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A collection of new perks and traits as well as my personal tweaks to some vanilla ones.

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This mod contains a handful of new perks I added as well as my personal collection of tweaks to some of the game's existing underwhelming perks.

When it comes to vanilla perks--some have simply been renamed, some have had their descriptions rewritten, some have had their requirements altered to be more or less exclusive, some have been converted into Traits, some have been rebalanced slightly, some have had their effects changed to scale with the player based on their score in a particular stat or skill, some have received bonus effects and a few have been completely overhauled. Perks which have already been adequately fixed by mods such as Yukichigai Unofficial Patch, Unofficial Patch NVSE Plus or JSawyer Ultimate as well as V.A.T.S. perks which have been adequately improved by mods such as Just Mods Assorted and Bullet Time Improved were not included unless I made a new change to them.

When it comes to the new perks--many were just something I thought would be fun and fill in a gap left by the game's existing options. Some are just traits from classic Fallout or ported perk ideas from Fallout 4. Some new Traits are the logical opposite of existing traits in the game. Others are a couple of perks included to help provide support for other weapon types after the consolidation of perks like Rapid Reload, Run n' Gun and Quick Draw.

Feel free to use the ones you like and ignore the ones you don't.

For compatibility, make sure this plugin loads below the aforementioned mods.

Here is the list of perks that I edited and the list of changes made:


  • Action Boy/Action Girl: 1 rank.
Your total Action Points are increased by 30.
*I don't think 30 AP is worth 2 perk points when that's less than 1 attack for many weapons in V.A.T.S.

  • Adamantium Skeleton: Renamed to Bad to the Bone.

  • Ain't Like That Now:
Maybe you were bad once, but you ain't like that now. Your Karma has been reset to 0. In combat, your attack speed is increased by 20%, you regenerate AP 25% faster and you gain an additional 30 Action Points. (Requires Evil Karma)

  • Animal Friend: 2 ranks.
At the first rank of this perk, animals won't attack and will actually come to your aid in combat unless it's against another animal. At the second rank, crouching down to activate a wild animal that you've pacified will allow you to tame it to follow and fight for you.

  • Better Criticals:
You gain a 10% damage bonus for every 20 points of skill with your equipped weapon whenever a critical hit is scored on an opponent.
*Instead of automatically getting +50% critical damage with every weapon regardless of your skills, now your critical damage with the different weapon types improves with your skills.

  • Black Widow: Trait.
You know how to be charming and attractive to get what you want, allowing you to catch compatible members of the opposite sex off guard but those sporting the same undercarriage know you're trouble. In combat, male opponents suffer +10% damage from you, but you do -15% damage against female opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex.
*Since this perk doesn't have a Charisma requirement, it provides an option for character builds that might not have access to high Speech in order to progress in dialogue. Female enemies are also more rare than male enemies in vanilla so, like JSawyer, the damage bonus/penalty is higher to make it more balanced with the damage bonus/penalty against male enemies triggering more often.

  • Bloody Mess: Trait.
You always seem to see the worst way a person can die. Characters and creatures you kill explode, melt or disintegrate into a red, gut-ridden, eyeball-strewn paste. Fun! You start with Evil Karma, however, as folks know you're a bad seed.
*I find this more fun as a trait like it was in the classics than having to spend a perk point. Having your Karma set to Evil isn't a penalty to anything except maybe roleplay but it seemed like a fitting downside. Note that this includes the feature from my Consistent Bloody Mess mod so that enemies you kill with energy weapons and explosives will disintegrate, melt or explode on death too.

  • Built to Destroy:
The flamethrower that burns twice as bright burns half as long. All weapons have +5% Critical Chance but your equipment degrades 50% faster.
*As a Trait, I feel this offers a more dramatic tradeoff between a powerful bonus and noticeable drawback.

