About this mod

This mod adds a huge amount of scripted abilities, with a focus on combat realism and world interaction... Including scripted combat effects, combat take-downs, animated ingestibles, parries, sneak-dodging, takedown counters, animated skills, and world object interaction.

Permissions and credits
This entire mod is implemented solely through scripts,  it will not mess up your saves, and will not cause any hard conflicts, although some mods may have scripts that interfere, or work over top of mine.  All features can be disabled through the config file.  I know there's a lot, but once you get the jist of the control scheme it's very easy to manage. This is a WIP, More to come.

If you use StewieAI's tweaks, make sure bAllowActivateWhileAnimPlays is set to 0, as it will interfere with the third person animated activate feature.

If you'd like to join my Discord Server, and keep posted on feature updates, ask questions, etc.. Eze P's Merry Band of Misfits

General Abilities

*default control binding is assumed in the moveset, game controls were used for inputs (not keys), so rebinding your game controls will affect mod controls

for example: changing the autorun control from Q to P will change the healing injestibles control to the new binding (in this case P)

Standalone Abilities

Healing Ingestibles : AutoRun (Q) (Hold) + MWheel up\down - release to choose an animated healing ingestible.  (Autorun function available by using the alternate control key)

Jam Animations : Reload (R) (Tap) - just a quick jam animation that'll play in either first or third. 
They'll only play when your magazine is full.

Visor Overlays : I added visor overlays to all the vanilla headgear, and the night vision goggles I added.  They're pretty straight forward, no cracked damage visuals, but they're still visible while you're using your Pip Boy, and don't disappear while you're scrolling through my ingestibles, like the others out there.

Freestanding power Armor :  Power Armor now stands on it's own when not equipped, this is completely optional, but once you stand an armor, that's the only way to interact with it (this is necessary for persistant upgrades).  Initiate this by pressing C+Activate while equipped with power armor.  you can harvest parts from it with C+W, repair it with C+S, Equip it with Activate, or quickly unequip it with C+Activate.  Equip companions by using the Companion Tactics and pointing at the desired armor, or unequip them by pressing C+Activate with them in your crosshair.  This affects any armor flagged as power armor, including modder added, but requires custom object effects, so will overwrite mods that alter those.  Besides the scripted effects, they give water breathing, classic strength and radiation bonuses, and carry themselves.  Limb condition is completely separated between player (and npc's) and their equipped armor.  Fall damage is also negated and you can run indefinitely (other features)
* this is a fairly experimental feature, and although it's pretty smoothed out, it is a bit heavy on the scripts getting in and out.  I'm not liable if your computer bursts into flames

Companion Tactics : Wait Menu (T) (Tap) - All companions set to follow closely will sneak to crosshair location, or equip freestanding armor in your crosshair
* The wait Menu is still Available while seated, but you can now sit anywhere

Companion Recall : Wait Menu (T) (Hold) - Recall all dispatched companions (within range, beyond that a radio must be used)

Time Dialation : Vats (V) (Hold while aiming) - dynamic bullet time that adjusts with your skill, perception, and current action

Vanilla weapon wheel: Grab (Z) (Hold) - mouse wheel to scroll through hot-keyed items, time will slow during combat

Quick equip previous weapon : Grab (Z) (Tap)

Item Throwing: Grab (Z) (Tap) (vanilla function expanded) - grabbing items will now allow you to throw them to create detection event (left click (Hold to charge))

Target Lock : Activate (E) (Tap) - lock onto an npc, outside of activation range,  in your reticle (Tap E to release)

Sprint: Run\Walk (Shift) (Hold) - just a very simple, speed-mult sprint, but it doesn't disable attacking, and can be used in any direction or while sneaking

Dash: Run \Walk (Shift) (Tap) - you can tackle, or stagger enemies while dashing

Combat Roll: Crouch (Ctrl) While Dashing - rolls into crouch (only forward is animated for now)

Sneak-Dodge : Crouch (Ctrl) (Tap\Hold < 0.75 sec) - tapping crouch will let you duck under attacks, with a small amount of ghost time applied based on agility, survival skill, and carry weight.

