About this mod

I did it again.

Give your favourite firearm or blade a custom name; one fitting for a dominator of the wastes.

A lightweight redux of the original 'Name Your Weapon' by Hats.

Permissions and credits
Welcome I give to thee, mighty warrior.

Based off the fabulous mod by Hats; the original 'Name Your Weapon', I present to you:


This mod enables you to utilise a new aid item, a weapon naming kit, to give your melee or ranged weapon (not throwables) a literal custom name that sticks to that particular model permanently. You can drop it, the name will still be there. Reload the game, the name will still be there. It becomes a new unique item, just for you and your companions. Simply equip the weapon and then use the naming kit to begin.

Nothing on the weapon except for the name is changed.

Should you grow tired of the name, you can craft a defacement token, which will enable to reverse the process and turn it back to the original firearm name.

That's literally it!


This mod requires:


Already unique weapons are excluded from the list of modifiable weapons. You can't change what's already unique.

Furthermore, mod weapons (such as from other mods) or weapons from FO3 (in the case of TTW) are not in the list of modifiable weapons. Patches can potentially be created.

For further information, please see the original mod for all the details, it's all there.