  • Burden To Bear:
The wastelander with the best gear wins! (... or at least survives). Medium and heavy armor no longer impair movement speed.
*As I understand it, this was actually the original intent for this perk based on an idea for a perk in a Fallout fan contest. It's more interesting than another version of Strong Back in any case and gives Medium and Heavy armor characters another perk to consider instead of Light armor hogging all the perks.

  • Cannibal: Requires Very Evil Karma AND 5+ Endurance. The amount of Healing and Hunger gained from eating human flesh now scales with the Survival skill as well.

  • Center of Mass: Requires 50+ Guns OR 50+ Energy Weapons.
You don't fool around with fancy trick shots. Straight to the midsection and down they go. In V.A.T.S., your chance to hit an opponent's torso is significantly increased and you do an additional 15% damage with ranged attacks targeting the torso.
*Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be a vanilla way to make this perk do extra limb damage outside of V.A.T.S. too but this makes it a little more interesting like Hobbler.

  • Certified Tech: Requires 90+ Science AND 60+ Repair AND 6+ Intelligence.
Your knowledge of robotic components allows you to break them down more easily. Your critical hit chance against robots is increased by 25% and you'll also be able to salvage more components from destroyed robots. Even better, activating a robot that you've previously shut down will allow you to reprogram it to follow and fight for you.

  • Chem Resistant: Trait.
You can quit any time you want! You're half as likely to develop an addiction when using chems like Psycho or Jet but their effects only last half as long.
*This makes more sense as a trait to me like it was in the classics than a perk. JIP LN NVSE version 56.76+ fixes the engine bug with the Modify Positive Chem Duration entry point so it actually only affects chems like it did in Fallout 3 instead of all ingestibles.

  • Chemist: Requires 60+ Medicine OR 60+ Science.
You know how to mix and use chems to make their effects last twice as long.

  • Cherchez La Femme: Trait.
You know how to be charming and attractive to get what you want, allowing you to catch compatible members of the same sex off guard, but those sporting a different undercarriage know you're trouble. In combat, female opponents suffer +15% damage from you, but you do -10% damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue option when dealing with the same sex.

  • Commando: Renamed to Sharpshooter. Requires 45+ Guns OR 45+ Energy Weapons AND 6+ Perception.
You're a crack shot! While using long guns, you ready the weapon 50% faster and reload 25% faster than normal. Additionally, you have reduced spread while moving and your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is improved by 25%.

  • Computer Whiz: Requires 8+ Intelligence AND 25+ Science.
As a Computer Whiz, your Science skill is increased by 50 points for the purpose of unlocking computer terminals and you can attempt to re-hack any computer you were previously locked out of.
*The way this works is by temporarily raising your Science skill by 50 points whenever your interaction reticle is placed over a terminal, thus allowing you to unlock it. Unfortunately, the Hacking Science Bonus entry point in the editor doesn't actually do that. The intent is to provide characters a way to bypass terminals who would otherwise have no reason to invest in the Science skill.

  • Concentrated Fire: Requires 60+ Guns OR 60+ Energy Weapons.
Your chance to hit any body part in V.A.T.S. increases slightly with each subsequent hit on that limb. Outside of V.A.T.S., all automatic weapons deal increased damage and have reduced spread.
*Automatic weapons seemed like a weapon type that doesn't get enough perks in the base game.

  • Confirmed Bachelor:
You know how to be charming and attractive to get what you want, allowing you to catch compatible members of the same sex off guard, but those sporting a different undercarriage know you're trouble. In combat, male opponents suffer +10% damage from you, but you do -15% damage against female opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the same sex.

  • Cowboy/Cowgirl: Requires 50+ Guns AND 30+ Melee Weapons AND 25+ Explosives.
You do 20% more damage when using any revolver, lever-action firearm, dynamite, knife, or hatchet and cowboy hats grant +5% critical hit chance.
*The cowboy hats which grant increased critical hit chance are in a formlist.

