and Healing from Nuka-Cola Drinks
- You have an incurable Nuka-Cola Addiction (cannot be treated by Fixer or Doctors)

Vault Dweller
Born within the confines of a Vault, you spent the majority of your life oblivious to the world beyond your sheltered haven, protected from the radiation-scarred wasteland. Now, having stepped out of your Vault, you're striving to carve out an existence in the brutal reality above ground.

+ Increased Charisma and Intelligence when wearing Vault Suits
- Reduced Radiation Resistance

Child of Atom
You are a missionary with the Church of the Children of Atom and were sent west to spread the good news of Atom's Light. While your proselytization efforts may not have gone exactly as planned, you nevertheless remain firm in your faith.

+ Start with Rad Child perk
- Reduced Strength and Endurance when Rads fall below 50

Raised by Coyotes
When you were a small child, you fleed into a cave. Rather than eating you, the pack of coyotes raised alongside their pups. Although you feel at home in your den, it's obvious being raised by coyotes may have hindered your childhood development.

+ Allied with Coyotes
+ Visiting Coyotes Boosts your Max Health
- Reduced Base Intelligence and Charisma

Reilly's Ranger
You were sent West on a job. Now that the job is done, you figured you might as well stick around the Mojave some more and see if there is anymore work for you.

+ Start with the Grunt perk

Chinese Spy
You are a member of a Chinese spy cell that has been operating continuously in American territory since before the Great War. Even though contact with Beijing was lost long ago, the cell persists in its clandestine operations. Your superiors have now ordered you to travel to the Mojave for a top-secret mission.

+ Start with the Silent Running perk

You are a Hubologist, AHS level 5, and have traveled to the Mojave under special orders from the Church in San Franscico.

+ Start with Alien Blaster
+ Can craft Alien Cells
- 25 percent of caps made from trading are donated to the Church

You are a distinguished expert in ant biology, having undergone extensive training under one of the world's most renowned scientists of myrmecology. You are so facinated by ants that you don't seem to notice when they are trying to kill you.

+ Start with the Entomologist perk
+ Can study dead ants
(rewards XP and boosts Intelligence)
- Ants are twice as likely to score a critical hit against you

Lone Wolf Radio DJ
You're not sure what you love more, listening to music or turning radio dials. Perhaps it's the latter because whenever you see a ham radio, you feel compelled to turn it on. Most people may consider you a bit odd, but who needs them? You've got your cozy little trailer, good music, and plenty of radio dials to turn on and off all day long.

+ Start with the Lone Wolf Radio trailer as a home
+ Deal increased damage when listening to your pipboy radio
- Addicted to turning the dials of radios
and hamradios (cannot be cured)

Yuma Flats Energy Technician
You are a rare expert in the manufacture and maintenance of energy weaponry, having studied the fabled manuals and processes of the ancient Yuma Flats Energy Consortium. Your operational knowledge of energy weapons would put the Brotherhood of Steel to shame, and everywhere you go, you find your expertise commands a high value.

+ Start with the Vigilant Recycler perk
+ Energy Weapons degrade at a reduced rate
- Non-Energy Weapons degrade at an increased rate

Gun Runner
You're a contractor with the Gun Runners and work shift at thier headquarters in Vegas. It's a good gig where you can spend your days reloading and cleaning guns.

+ Start with the Hand Loader perk
+ Guns degrade at a reduced rate
- Non-Gun weapons degrade at an increased rate

You are a Regulator and have taken a solemn vow to bring evil to justice no matter where it hides. You joined an expedition to the Mojave after hearing tales of a "city of sin" located in the desert.

+ As long as you have positive karma
you can collect fingers from evil characters you kill
and turn them in for caps to the Regulator
at the 188 Trading Post

Contract Killer
You are an employee with Littlehorn & Associates and recently traveled to the Mojave to set up a new branch in Vegas.

+ As long as you have negative karma, you can collect ears from high ranking, important, or famous characters, and turn them in for caps to the Littlehorn Rep. at the Atomic Wrangler

Vault City Citizen
You are a citizen of Vault City, a shining bastion of science and civilization in the wasteland. You were sent to the Mojave to map out the vaults in the area. You're confident, perhaps overly so, in your superiority over the locals.

+ Start with all Vaults marked on your map
+ Start with the Sneering Imperialist perk
- Tribal and Raider enemies have an increased chance to land critical hits on you

Brahmin Baron
You're a wealthy Brahmin Baron, and you've ventured to Vegas in search of gambling and cheap thrills. As you step into Freeside, it's clear this is the kind of place where you need to guard your caps. Being wealthy has its perks, but you're well aware that a fat purse can draw unwanted attention.

+ Start the game with a lot caps
+ The more caps you have in your inventory, the greater the damage you deal.
- Conversely, the more caps you hold, the more damage you take.

==New in 1.4==
You are a raider. The scum of the wasteland.

You have no gang. You have no tribe. You have no friends.

- Hated by Every Faction
- Enemy of Every Faction
(Note this is probably really janky, but you should be able to at least finish the main quest)

== Compatibility ==
This mod should be compatible with most other mods except for those that edit character creation or the game’s start. This mod should be compatible with the Viva New Vegas™. Patches are available for YUP, The Living Desert, Vigor, and Jsawyer Ultimate Edition. Includes built in support for the Courier Stash distribution including in Lone Star and Leveled DLC Delay meaning there won't be duplicates.

This mod is not compatible with Better Character Creation. You will get a warning message if you have it installed. If you liked the option of having Wild Wasteland be an option instead of a trait, AltStart has stolen  copied that idea from BCC.

This mod is not compatible with Tale of Two Wastelands (or TTW as it is more commonly known). My mod Mojave Tourist delays the start of the main quest for TTW if you are looking for something like that.

This mod does not affect the DLCs. Regardless of whether you've started the main quest or not, the DLC's endslides will continue to
reference the player as the "courier" and Ulysses will still address you as courier six. I strongly recommend installing Delay DLC Redux or Leveled DLC Delay (if you are using Lone Star).

Be sure to load this mod underneath YUP.

== Settings ==
This mod also includes a config file.

When you start the main quest, Benny takes all of your stuff. Your stuff is stored in a duffel bag in the Top's Presidential Suite
Inspired by the TTW mod "(Benny Humbles You) and Steals Your Stuff" by Sweet6Shooter


Companions are dismissed when you start the main quest

If you run into issues with the Background menu at the start, enable this to disable it and use a vanilla message box to select your background