Vanilla crouch : Crouch (Ctrl) (Hold) - Engages after .75 sec, dodge-time still applies

Animated 3rd Person Activate - Vanilla Activate is now animated in 3rd person (holding the alternate control key will prevent the script from running, in case you have multiple items to pick up in a hurry)

Animated activate with elaborated functions  - Activate (E) (Hold) - auto-equip weapons & armor (when possible) (weapons will be bound to the next open hotkey)

Unique weapon uses : Ammo Swap (2) (Weapon Out) - cut hair with knives and other bladed weapons, hand radio activation.

Stash : Ammo Swap (2) (Weapon Holstered) (DuffleBag Equipped) - Anything stored in the stash will weigh 15% less.  If you drop a duffle bag aquired via world object interactions, the contents of your stash will be moved into a newly created duffle bag container.  Dont forget where it is...

Time Dilation and Breath Control : (Iron Sights) (RMB) + Vats (V) (Hold) - This will slow down time to a degree based on skill & perception.  It will also depend on what youre doing, so moving, shooting, reloading, and turning will reduce the slowdown.  weapon wobble will also be reduced, but will be penalized after the affect is over.

Scripted Falling : Falling distance is based on agility, increased fall distanced is tiered, starting with a combat roll, followed by player collapse, with potential arm dislocation, and limb damage, next is severe limb damage, internal bleeding, KO and eventually death.  You can jump on enemies and knock them back or smash them if you're wearing power armor.  Arms will relocate automatically outside of combat, or can be relocated via the healing ingestibles ability

Vehicle Travel : This feature will disable fast travel by default, but gives you the ability to fix up any old flatbed found around the wastes using a fuel cell regulator pulled off wrecked tractor-trailers.  Use the animated skills ability to do repairs, world object interact to travel.  This works by re-enabling fast travel and dropping the flatbed at your location after you arrive.  It runs on micro fusion cells, water, and will require repairs over time or if damaged from gunfire.  The water based fuel system (electrolysis, powered by the fusion cells, fueling a hydrogen based internal combustion engine) can be refueled with any kind of water gathered by this mod.  Using dirty water will cause more wear and tear damage over time, and will have to be burned off.  For now repairs are done with just basic misc items, but I'd like to get more specific later on.  Not all map locations can be traveled to due to the size of the vehicle.

Visible Holstered Weapons : Your previous weapons will automatically remain visible on your character, with up to two rifles and one pistol.  This uses the assets from Armed to the Teeth, with several meshes re-rigged to be compatible with vanilla weapons.  The plugin download is required for this to function, and the ATTT esp must be disabled, but I didn't overwrite the original assets, so just re-enable the ATTT esp if you prefer Quicksilver500's scripting approach.  His is way more dynamic, but mine is implemented automatically and vanilla weapon compatible.  

Interactive Dog : There is a dog at the Goodsprings Source, I tried to make any random dog tameable, but ran into some issues, so you're getting a custom one, tough noogies.  You can give this guy any commands that can be given to a regular companion, as well as the message-box equivalent to the companion wheel.  Here are your options:

  • Feed his crazy ass a doggie treat and he'll never leave you alone,
  • Feed that bottomless pit of a face-hole and he'll be a happy boy, with a +1 strength and endurance bonus for 2 hours
  • Name him, because who on earth wants a dog named dog
  • Craft armor from a set of Raider Blastmaster Armor and equip it on him
  • Purchase a Prospector's Pack for him and get him set up to haul your stuff
  • If you see him sniffing around, don't interrupt him and he might dig up something cool
  • Heal him with a stimpak
  • (C) + (1) (Tap) - you'll wave to your good boy, and he'll bark
  • (C) + (1) (Hold) - you'll tell him to wait or follow
  • (C) + (2) (Tap) - you'll flip your good boy off, like a huge dick, and he will threaten you with severe bodily injury
  • (C) + (2) (Hold) - you'll tell him to either be good, or kill on sight... like a good boy.
  • (C) + (3) (Tap) - you'll pray with your good boy, and he will, like a good boy, sit calmly wondering what the hell you're doing
  • (C) + (3) (Hold) - you'll tell him to follow close, or dear god stop following me at my heels and tripping me up you crazy little shit
  • (C) + (W) (Tap) - If he has found something random, you'll take it from him, like a jerk.  Or access his inventory if he's wearing a pack.

Alternate Control Functions

These abilities are all controlled by first holding the Alternate Control Key, followed by the assigned game control.  These abilities are all optional, and the scripts wont run at all if they're not in use.

