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About this mod

Every door is a mystery! Randomizes most of the doors in the game to result in a new and uniquely connected world.

Permissions and credits

When you start a game or load an unrandomized save with this mod active, you will be prompted to select which expansions/mods with doors you'd like to include in the randomization. Then, every door connection from the selection is randomized. This is done mutually so you shouldn't run into any one-way connections and the randomization will stick for the entirety of that save. You will be forced to explore a world where random Goodsprings settler's house could connect straight to The Strip, for instance! Or Caesar's tent, Vault 22, Big MT, any other random place with doors.


When you import or randomize you're also asked if you'd like to hide the door prompts or not. This changes every door prompt to ??? until you go through one side of it.

Whenever you first run the mod, "WorldRandomizer.ini" will be created along with a "RandomizedWorld.ini" in your data\config folder (Mod Organizer 2 users, this will be in your overwrite folder). "RandomizedWorld.ini" is the randomization your game has, printed out. The ini file has just a couple options, namely allowing you to:
  • Reroll your randomization if you so desire (bRerandomizeWorld=1)
  • Import a randomization from "RandomizedWorld.ini" (for say, sharing a certain randomization) (bImportRandomizerOnNextLoad=1)
  • Export your randomization again, mostly in the event you reroll (bExportRandomizer=1)

You are also given a "Problem Solver": This allows you to warp back to the last door you went through, just in case you softlock yourself. You can find it in the Aid section of your Pip-Boy. (If you prefer however, you can remove the item via console (player.removeitem WRProblemSolver 1))

AS OF 1.4.0, the ini file also includes an option to adjust how many doors the Problem Solver will 'remember'. The new default is 3. Teleporting to earlier doors will erase later ones in the Problem Solver. This option can also be set to -1 to disable it. (e.g. iProblemSolverDoors=3)

For information on what the other options mean, see the "Advanced Customization" section below.


  • There are a few things not randomized, namely elevators with multiple options such as the Lucky 38, Gomorrah, and Vault 22.
  • As of 1.4.0 nearly every cell SHOULD be guaranteed to be accessible in some way. Objective targeting is still probably wonky, so you may need to try and find your way without it in some cases.
  • The mod should be compatible with just about every other mod, including the ability to randomize other mods.
  • However, things that aren't the base game + DLC have 0 fixes currently. You may run into especially strange problems.
  • There are some included touches for the Yukichigai Unofficial Patch.
  • As of 1.4.0 there is handling for Uncut Extra Collection.
  • The final battle should work, however the objective targeting may be a little wacky. I've tried to clean this up, but let me know how it goes.
  • Speaking of which, let me know if you run into any doors that are wonky for one reason or another.

  • You will need xNVSE, the JIP LN NVSE plugin, and JohnnyGuitar NVSE. Also preferably a mod manager but that's up to you
  • You will most likely also need FNV 4GB Patcher.
  • If using a mod manager, I do strongly recommend Mod Organizer 2.
  • Otherwise, download this mod, unzip it, and drop WorldRandomizer.esp into your game's Data folder.
  • Exact mod order shouldn't matter, but this does change the objectives on the last main quests so you would want to put it after anything that messes with those.
  • Ennnnjoy!


  • NV Randomizer if you want to REALLY make it random
  • lStewieAl's Tweaks namely for the save manager option, juuuuust in case you run into something weird when going through a door (though the console's there to help too)


  • "WRLog.txt" is generated in your game install folder each time you start a game. It should contain information that may be helpful for debugging or reporting errors (such as the recent door IDs passed through).
  • If you want to export your game's randomization without reloading, you can type Call WRWriteaShuffleToFileUDF in the console.
  • If you want to reset all doors (at least until a shuffled save is loaded) you can type Call WRWorldResetUDF in the console.
  • As of 1.3.0 you can also re-randomize by typing into the console WRQuestStart.iRandomize = 1.


While World Randomizer at present does not exactly have a modding API, it does include some functionality for creating your own adjustments for other mods. The first part you can insert in the ini file, the second part would require editing the formlist via GECK or xEdit.

The ini file features two sections: IsolatedExteriors and IsolatedInteriors. These each refer to cases of doors that are isolated from each, despite sharing a worldspace/cell. For instance, the tops of the towers on Hoover Dam are only accessible by the hatch/ladder up there. On the other hand, some cells like Vault34c are split in half-- though two doors share the same cell, they can't actually reach each other. The mod already adds a number of default doors on its own, however you can also add fixes for other mods on your own. The formatting for this is as follows:
  • <ModFilenameIncludingExtension>:<DoorFormIDWithoutModIndexAndLeadingZeros>=<integer>. For instance, FalloutNV.esm:135A5B=1. This door key is also generated by using RefToString on a door.
  • Each integer should be unique, indicating a grouping. This grouping will essentially be treated as a cell of its own.
  • For IsolatedInteriors only, there is a shorthand for every door in a cell being separate: The formID of the cell=-1. For instance, FalloutNV.esm:138A9E=-1

For formlists, there are two formlists involved in filtering.
  • WRWhitelistedDoors contains doors, or base forms of doors, that should not be shuffled for whatever reason.
  • WRUnusableDoors contains doors, or base forms of doors, that aren't considered for the pathfinding functionality. Essentially, doors that are entirely unusable by players.


  • PointCrow's similar mod for Pokemon Emerald was the original source of inspiration when I saw it about a month ago!
  • The devs of NVSE, JIP LN NVSE, and JohnnyGuitar NVSE without which this would not be possible
  • Anro on the xNVSE discord helped me tidy things up some
  • To both my boyfriend and my best friend for listening to me talk through my development from time to time!
  • ineedsleep for discovering a problematic, conflicting imod and BronSolo2323 for making a patch prior to 1.2
  • CarminaMora for testing and helping solving a few bugs
  • frembbirb for helping me narrow down a few odd issues with other mods
  • And these doorhunters for finding problematic doors!