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About this mod

Reduce people to skeletons, Mars Attacks-style!

Permissions and credits
UPDATE: Version 4.0 is out! New effects, new unique critical effects, new flame particles, and more. Big thanks to your patience for me, and to all the folks on the Nexus forums and Discord for all their help.

I've spent a good chunk of time with this mod ironing out as many issues and problems as possible, but of course as I said before, feel free to drop any critiques, bugs, inconsistencies, conflicts, and other comments to me.


  • The base skeletonizing effects have been slightly reworked from how they looked before, and skeletons now emit an appropriately-colored vapor.
  • New Critical Effects! Enemies now get skeletonized but then disintegrate into piles of different-colored ash!
  • New fire particle effects! This wasn't something I had originally planned, but I changed the vanilla flame effect shader (Flames01) to a new version that matches the appearance of the flame effects for this mod. I think it looks pretty good but if anyone wants a version without it I can make that.


  • This mod should be compatible with most mods (even the beefier power armor models from Titans of the New West are skeletonized!), although I should note that it currently does not play too well with EVE. I know a lot of folks wanted me to eventually make a patch for it, and I fully intend to, I was just focusing more on getting this mod to look and work the way I intended it to.
  • The skeletonizing effects do not effect the player character. I don't know why; they just don't. If anyone can give me some scripting insight let me know
To update from older versions, simply replace the old one with the newest version.

This mod causes all (human) enemies killed via energy weapons- lasers, plasma, fire, electroshock, nukes- to be reduced to an appropriately-colored skeleton, freezing in place briefly before collapsing to the ground, Mars Attacks-style!

Realistic? No. Hilarious? Yes!

This mod changes none of the stats of any energy weapons, nor does it change the vanilla critical effects- enemies are still reduced to piles of ash/goo on a critical kill, with the exception of flamers and other fire-based weapons. The only thing that changes is when any human character (I.E. not feral ghouls, super mutants, abominations, etc.) is dealt a killing blow with an energy weapon, their body burns away in a spectacular flash of colored fire, leaving only a skeleton behind- as well as whatever weapon they're holding and some accessories such as hats and glasses. This effect is also dealt by weapons wielded by other NPCs, including embedded weapons like Mr. Gutsy's plasma gun and the flame breath of Fire Geckos/Fire Ants!

Effected weapons can still cripple limbs, but they will not dismember limbs upon death, even with the Bloody Mess perk active. This is mostly an aesthetic choice on my part, as otherwise those who get skeletonized will end up having one or two intact limbs floating alongside them, or in the case of Bloody Mess effects, are turned into a hovering cloud of bones and gore, which just looks weird. I've painstakingly tried to ensure the anti-dismemberment effects are constant, but it's not 100% perfect - some explosions can still result in seeing gibs and limbs during skeletonization.

Compatibility: the latest version of this mod changes the way that the scripts trigger different skeletonization effects: instead of detecting what weapon an NPC is killed by, it detects what projectile/explosion last hit them, thus any mod that changes the projectiles or explosions associated with energy weapons (as well as energy-based ammo for non-energy weapons, see lists below) will conflict, as well as any mods that add new energy weapons that use custom projectiles/explosions rather than reusing vanilla effect assets. So unfortunately this mod doesn't play well with EVE, or any other similar effect replacement mod (a patch for EVE is currently pending).

Requirements: The only requirements for this are the official DLCs as well as the following NVSE plugins:

JohnnyGuitar NVSE

ShowOff xNVSE


Permissions: Anyone is free to edit, dissect, vivisect, and otherwise dick around with this mod should they download it, but please ask permission before you post any modified versions should you make one, and of course send me a link of your finished mod; I'd love to see what other people do with this.

Note: If you see the "Skeletonizer Activated" notice appear but your weapons don't skeletonize, just un-equip and re-equip whatever you're wielding and it should work.

Red Skeletons

Enemies will be reduced to red skeletons when killed via lasers, which includes the following:

-Laser Pistol/Pew Pew
-Laser Rifle
-Laser RCW
-Gatling Laser
-Recharger Pistol/MF Hyperbreeder Alpha
-Recharger Rifle
-Tri-Beam Laser Rifle
-ED-E's laser
-Most enemy lasers, such as robots and turrets
-GRA Variants

Green Skeletons

Enemies will be reduced to green skeletons when killed via plasma weapons, which include the following:

-Plasma Pistol
-Plasma Defender
-Plasma Rifle/Q-35 Matter Modulator
-Multiplas Rifle
-Plasma Mines/Grenades
-Plasma Caster/The Smitty Special
-The Sprtel-Wood 9700*
-AER14 Prototype*
-GRA Variants

-Mr. Gutsy plasma guns
-25mm Plasma Grenade rounds for launchers (Grenade APW, Grenade Machinegun)
-40mm Plasma Grenade rounds for launchers (Grenade Launcher/Rifle, Mercy, Thump-Thump)

*These technically aren't plasma weapons, but they do have green beams, so...

Blue Skeletons

Enemies will be reduced to blue skeletons when killed via electroshock weapons, or weapons with blue beams, which include the following:

-Pulse Gun
-Pulse Grenades/Pulse Mines
-Alien Blaster
-Compliance Regulator
-LAER/Elijah's Advanced LAER
-Tesla Cannon/Tesla-Beaton Prototype/Elijah's Jury-rigged Tesla Cannon

-Arc Welder

Charred Skeletons

Enemies will be reduced to charred skeletons when killed via fire weapons, or if they die while still on fire from any source, which include the following:

-Flare Gun
-Flamer/Cleansing Flame
-Incinerator/Heavy Incinerator
-Fire Bomb
-Gas Bomb
-Incendiary Grenade
-Enemy flame weapons, such as Mr. Handys, Fire Ants, and Fire Geckos
-Incendiary rounds, including Dragon's Breath Shells, 40mm Grenades, .50MG rounds, and Rockets
-Afterburn from most sources, including the Shishkebab, Super-Heated Cosmic Knives, and ignited gas leaks

Visually they are the same as Charred Skeletons, but the effects are slightly different- aside from a bright green glow, nuked skeletons will stay upright for a few seconds longer before falling over. This is so the effect can be seen after the explosion has mostly settled.
The following weapons cause the "Nuked" effect:

-Euclid's C-Finder/ARCHIMEDES
-Fat Man/Esther
-Fat Mines
-Holy Frag Grenades
-Exploding Cars/Buses (somewhat unreliable)

Special Thanks

A big thanks to dubiousintent here on the Nexus, as well as the folks of the Nexus Discord server and the Lover's Lab forum for all their insight, critique, and patience. This mod would definitely not be possible without their help.