Alternate Control Key : (Default C) - Enables alternate control functions (more instructions below).  You can set the alternate control key to anything in the config.

Key-Combo Abilities ( C + ... )

Active Combat Abilities : (C) + Left\Right Click (Tap\Hold) - this includes pistol whips, low kicks, a roundhouse kick, scripted ranger takedown \ khantrick, and both sneaking and standing takedowns. * More details in the Active Combat Abilities Section

World Object Interaction : (C) (Hold) + Up (W) (Tap) - This allows you to interact with several items in the game world, including radios, NPC's, Water sources, terminals\computers, work benches, campfires, etc.  * See World Object Interaction section for details

Animated Skills: (C) (Hold) + Down (S) (Tap) - This allows you to use your skills to affect the world around you. * See Animated Skills section for details

Alcohol ingestibles: (C) (Hold) + Left (A) (Tap) + MWheel up\down - You can scroll through available (Vanilla only) alcoholic beverages.  Releasing C will select your drink.  All drinks are animated.  This will cause drunkenness, which will cause you to see double in fist person and stumble around.  

Drug Ingestibles : (C) (Hold) + Right (D) (Tap) + MWheel up\down - Scroll through available (Vanilla) drugs.  Releasing C will select your poison.  All drugs are animated thanks to Bluebellfairy and animated chems.  Drug visuals from this mod are only applied when ingesting through this ability.

Food\Water\Drink Ingestibles : (C) (Hold) + Grab (Z) (Tap) + MWheel up\down - Scroll through available (Vanilla) food and drinks, releasing C will select.  Food is basically animated, it'll play a more detailed anim if you're seated.  Water will add an empty bottle to your inventory, which can be refilled at any water source using World Object Interact (C + W)

Zoom Toggle : (C) (Tap) (while aiming) - while aiming, just tap C to zoom in or out if you have the
appropriate eyewear (power helmets, ranger helmets, etc.) (telescoping
monocle or night vision goggles added to chet's shop, the monacle can
only zoom)

Night vision : (C) (Hold) + Wait (T) (Tap) - available with appropriate headgear, including power armor helms, riot helmets, Ranger helmets, Chinese stealth suit helmets, and the included telescoping night vision goggles sold at Chet's store. 

Hand Radio : (C) (Hold) + Reload (R) (Tap) to equip - Right click + MWheel Up\Down to select channel - Ammo Swap (2) to assign NPC in activation range (hand radio needs to be in npc inventory), or call NPC assigned to the selected channel.  RMB + Ammo Swap (2) to unassign NPC from current channel.  Static hand radios can now be picked up, chet will have some as well.

Pip Boy Auxiliary Charge : (C) (Hold) +  Pip-boy (Tab) (Hold) - Your Pip Boy light and night vision goggles will now drain the Pip Boy auxiliary batteries, with the Pip Boy light dimming as the batteries die.  You can re-charge your Pip Boy by holding (C) (Hold) +  Pip-boy (Tab) (Hold), or check the battery charge by releasing the key-presses right around the time you first hit the button in the animation.  * I know this is a bit much with the key-combo's having 3 stages to this, but for now it's the best way.  I'd like to add a little battery charge icon to the top left of the pip boy menu screen.

Stealth boy activation : (C) (Hold) + Pip-Boy (Tab) (Tap) - Manual activate/deactivate your stealth boy,  this will consume a stealth boy at the start, and after draining the charge, will place a spent stealth boy in your inventory that can be charged with fission batteries. * This will now cause stealth psychosis with overuse, more details in misc section. You can craft a stealth field stabilizer to reduce the impact of stealth psychosis, and wearing a Chinese stealth suit will decrease battery drain, and increase the strength of the stealth field, at the expense of increased psychological damage.

Prone Mode : (C) (Tap) + Look down while Crouching - This will drop you down into a prone position, giving you a 50% reduction in weapon spread, and a 50 point bonus to your sneak ability. Tap C again to stand back up.

* This uses the setscale command, which has it's drawbacks, some weapons will clip, depending on the animation replacers you're using, and the game engine scales back your damage when you're set to a smaller scale.  Stewieai has a fix for this in his tweaks, which is the best way to get around it.  Make sure bPlayerNonMeleeDamageIgnoresScale is set to 1 in his ini.

