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About this mod

Tired of rifling through junk-filled containers? Loot Assist adds balanced and customisable auto-looting, item and recipe tags, shared crafting inventory with companions, and automatic crafting storage.

Permissions and credits
Loot Assist
Dead Money
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
JohnnyGuitar NVSE


I've more time in New Vegas than I care to admit, and the looting system is starting to drag. Not to mention its the same chore as in every other Bethesda game, except it's more so a chore in Fallout games since there's a superfluity of junk containers that also have a small chance to contain actually valuable cigarette packs.

Loot Assist is a collection of features to help with looting, crafting, and cutting down on inventory clutter.


Auto-Loot reduces the tedious work of sifting through containers and menus by using intelligent algorithms to do the work for you. The feature supports containers, dead actors, and items placed in the game world. By pressing the customisable key (C by default) when looking at an object, the object will be added to the Auto-Loot selection and highlighted. By holding the Auto-Loot key for a short period, the Auto-Loot selection will expand to chain all nearby visible objects. Releasing the Auto-Loot key will execute a set of algorithms that automatically loot any useful items within the selection. It's kind of like Borderland's ammo collection feature, but more powerful. See the video for an example.

You can only loot one type of object at a time, so either containers, actors, or placed items. That means that you can't chain containers and placed items into the same selection.

When using Auto-Loot, objects will be highlighted in different colours (sorry colourblinds).
  • Yellow - Object successfully added to selection.
  • Red (containers and placed items) - Object cannot be added to selection, as it is either locked or has a different owner to the rest of the selection.
  • Blue (containers and placed items) - Object is considered a residual, which means it contains (or is) either ammo, weapons, or apparel that you might want to manually loot yourself. This is because the algorithm cannot tell, for example, if you would want to pick up a new weapon, piece of armour, or ammo that you don't currently need.

The Auto-Loot algorithms are quite long, but I'll try to summarise them below.


  • Explosives like grenades and mines are always taken.
  • Any other items marked as residuals.
  • (Auto-repair for carried items may be introduced in a future update.)

  • All items marked as residuals.
  • (Auto-repair for carried items may be introduced in a future update.)

  • Skill books are always taken.
  • Weightless items are always taken.
  • Items classed as stimpaks are always taken.
  • Items with a high value-to-weight ratio are taken in different (and customisable) stages depending on your current carry weight (see below).
  • Items that are the output of a crafting recipe are always taken, such as steaks and some medicines.
  • Parts from tagged crafting recipes are taken if the total weight of the item carried by you, your companions, and in crafting storage is less than a combined weight of 10 (customisable).
  • Manually tagged items are taken if the weight carried by you, companions, and crafting storage is less than the limit you define. This overrides the logic in the two points above.

  • Caps, Bobby Pins, faction currencies, caravan cards, casino chips, weapon mods, notes, quest items and keys are always taken.
  • Weightless items are always taken.
  • Items with a high value-to-weight ratio are taken in different (and customisable) stages depending on your current carry weight (see below).
  • Parts from tagged crafting recipes are taken if the total weight of the item carried by you, your companions, and in crafting storage is less than a combined weight of 10 (customisable).
  • Manually tagged items are taken if the weight carried by you, companions, and crafting storage is less than the limit you define. This overrides the logic in the point above.

  • If hardcore is disabled, all ammo is taken.
  • If hardcore is enabled, ammo for your carried weapons is taken, and ammo that is part of a tagged recipe.
  • Optionally (enabled by default), ammo can be taken if it has a high value-to-weight ratio. Generally, all ammo has a high value-to-weight ratio, so in practice this usually means all ammo is taken.
  • All other items are marked as residuals.

An item is only taken if you have enough free carry weight, and a message will notify you otherwise.

The variables for what is considered a high value-to-weight (V/W) ratio item are customisable in the INI. By default, the following items will be looted.
  • Tier 1 (lightly burdened) - Current encumbrance <75%, items with a V/W ratio of 10+ are taken (e.g. Sunset Sarsaparilla and Wonderglue).
  • Tier 2 (moderately burdened) - Current encumbrance between 75% and 90%, items with a V/W of 12+ are taken (e.g. Mantis Eggs and Pilot Lights).
  • Tier 3 (greatly burdened) - Current encumbrance >90%, items with a V/W of 20+ are looted (e.g. Carton of Cigarettes).

Auto-Loot can be completely disabled by removing the key allocation in the INI file.

Shared Crafting Inventory

Whenever you use a crafting menu, you will be able to use all materials contained in nearby containers, carried by your companions, and contained in crafting storage. This also applies for crafting using a companion, such as Veronica or Ed-E.

If you consume parts when crafting, they are first taken from your inventory, then crafting storage, companions, and finally any containers nearby in order of how close they are to you.

Recipe and Item Tagging

Pressing the T key (customisable) with a recipe highlighted in the crafting menu will add a tag (*) to the end of the recipe name and the name of any parts required to craft it. This allows you to tag all the recipes you're interested in crafting, and provides a reminder what parts you need to gather when looting. Tagged parts also integrate with the Auto-Loot system.

You cannot tag recipes that don't have AID, MISC, or AMMO items as parts, as having a tag on Cosmic Knives and Leather Armor would be stupid. Some items used in recipes are not considered 'parts', so won't receive a tag, as they themselves are the product of a crafting recipe. Caps and quest items also cannot be considered parts. Everything else is supported.

You can also manually tag any AID, MISC, or AMMO item (with a few logical exceptions) in your inventory by using the same customisable key. Manually tagged items are tagged with a different symbol (^), but also integrate with the Auto-Loot system and have a per-item customisable weight limit.

Crafting Storage

This mod introduces an automatic shared (and optional) crafting parts storage system, accessible from all crafting stations. This massively cuts down on inventory clutter, and is integrated with the Shared Crafting Inventory and Auto-Loot systems. Activating a crafting station will now allow you to automatically store all items considered parts (with the same criteria as described previously), or browse your parts collection.

Any items not considered parts will be removed from the crafting storage if you put them in manually. You also cannot use the Crafting Storage in Dead Money to reinforce the survival-horror aspects of the Sierra Madre.


This mod requires the following:

Standard installation procedure: add the file to your data folder and check in the game launcher or your mod manager of choice. Load wherever.

An INI file is included in the download that has full instructions for all of the options.


This mod can be safety uninstalled at any time and will have no permanent effects on your game. Just make sure that you remove items from your crafting storage beforehand, otherwise they will be lost. Delete the file and you're good to go.


Loot Assist will generally be compatible with most mods, as the scripting has been made so that it can adapt to changes. Mods that make very broad changes or additions to crafting recipes could potentially confuse the scripts that categorise recipe inputs and outputs, but this will be a very fringe case.

There's a mild side-effect when using Just Loot Menu and Auto-Loot, as the Loot Menu will not update to show that items have been removed by Auto-Loot. This isn't something I can fix on my end, and if you're using Auto-Loot most of the time the utility of Just Loot Menu is significantly decreased anyway.

My Mods

I spend a lot of time creating and supporting my mods, so any donations are gratefully received.