  • Entomologist: Requires 45+ Survival AND 40+ Science.
With the Entomologist perk, you gain +25 Poison Resistance and +50% damage against mutated insects like the Radroach, Giant Mantis, or Radscorpion and can see their Health and Damage Threshold.

  • Explorer:
You've acquired a prized map of the Mojave drawn by a well-traveled wasteland cartographer. Every point of interest is now revealed on your map and discovering new locations grants double the amount of experience, so get out there and explore!

  • Fast Metabolism: Trait.
You regain more Health from all medicine but have reduced Poison and Radiation Resistance. In Hardcore Mode, your Hunger, Thirst and Fatigue also increase 20% faster.
*Note that this applies to all medicine like Arcade's companion perk, not just Stimpaks anymore.

  • Friend of the Night: Renamed to Night Vision.
You are a true friend of the night. Your eyes adapt quickly to low-light conditions indoors and outdoors when darkness falls across the wasteland. In V.A.T.S., your accuracy is increased by 25% at night.

  • Ghastly Scavenger: Requires Cannibal AND 8+ Endurance.

  • Grim Reaper's Sprint:
Each target you kill immediately restores 40 Action Points, allowing you to chain kills using V.A.T.S.

  • Grunt: Renamed to Commando. Requires 50+ Guns, 30+ Explosives AND 25+ Melee Weapons.
You're an army of one! You do 20% more damage with 9mm and .45 Auto Pistols and SMGs, Frag Grenades, Service Rifles, Assault and Marksman Carbines, Light Machine Guns, Grenade Launchers and Rifles, and Combat Knives.

  • Gunslinger: Requires 45+ Guns OR 45+ Energy Weapons AND 6+ Agility.
The fastest gun in the Wastes! While using handguns, you draw 50% faster and reload 25% faster than normal. Additionally, you have reduced spread while moving and your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is improved by 25%.

  • Hand Loader: Requires 70+ Repair AND 70+ Guns.

  • Heave, Ho!: Requires 30+ Explosives OR 30+ Melee Weapons AND 5+ Strength.
Quite an arm you've got there. You ready all throwable weapons twice as fast and throw them farther and faster too! Additionally, your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is improved by 25%.

  • Heavy Handed:
You swing harder not better. Your attacks are brutal but lack finesse. You do 20% more damage with Unarmed and Melee Weapons but your critical hits with them do 60% less damage.

  • Heavyweight: Unplayable. The effect has been merged into Weapon Handling.

  • Hit The Deck:
Your extensive familiarity with Explosives allows you to mitigate a portion of their damage. You only take half as much damage when caught in the radius of your own explosives and gain +25 Damage Threshold against those of the enemy.

  • Hobbler: Requires 7+ Perception AND 70+ Guns OR 70+ Energy Weapons.
In V.A.T.S., your chance to hit an opponent's legs is significantly increased and you do 15% extra damage with ranged attacks targeting the legs.

  • Hunter: Requires 45+ Survival.
With the first rank of the Hunter perk, you inflict +75% Critical Damage against Animals and Mutated Animals as well as gaining the ability to see their Health and Damage Threshold. With the second rank, these benefits apply to Abominations.

  • In Shining Armor:
Beams reflect off the mirror-like finish of your gleaming armor! You gain +25 Energy Resistance while wearing any metal armor and an additional +5 while wearing reflective eyewear. Wearing both gives you a +2 bonus to Charisma because you just look so damn cool.

  • Jury Rigging: Renamed to Jury-Rigging. Requires 100+ Repair.

  • Just Lucky I'm Alive:
You've had a lot of close calls but managed to survive them all. You are immune to critical hits and your movement speed is increased by 15%. Additionally, whenever your Health falls to 25% or below in combat, your critical hit chance and critical damage are both raised by 50%. (Requires Neutral Karma)

  • Kamikaze:
You have +10% Attack Speed and +15 Action Points but your reckless nature causes you to lose -5 Damage Threshold and -15% Damage Resistance.
*Now the trait does something outside of V.A.T.S. too. The 15% penalty to DR is from vanilla but not mentioned in the perk description.