Gestures \ Companion Commands : (C) + NumBar 1-8

  • Pray gesture : (C) + (1) (Tap) - npc's will respond *I'd like to have evil characters point and laugh, but not right now*
  • Wait\Follow: (C) + (1) (Hold) - Crosshair selected companion command
  • Flip-Off gesture : (C) + (2) (Tap) - npc's will respond
  • Passive\Agressive : (C) + (2) (Hold) - Crosshair selected companion command
  • Wave gesture : (C) + (3) (Tap) - npc's will respond
  • Follow Distance Near\Far : (C) + (3) (Hold) : Crosshair selected companion command
  • Quick-equip binoculars : (C) + (4) (Tap) - weapon will be re-equipped when holstered
  • Un-equip \ re-equip headgear: (C) + (5) (Tap)
  • Animated picture taking w\ camera : (C) + (6) (Tap) - left click to snap a screen-shot, right click to use flash
  • Umpa's dances : (C) + (7) (Tap) -  Left click to cycle between available dance animations
  • Animated Guitar : (C) + (8) (Tap) -  Music performed by Erik Sorensen (RIP, he was a really great guy) Left click to switch songs.

World Object Interaction (C + W)

This allows you to interact with objects and NPC's in the game world, as selected by your cross-hair.  Simply press C + W, and let the mod take over. 


Pick up and equip any duffle bag  - 50 lb carry bonus.  Any items currently in the duffle bag will be added to your stash.  Ammo Swap (2) (weapon holstered) to access stash while a duffle bag is equipped.  Dropping a dufflebag will place a world container containing all contents of your stash.  If you place your last duffle bag into a container all contents of your stash will moved to your inventory.

NPC interaction - talk from a distance, trade if up close, or hold C+W to play a practice game of caravan (up close)

Bind unconscious NPC's with duct tape - will last 24 hours, requires duct tape but (for now) doesn't consume.  You can activate them to open their inventory.  Try crouching behind them and activating while behind to place explosives...

Untie Bound NPC's - will force flee, but they'll still attack you if they can get their hands on a weapon.

Sit anywhere (while looking down press (C+W)). while seated you can left click to speed up time (you'll heal a bit), press T to open the wait menu, or press R to take a nap (animated)

Radios \ jukeboxes - change the station (for now the custom station only has 2 songs)

Billiards... you can shoot pool if you have a pool cue (download collission meshes for a better experience)

Water sources - will bottle an empty water bottle (empties will only be created using animated drinking provided by this mod)

Bury the dead (if you're standing on dirt)

Destroy unlit campfires created by animated skills

Warm your hands at lit campfires (saves game)

Access System Archives at terminals, this will allow you to watch videos, play games, download an Eze P moveset, or simply save your game.

Repair items at a workbench - enables vanilla repair, which is disabled by default (this can be changed in the config)

trade with teammates

collect bottled brahmin turds straight from the back end of a Brahmin.  Used in the crafting of Jet.

Animated Skills (C + S)

This allows you to apply your player skills in an appropriate way depending on what's in your crosshair.


Doctor NPC's (doctor's bag required, will not be consumed)

Repair Robots (repair kit required, will not be consumed)

Hack computers - you can attempt to hack any lock level, but it's very likely to fail and can increase lock level if it's far beyond your abilities

Pick locks - you can attempt to pick any lock, but is very likely to fail and can damage the pins if beyond your abilities

Build a campfire (looking Down, exteriors, over dirt) - use skills to build, then skills to light, followed by skills to extinguish, and world object interact to destroy

Light\Extinguish campfires - fires are required to be lit for crafting

draw water from cactuses - using the survival skill, you can draw clean water from most cacti, but you have a chance to fail and hurt yourself at low skill levels

Science crafting - any chemistry set will work, this will not interfere with the vanilla stimpak\drug feature.  You can craft most drugs at a lower skill requirement than the campfire alternative. More elaborated features planned.

Work bench repairs - this will open the repair menu, and will use materials to determine how many caps are available for repairs, they wont be consumed, but they don't stack, with a maximum of 150 caps.  The bonuses are the following

SensorModule = 25
Conductor = 25
whet stone = 15
surgical tweezers = 15
surgical scissors = 15
duct tape = 10
Wondergule = 10
Scrap electronics = 10
spare parts (scrap metal i think)= 10
box of detergent = 5
Turpentine = 5
Abraxo cleaner = 5

Active Combat Abilities (C + Left Click)

what your holding or where you're positioned will determine what attack is performed.  pistol frontal attack will be a pistol whip, or a shin\groin kick if looking down.  2 handed weapons will always perform a kick.  If attacking from behind a choke or lethal takedown will be performed (lethals with bladed 1h weapons).

