About this mod

Replace your HUD elements with immersive gadgets. Breach or weld doors, hack terminals, measure radiation, find your bearing with a compass, check your conditions with Vault-tec medical scanner, and many other immersive gadgets!

Permissions and credits

This mod was made with 3 main points in mind:

1. Offer a better experience for no-hud users or for those who prefer immersive gameplay.

2. Provide you with an alternative approach to a situation with the help of new gadgets.

3. To complement my other mod Capital Scavenger TTW REDUX.

I always like those gadget items you use to progress in a way in RPG games. Stalker is a good example of this. You got your bolt for anomalies, you got your detector for artifacts, ETC. So, based on that idea, I took elements from the hud and made them into actual gadgets. For example, a real compass for the hud compass, The medical scanner for Pipboy status screen. There are also tools that let you approach situations in a different way. Is the enemy too tough? instead of a forced fight, you can put a door between you and the enemy weld the door, and bolt out of there. Accidentally draw the attention of a feral ghoul horde? Enclose yourself in a room, weld the door, and wait until they lose interest. Or use the heartbeat sensor(coming soon) to see where the enemies are and see how many are there to avoid the situation entirely.  Like in STALKER, you CAN'T fight with anomalies whether you are well geared or not. You have to avoid them, just like deathclaws at early levels. Now, you don't have to die when you are detected by a deathclaw if you utilize your right tool.


This section is for explaining the weapons and gadgets included in the mod. Video tutorials are also available.

Vault-Tec Medical Scanner (VTMS)

This gadget is for mainly no hud players. The design was inspired by old-school Fallout games. It has various stats you can find on Pipboy's status screen. The screen from top to bottom:

Top: Colored limb condition screen for injuries. Limb condition is divided into 3 colors for giving you an idea of how much your limbs are hurt. Green %100-%66, Yellow %65-%33, Red %32-%0.

Middle section: Hardcore survival elements; your thirstiness, hunger, and sleep deprivation. It tells you if you are suffering from one of those elements and if you have one it tells how much it advanced. For those who are new to the mechanic, if one of your 3 survival mechanics hit 200 or its multiples(400, 600, 800, etc.) you will suffer depending on your mechanic. Every 200 is shown as 1 level. Let's say if you have 400 thirstiness VTMS will show you that as level 2.

Bottom section: On the left is your HP percentage. It updates itself every %5 percent. In the mıddle is radiation sickness it works exactly like hardcore elements. And finally, on the right, we have addiction status, if you are suffering from any addiction it will tell you.

(Ver. 0.91) While holding VTMS press “B” to heal. Consumes a stimpak.
(Ver. 0.91) After installing the “System Regulator” holding the gadget while your HP is down below %50 will heal you up to %50 of your total health.

There is also a tutorial video:

Geiger Counter

The top screen shows how much radiation you have been absorbed. The bottom screen shows how much radiation is in the zone. Can be combined with a 9mm pistol at a workbench. See the tutorial video for more gun and gadget 

Classic & Vault-Tec Compass

Vault-tec compass. It tells you where you are facing in numerical values. Updates itself every 15 degrees. Can be combined with a 9mm pistol at a workbench.

(Ver. 0.94) The classic version of the compass has been added. Once crafted you can switch between classic and digital at the workbench without a cost. 

Hack Pistol

It is used for hacking terminals. If you are sick of that word guessing game this is a perfect tool for you. It uses special "Virus" cartridges that can be crafted at ammo reloading benches. Simply aim at the terminal you want to unlock and fire. The basic model only hacks up to the average difficulty. If you want to hack upper difficulty locks you can apply weapon mods for that. Those weapon mods can be crafted at workbenches. Each installed weapon mod let you increase your hack capability by 1. If you have 1 you can hack hard, if you have 2 mods installed you can hack very hard terminals. A pop-up HUD message and the built-in screen of the gun will tell you whether you were successful or not. It also has the capability of shutting down non-essential robotic beings.

Breaching Shotgun

The working principle is exactly the same as the hack pistol. Aim at the door you want to open and shoot. The base model only unlocks average locks. Each installed weapon mod increases breach capability by 1. Weapon mods and the gun itself can be crafted at a workbench.