  • Lady Killer: Trait.
You know how to be charming and attractive to get what you want, allowing you to catch compatible members of the opposite sex off guard, but those sporting the same undercarriage know you're trouble. In combat, female opponents suffer +15% damage from you, but you do -10% damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the opposite sex.

  • Life Giver: Requires 6+ Endurance AND Good OR Very Good Karma.
You gain an additional 10 Hit Points for every 100 points of Good Karma you have.
*Always found it weird that the perk uses the Vault Boy Jesus icon but doesn't do anything with that. I realize this means Evil characters can't raise their HP with this perk but, hey, at least Karma has a tangible effect now.

  • Light Step: Requires Level 12+ AND 6+ Perception AND 6+ Agility.
With the Light Step perk, you'll never set off an enemy's mines or floor traps as long as you're sneaking.
*I don't think it's balanced to completely remove the challenge of traps (especially in Dead Money) with a single perk for slightly above average Agility. This is my compromise so that you gain the immunity but, since you have to be sneaking, you still have to worry about traps when you're just trying to run.

  • Light Touch:
Heavy armor just isn't your thing, so you've learned to customize light armor for maximum benefit. While wearing light armor, your movement and attack speed are increased by 5% while your enemies suffer -25% Critical Hit Chance.
*I think these effects are a little more interesting and thematic than just another perk that increases crit chance.

  • Living Anatomy: Requires 60+ Medicine.
Living Anatomy allows you to see the Health and Damage Threshold of all Humans and Ghouls as well as granting 5% bonus damage against them.
In vanilla, the damage bonus only applies to Ghoul NPCs and not Feral Ghoul creatures. My version fixes that so it applies to both like it should've.

  • Meltdown:
Meltdown causes foes killed by your plasma weapons to emit a corona of harmful energy, potentially causing an explosive chain reaction.
*Note this will only trigger from plasma Energy Weapons now.

  • Nerd Rage!: Renamed to Adrenaline Rush. Requires < 10 Strength AND 5+ Endurance.
Whenever your Health drops to 25% or below, your Strength is raised to 10 and you gain +15 Damage Threshold and +25 Damage Resistance.
*I never end up taking this perk because either I'm not playing a character with enough Science/Intelligence or my brainy scientist character wouldn't gain much benefit from this perk, even in combat. There was a perk called Adrenaline Rush in classic Fallout which the Nerd Rage! perk icon was based off of, so I went with that to make this perk a little more generic and accessible to more character types.

  • Night Person: Trait.
Hey night owls! Enjoy a +2 to each of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes from 6 pm to 12 am, but suffer a -1 from 6 am to 6 pm when you're not at your best.
*It always seemed like a missed opportunity that this wasn't a trait with the opposite effects of Early Bird.

  • Ninja: Requires 80+ Sneak AND 80+ Melee Weapons OR 80+ Unarmed.
The Ninja perk grants you the power of the fabled shadow warriors. When attacking with either Unarmed or Melee Weapons, you gain +15% critical damage on every strike and Sneak Attack Criticals do 30% more damage.

  • Plasma Spaz: Requires 70+ Energy Weapons AND 5+ Agility.
You're just so excited about plasma that you can't (magnetically) contain yourself! The speed and range of all plasma projectiles (including Plasma Grenades) is increased by 20%. When using plasma weapons, AP costs are reduced by 20% in V.A.T.S. and you attack 20% faster.

*I always thought this perk made plasma projectiles faster (as that's one of their main downsides compared to laser) but it only increases how fast you can fire them. Now it does both.

  • Psycho has been altered to only buff damage when specifically using melee or unarmed weapons instead of all weapons.