Parry Riposte - if you block at the very last moment before impact (the window of time will increase as your skill does) you will land a parry, this will slow down time and the next attack will have a special affect (KO, knockdown, extra damage, etc).
::::Standing Abilities::::


(C) + Left Click (Tap)

Left Punch You can now punch any time with your left hand, and equip fist weapons as a back-up melee weapon any time with the Ammo Swap Key. 

Lethal Takedowns Any bladed melee weapon will perform a lethal takedown from behind, like before, but now right clicking will perform non-lethal

(C) + Left Click (Hold)

Roundhouse Kick : unarmed skill, strength and armor weight will affect success

Ranger takedown : Requires perk, while looking down, unarmed skill and strength determines success at dropping multiple enemies

(C) + Right Click (Tap)

Pistol Whip\Rifle Butt You can punch with a pistol in hand, or use the butt of a rifle to attack, this has a slightly longer reach than a regular left punch, uses your melee weapons skill, and weapon weight to determine damage

Bladed 1h : Disarm, kick while looking down, non-Lethal takedown (from behind)

Unarmed : Weapon Snatch, kick while looking down, non-lethal takedown (from behind)

(C) + Right Click (Hold)

Paralyzing Palm : Requires perk, unarmed weapons only, this will paralyze the target and cripple the affected limb if an armor check is passed.  You can also use this on paralyzed enemies to wake them back up.  (now that I'm thinking about it, i need to add my duct tape tie-up feature to work with this)

Scripted KhanTrick  :  Requires perk, while looking down, right click and hold to perform a khantrick attack.  This head staggers multiple enemies in front of the player, if they're not wearing eyewear, and reduces their perception for 2 minutes.  Enemies that have the blindness cooldown will be easier to perform counter takedowns on.

::::Sneaking Abilities::::


(C) + Left Click (Tap\Hold)
Sneaking Takedowns : lethal for 1h bladed melee, non-lethal for everything else

(C) + Right Click (Tap\Hold)
Sneaking Non-Lethal Takedowns :  pretty much any weapon can now perform a non-lethal takedown now while sneaking

Passive Combat Abilities

These are abilities that will automatically happen, with a successful roll based on skill, under the appropriate conditions.


Counter Takedowns: This is based on your equipped weapon skill, with unarmed being used if you have pistols, or rifles equipped.  When an enemy is attacking you with unarmed or 1h melee weapons you will roll to perform a counter takedown (if your guard is down, you're walking, and you're crosshair is fixed on the attacker).  Remember to toggle run\walk if you want to perform counter takedowns. *walk them down and bust a move, it's badass.

Standing Dodge : This is based on your survival skill, and your agility.  If a counter takedown roll fails, you will roll for a dodge, dodging the incoming attack and any others for a brief moment. 

*At higher skill levels these rolls will succeed pretty much every time, so dont forget about these abilities if you have a low level character. 

Scripted Damage Effects

Every "On Hit" triggers a script to run, there are no conditions, so it applies to the player, npc's, from npc to npc, etc.  This script will calculate the damage done, the armor and general toughness of the character attacked, and if that armor check is exceeded by the damage, it will apply an effect appropriate to the type of damage, and the extent to which the armor check was exceeded.

*all effects stack.
* helmets armor have a very real protective affect, and can prevent all of these from occurring (returns to vanilla combat essentially)

Bleeding - Can be controlled in multiple ways, depending on the severity.  Healing powder can be used to slow the damage regardless of severity.  A tourniquet can be used to reduce the severity of lethal bleeding, and if you have a bloodpack, one can be used in place of a stimpak, via healing ingestibles, to return any health that has been lost as a direct result of bleeding.  If you are about die from bleeding out, use a Stimpak, or Super Stim before you pass out to prevent death.