Breaching Hammer

Same idea as breaching shotgun but with a twist. This is designed for melee characters to use. Door breach capability depends on how much strength your character has.  Here is the requirement chart:

Very hard - 10 STR
Hard - 8 STR
Average - 6 STR
Easy - 4 STR
Below 4 STR "Do you even lift?"

There is an alternative way if you are not STR build character: Weapon mods. Each installed weapon mod increases your capability by 1. There are 3 weapon mods that can be crafted for Breaching Hammer. Both the weapon and its mods can be crafted at a workbench. To simply it, here is the chart;

if any 1 of the 3 weapon mods is installed on the weapon, it can unlock: Average locks
if any 2 of the 3 weapon mods are installed on the weapon, it can unlock: Hard lock
if all weapon mods are installed on the weapon, it can unlock: Very hard locks


Now this thing, saved my life countless times during my testing. It actually lets you weld doors, making them unable to be unlocked by an enemy, impossible to pick. It uses flamer fuel to operate. (Keep in mind, it eats fuel like a beast.) To use it, first don't make my mistake close the door first or it won't work. After that aim at the door and start to weld! To unlock a door, while the gadget is equipped, aim at the door and press the predefined key "B". You can also melt lock of lock doors/containers with "B"!

Standard welder model:

An alternative model for the welder(With welder mask and the tank):

Tutorial video:

Vault-Tec Ranged Adrenaline Injector(VTRAI) (Ver. 0.91)

The gadget is used to heal an injured person. Simply, aim at them and fire the injector. Syringes are placed on top of the gun so you can check how many syringes are left to shoot. There are 2 types of "Shot". These are Adrenaline shot(Heal) and Detox shot(Cure poison). Both can be crafted at ammo reloading benches. The weapon itself is also craftable on any workbench.

(Ver. 0.93) The health bar screen was added due to help no-hud users to get feedback, also sometimes hud doesn't update itself instantly for some reason. This is a workaround for that. The screen will show the target's health with each bar equal to %20 hp of the target’s total health.

Glow Stick

This is an immersive alternative to the Pipboy light. It has more range than a standard light. Can be activated by pressing the predefined key "B". Can be combined with a 9mm pistol on a workbench.

(Ver. 0.91) After installing “Voltage Adjuster” every time pressing “B” will increase the light volume.

Glow Stick (Throwable) (Ver. 0.91)

Simple throwable glows stick. Throw it like a grenade to illuminate the area. Can be picked up. Best used in dark areas. Can be crafted at workbenches.

Repairing Wrench

Pretty self-explanatory. Unlike the standard method, it allows you to repair your armor with scrap metal. To use it, simply drop your armor on the ground or grab it after and hit it with the wrench. Each hit restores the condition by 100 points and consumes 1 scrap metal. Be mindful tho it doesn't stop consuming scrap metals at full health.

(Ver. 0.93) A weapon mod called “Spare parts” has been added for Repair Wrench which will double its efficiency.

Torch (Ver. 0.92)

Time to relive the Skyrimimmersion. Simple torch to light around your surroundings. Can be used as a melee weapon. May set people on fire. Act as a light source when combined with a 9mm Pistol. Each time lighting the torch will cost 1 flamer fuel. To light simply unholster the torch. If you don’t have any fuel, it won’t light up.

(Ver. 0.93) With 50 survival skills, Torch does not need fuel to light anymore.

Here is a tutorial video:

Lantern (Ver. 0.92)

Simple Lantern. Lights your surroundings. Press "B" while equipping the lantern to adjust the light volume. Can be crafted at any workbench.

Heartbeat Sensor (Ver. 0.93)

Based on the CoD series. It is here to replace your red marks on the compass with an immersive way. It detects bio-organisms in 1050gameunit/15meters/50ft diameter every 3 seconds and shows it on screen their location relative to yours. The range can be increased to 2100gameunit/30meters/100ft. Also, the life sign counter weapon mod shows you how many individuals are in the detection area. Can be combined with 9mm AND assault carbine. I highly recommend that you watch the tutorial video for how mechanics works.

Lighter (Ver. 0.93)

The basic light source, easy to craft, doesn’t require any fuel but the light is limited. Perfect for horror mod scenarios. Can be combined with 9mm at any workbench.