  • Purifier: Requires 55+ Melee Weapons OR 55+ Unarmed AND Good OR Very Good Karma.
As the self-proclaimed purifier of the wasteland, you do +50% damage with Melee and Unarmed weapons against Abominations like Centaurs, Nightstalkers, Spore Plants, Spore Carriers and Deathclaws as well as Super Mutants and Feral Ghouls. Just take care when slaying monsters, that you, yourself, do not become one. (Requires Good Karma)

  • Pyromaniac: Requires Level 12+.
With the Pyromaniac perk, you do an extra 25% damage against burning targets, gain +25% Fire Resistance and do +50% damage with incendiary weapons, like the Flamer and Shishkebab.
*Targets on fire now take increased damage from your weapons while on fire. Removed any specific skill requirement since there are incendiary weapons for every combat skill. No matter how you burn, burn bright. 

  • Quick Draw: Unplayable. The effect has been merged into other perks based on weapon specialization like Gunslinger, Marksman etc.

  • Rapid Reload: Unplayable. The effect has been merged into other perks based on weapon specialization like Gunslinger, Sharpshooter, Heave Ho! etc.

  • Robotics Expert:
With the Robotics Expert perk, you do an additional 25% damage to robots and gain the ability to see their Health and Damage Threshold. But, even better, sneaking up on a hostile robot undetected and activating it will put that robot into a permanent shutdown state.

  • Run 'n Gun: Unplayable. The effect has been merged into other perks based on weapon specialization like Gunslinger, Sharpshooter, Heave Ho! etc.

  • Skilled: Renamed to Not Your First Rodeo.
You're already skilled, so learning new things comes more slowly to you. You start with an additional 5 points in every skill, but suffer -25% to all experience gained.
*Still hard to turn down, but a little bit more balanced. More skill points to start with at the cost of an extended early game.

  • Slayer: Requires 7+ Agility AND 7+ Strength AND 90+ Melee Weapons OR 90+ Unarmed.
The slayer walks the earth! All your power attacks with Unarmed and Melee Weapons do double their regular damage.
*I found this to be a more fun and worthy inheritor of it's incredible power in the original Fallout. If this feels too unbalanced, I recommend the tweak that makes power attacks consume AP in StewieTweaks.

  • Small Frame: Requires 5- Strength.
Due to your small size, you move faster and you're less likely to be hit with a critical hit but your limbs are more easily crippled and your carry weight is reduced.

  • Sniper: Requires 8+ Perception AND 6+ Agility AND 75+ Sneak AND 90+ Guns OR 90+ Energy Weapons.
One shot, one kill! With the Sniper perk, your chance to hit an opponent's head in V.A.T.S. is raised by 25% and your Sneak Attack Criticals deal twice as much damage as they normally would with scoped rifles.
*The vanilla Sniper perk should be ashamed to bear the name of a perk that was so powerful in the original Fallout. Hopefully this makes up for it a little. Increasing the critical hit chance wouldn't matter much when you're already getting Sneak Attack Criticals (unless you disable them with StewieTweaks).

  • Strong Back:
You can carry 25 more pounds of equipment and your torso is 25% less likely to be crippled.

  • Super Slam: Requires 6+ Strength AND 50+ Unarmed OR 50+ Melee Weapons.
All one-handed Melee Weapons (except thrown) and Unarmed attacks now have a chance of knocking your opponents down. The chance is doubled for two-handed Melee Weapons.

  • Swift Learner: 1 rank. Requires 5+ Intelligence.
You gain an additional 10% to your total Experience whenever Experience Points are earned. For every point of Intelligence over 5, this Experience bonus is increased by an additional 5%.
*Thematically, I do like how Intelligence affects your experience gain in Fallout 4.

  • Tag!: Requires Level 2+.

  • Terrifying Presence: Requires Evil OR Very Evil Karma.