The Kamikaze Trait - will allow limb staggers to be completely avoided, barring the crippling of a limb, as long as you're moving forward


bladed melee - limb stagger anim, bleed, severe bleeding, fatal bleeding, limb severing, head kill

piercing melee - limb stagger anim, extra limb damage, bleed, severe bleeding, head kills

blunt melee - limb stagger anim, extra limb damage, extra health damage, knockdown, dislocated arms (if applicable),head KO, Limb destruction, head kills

ballistics - limb stagger anim, bleed, severe bleed, knockdown, head KO w\ lethal bleed, limb destruction, head kill

plasma - limb stagger anim, knockdown, limb explosion, head kills, gooification

lasers - limb stagger anim, combustion, limb severing, head kills, disintegration

unlisted - (unable to classify) - limb stagger anim, extra damage, fatigue damage, KO, knockdown


Most of these are just quick, one time changes to game settings at startup.  They can all be disabled in the config.


Companion AI - while sneaking, companions will wait for your move even if set to aggressive, passive companions will not attack unless they are under direct attack, or you are in serious trouble (half health, bleeding severely, staggered, KO'd, etc)

Stealth boy Psychosis overusing stealth boys will cause neurological damage.  This will cause you to hear voices, hallucinate, and have visual effects.  You can craft a tin foil hat to quiet the madness, using tin cans (NO BENT ONES!!!).  When you get severely brain damaged, you'll get the Wild Wasteland perk.  Don't worry if you're hearing voices, this will get better with time.

Companions health will not reset at the end of combat

Dislocated Arms - can happen in combat or from falling, this just cripples the limb, but allows you to re-locate it through the quick healing abilities

companion limit- sets the max companion limit to half your charisma

vanilla gasmasks- adds poison cloud protection and sfx to any helmet that has a
gasmasks looking model (ranger helm, power helmets, etc)

npc weapon reaction- pointing a gun at an npc will count as an assault, they
will go hostile if you dont immediately holster, companions will flip
you off.

locational armor coverage - every vanilla armor in the game is categorized to determine if my scripted combat armor checks
should NOT protect a certain limb. so leather armor doesnt protect your
left arm, ranger armor does not protect your legs, etc.

Custom Vanilla race - just a quick courrier I put together with a bunch of tattoos and head scars

Dynamic Dehydration - you will dehydrate much faster around noon in broad daylight, tapering off in the evening, and much slower at night, or in the rain and snow.

Sleep Healing - while sleeping (vanilla) you will slowly heal HP and uncrippled limbs at a rate determined by your Endurance.

Drunkenness - player will play the drunken stumbling animation after consuming too many drinks (only when they're consumed via the alcohol ingestible ability in this mod).

sneak overhaul - more realistic sneaking, stay out of the light and move slowly, but you can get all the way behind them. 

fall animations will instantly start playingwhen running off a ledge

Auto aim is disabled

Ammo Tracking Scripts will track your ammo count for each hot-keyed weapon

Helpless Burning, on an armor and fire resist check, includes increased damage.

No Zoom when looking down iron sights

Loot the unconscious - this is added passively to the animated 3rd person activate

Right click unarmed zoom only works if you have eligible eyewear (power helmets, riot helmets, telescoping monacle, etc.)

Toxic cloud protection and gasmask SFX for appropriate headgear (a standalone respirator is added to Chet's).  sound effect can be disabled from config.

Pressing the mouse wheel will swap the camera from left to right.  Crouching will automatically adjust the camera position upward a bit.

less bouncy grenades
skill does not affect damage

mines explode faster (half second)

60% one crippled leg speed

45% two crippled legs speed

general damage multiplier (config default set to 1.5)

full damage taken in vats

classic barter settings (more closely matching fallout 1 and 2)

enemy gun wobble increased - this will help nerf the overly accurate npc's

block changes - higher max block potential, but higher skill requirement

minimum damage multiplier - default is 20%, changed to 3%, adjustable in config file

faster scope zoom

ranged sneaking criticals do normal damage

slower leveling

Vats can be disabled

Tag skills level twice as fast

Perks available every 3rd level, this is a fallout game after all.

Max Level cap set to 99

fatigue return speed - this will mean anyone KO'ed will take much longer to come around

Item additions - will add a respirator, a telescoping monacle, telescoping night vision goggles, and hand radios to Chet's vendor inventory

Black mountain radio can be picked up anywhere

Timescale changable in config file (set to 12)

Immersive sneaking - just removes the detection hud display

Asurah Reanimation project faster pistol draw speed - adds a perk that will increase the draw speed of pistols whenever asurah's reanimation project is enabled

mod count will display in the console on game startup

thanks for giving this mod a try, I worked really hard on it.