Water Purifier (Ver. 0.95)

This gadget lets you purify the water you collected from water sources using RadAway. It is very easy to use. Stand in a water source start the gadget (Fire button), and wait in the water source until the bar is filled. Then let the gadget do its work. The whole process is autonomous. Craftable at Workbench/tools. The demonstration is also available here:

Fishing Pole (Ver. 0.95)

Let's you catch fish through an easy mini-game. Stand in a water source press (Fire Button) and wait for the right moment. When the right time comes you will be notified through the top left message and also movement on the crank. You should press right mouse button to catch fish. When done right, you will be notified. What you catch is also randomized. You can cook those fishes at a campfire depending on your survival skill for enhanced effects. Craftable at Workbench/tools. I highly recommend you watch the video here to get a better grip on the matter.

Robco Smoke Screen Counter Measure (RSSCM) (Ver. 0.96)

Have you ever wanted to be a ninja now that is your chance! Ultimate combat evasion tool. Deploys smoke bombs and makes you invisible for 20 seconds. Crouch/Sneak before use to maximize the effect. This is basically glorified stealth boy. Shooting at the air may bugs the gun so try to aim at to the ground when possible. This weapon does not guarantee safety. Plan ahead for the best survivability chance. Depending on your situation/skill/perks, popping this when at point-blank range with the enemy may not be effective. Putting some distance between you and whatever trying to kill you before popping smoke has the best results. The weapon can be crafted on workbenches, and smoke canisters (ammunition) can be crafted reload benches.

Smoke Bombs (Thrown & Impact) (Ver. 0.96)

Classic smoke bomb. There are 2 versions. Thrown version act as a standard grenade. Pull the pin and throw at the enemy to massively reduce their agility and perception for 15 seconds. If you are close enough to smoke you will get damage threshold buff. The impact version works exactly the same except it immediately explodes after pulling the pin. Designed for emergency situations or enemy is really close. Kind of an inferior version to RSSCM. Can be crafted at workbenches.

Chinese Stealth Armor w/ Dead Space Style HUD (ChineseStealth Armor (RX)) (Ver. 0.96)

Basically VTMS, Geiger counter, and Chinese stealth armor combined into one. Also has a detection meter. You can check your health, hardcore needs, bearing, radiation sickness, accumulated rad, radiation in the zone, addiction, and detection level. Check the picture below for reference. Can be crafted at workbenches with alternative crafting methods.


When you start the game, essential tools will be provided to you. Those are Vault-tec Medical Scanner, Compass, and Geiger Counter. You can find those items stored in the chest in Doc Mitchell's house. Check the picture below for the location.

There is TTW patch. If you are TTW user, you can find the cache right outside the vault gate.

The rest of the weapons can be crafted at any workbench under the weapons sub-menu.

The weapon mods can be crafted at any workbench under misc. sub-menu.

The virus cartridge that is used by Hack Pistol can be crafted at ammo reloading benches.

Weapons and gadgets can be combined and separated at any workbenches.


4 Main DLC and Gun Runner's Arsenal
JIP Nvse Plugin
Jonny Guitar Nvse
ShowOff Nvse Plugin
kNvse (for Gadget & Gun combo)
Akimbo 9mm Pistol (for Gadget & Gun combo)


kNVSE Patch is OPTIONAL. Here is the list of required animation mods for the guns/gadgets. Each gun/gadget has its own JSON file. 

Breaching Shotgun -  Hit Hunting Shotgun Animations
Breaching Hammer - Sigma Sledgehammer Animations
Hack Pistol - Hit Plasma Defender Animations
Vault-Tec Ranged Adrenaline Injector - Hit Plasma Defender Animations
Repair Wrench - Hit Combat Knife
Assault Carbine w/ Heartbeat Sensor - Hit Assault Carbine
RobCo Smoke Screen Counter Measure - Hit Plasma Defender Animations


When loading the game with any akimbo (Gadget & Gun) in hand, animations may not be applied. Simply unequip and re-equip will solve this.

When the game is loaded with one of the gadgets in hand, the gadget may not work. This is due to the nature of my script. If you spot something like that, just unequip and re-equip the gadget.

Using IS Controller to modify some of the gadgets' sight may cause a crash.

Due to the engine's ridiculous nature, sometimes info screens show old info when switched from 1st person to 3rd or vice versa. Stick to the one perspective when checking info may help.


The Gun & gadget idea is based on Januusz's brilliant mod Akimbo 9mm Pistol animations.
Rest made by me.