  • The Professional: Requires 70+ Sneak AND 50+ Guns OR 50+ Energy Weapons.
Up close and personal to the back of the head, that's how you like it. You gain +10% critical hit chance with Pistols, revolvers and submachine guns, both Guns and Energy Weapons. Additionally, Sneak Attack Criticals with silenced handguns and submachine guns inflict 20% bonus critical damage. 
*The Sneak Attack Critical damage bonus only works for silenced weapons thanks to JIP's expanded script conditions.

  • Thought You Died:
Your storied past has fallen from memory 'cause everyone thought you were dead. Your Karma is reset to 0 and you gain +25 Damage Resistance. Additionally, your Health is increased by 100 and regenerates slowly on its own (Requires Good Karma).

  • Travel Light:
As long as you limit yourself to carrying 75 lbs or less, you run 15% faster.
*I know that's not a lot of inventory but I wanted it to actually be a challenge to maintain in exchange for so much extra movement speed so I used the same value as Jed's carry weight limit when starting Honest Hearts.

  • Tribal Wisdom: Requires 70+ Survival AND 45+ Melee Weapons OR 45+ Unarmed.
You've gone native! Tribal weapons do 20% more damage and your limbs take 50% less damage from Animals, Mutated Animals, and Mutated Insects. You also gain +25% Poison Resistance and the ability to eat Mutated Insects when Sneaking.
*Added a damage bonus like Cowboy to reward roleplaying.
*If you want to add other weapons to it, the formlist is PerkTribalWeapons [##001FE9].

  • Vigilant Recycler: Requires 70+ Science AND 70+ Energy Weapons.

  • Weapon Handling:
Have you been working out? All weapon Strength requirements are lowered by 2 and any weapons heavier than 10 lbs. now weigh half as much for you.
*This combines the effects of Weapon Handling and Heavyweight together, as I felt that, on their own, the two perks were fairly lackluster and I wanted to use the name "heavyweight" for something else.

Here are the new perks I added and their effects. All of the traits have been added to the NVDLC03SinkAutodocScript so they can be removed in the Big MT.


  • Agoraphobia: Trait.
You have a fear of going outside (probably because of the mutants out there). You gain +1 to S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attributes when inside, but suffer -1 when outdoors.

  • Minimalist: Trait.
You gain +1 to all attributes as long as you're carrying less than 75 lbs but suffer a -15 to your carrying capacity.

  • Big Gunner: Requires Level 8+, 45+ Guns OR 45+ Explosives OR 45+ Big Guns AND 7+ Strength.
Size does matter! When using heavy weapons like Miniguns or Missile Launchers, you ready the weapon 50% faster and reload 25% faster than normal. Additionally, you have reduced spread while moving and your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is improved by 25%.

  • Born Bad: Trait.
Maybe you were just Born Bad, more prone to solving your problems with violence than with your mind. You gain +5 to Energy Weapons, Explosives, Guns, Melee Weapons and Unarmed but have -5 to Barter, Medicine, Repair, Science and Speech.

  • Built to Endure: Trait.
The flamethrower that burns half as bright burns twice as long. Your equipment degrades 50% slower but all weapons have -5% Critical Chance.

  • Breacher: Requires Level 10+, 50+ Melee Weapons AND 6+ Strength.
As long as you have a suitable weapon equipped, the difficulty of locks that you can attempt to force is increased for every 25 points of Melee Weapons skill and, for each point of Strength over 5, your chance to break a lock when forcing it is substantially reduced.
*This is intended as a roleplaying alternative to lockpicking for some characters. I recommend making sure the setting in lStewieAl's Tweaks bPreventUseLockWithNoBobbyPins = 0 so that you can enter the lockpicking menu to try and force the lock without needing to carry lockpicks.
*If you want to add other weapons to  it, the formlist is PerkBreacherWeapons [##00381F].

  • Chem Reliant:  Trait.
No one parties as hard as you! You recover faster from the negative side effects of chems like Psycho and Jet but have a higher chance to become addicted.

  • Electromaniac: Requires Level 12+.
The higher the voltage, the better! With the Electromaniac perk, you do +50% damage with electrical weapons like Pulse Grenades and Tesla Cannons and gain +25 Electric Resistance.
*If you want to add other weapons to it, the formlist is PerkElectromaniacWeapons [##00262E].

  • Gifted: Trait.
You're naturally gifted with more innate ability than most so you rarely need to rely on your skills. Every S.P.E.C.I.A.L. attribute is raised by 1, but you start with -5 in all skills and earn 2 less skill points per level.

  • Heavyweight: Trait. Requires 5+ Strength.
Due to your large size, you hit hard but a little slow. Your limbs are less likely to be crippled and your carry weight is increased.

*This is kind of like Bruiser from the classic Fallout games and is meant to contrast with Small Frame.

  • Hand To Hand: Requires Level 4+, 45+ Unarmed AND 5+ Strength AND 5+ Endurance.
You must've studied martial arts...or you're just good in a brawl. Either way, you hit harder and faster. When your fists are out, you're  lighter on your feet and all unarmed strikes cost 20% less AP in V.A.T.S. and do an additional 5 points of damage for every 25 points of Unarmed skill.

  • Jinxed: Trait. Requires 5- Luck.
The good thing is all your attacks are much more likely to be critical hits. The bad thing is so are those of your enemies!
*Just for fun. This overrides your critical chance so you never know when your attack or your enemies is going to be a critical, but someone's day is gonna be ruined.

  • Lone Wanderer: Requires Level 6+, 5- Charisma AND 50+ Survival.
Who needs friends anyway? When traveling without any companions, you take 15% less damage, your AP is increased by 20 and your carry weight is raised by 25.
*A good idea for a perk from Fallout 4. Provides a contrast to perks for companions like Ferocious Loyalty.

  • Mobster: Requires Level 8+, Guns 50+ AND Barter 50+.
Wearing a suit gives you +5 DT and you do 20% more damage when using .22 Pistols and SMGs, .44 Magnums, .45 Submachine Guns, 12.7mm Pistols and Sawed Off and Riot Shotguns.
*If you want to add other weapons to it, the formlist is PerkMobsterWeapons [##00172D].
*If you want to add other clothing to it, the formlist is PerkMobsterSuits [##00172E].

  • Nevada Chainsaw Massacre: Requires Level 12+, Melee Weapons 45+ AND the Cannibal perk.
Who will survive and what will be left of them? You do 20% more damage with automatic melee weapons like Chainsaws and Rippers and recover double the amount of Health and Hunger from cannibalized corpses.

  • Pacifist: Trait.
You're determined to prove that violence is never the answer. As long as you never take a life, you gain double the amount of experience for non-violent activities such as completing quests, passing skill checks, hacking computer terminals or picking locks. Killing earns no experience, however.

  • Wasteland Warrior: Requires Level 6+, 45+ Melee Weapons AND 5+ Strength AND 5+ Agility.
While everyone else was out shooting, you studied the blade. When using Melee Weapons, you draw your weapon twice as fast and blocking increases your Damage Threshold by 5. Additionally, you attack 5% faster for every 25 points of Melee Weapons skill.

As I mentioned in the description, some of these ideas came from numerous little perk mods I've seen over the years. That said, the following mods and authors were the most significant influences on some of the included features.

Sweet6Shooter for troubleshooting and balancing advice as well as for inspiration from their S6S Special Base Game Perks Redux
Cdr248 for inspiration from their Perk-Based Creature Loot
miguick for inspiration from their Anatomic Perks
JazzIsParis and LuthienAnarion for JIP LN NVSE
c6, carxt and lStewieAl for JohnnyGuitar NVSE
Demorome and AVeryUncreativeUsername for ShowOff NVSE and their help on the xNVSE discord.
ItsMeJesusHChrist for the fantastic modders resources from which I compiled icons for the new perks as well as their helpful tutorials.