About this mod

CDO NV aims to remake the combat experience in Fallout: New Vegas entirely. It does this best by making combat much more dangerous, adding bleeding, changing HOW damage is dealt, etc with more on the way.

Permissions and credits
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Welcome to Critical Damage Overhaul!
In order for improvement, feedback is needed! 
If you don’t like something, see opportunity for something that isn’t there, etc, don’t just uninstall. This mod is my baby and I’m always updating it. 

What is Critical Damage Overhaul?

This mod aims to overhaul how combat in FNV works. It begins by stripping away everything one may know about the game's combat,
(by making every situation incredibly lethal)
and emphasizes either using smart tactics to avoid getting hit - even if that means not actually going into battle. 

That's right. Don't get hit. Because every bullet is now nearly lethal! Damage is no longer dictated by the weapon, it is dictated by the 
projectile of the weapon, and the corresponding ammunition type. 
After running calculations, it determines just how much damage should apply.

What Makes CDO Different?

There are a million different combat overhauls out there, but none of them focus on projectile type, or truly are dynamic.
CDO uses a combination of the projectile based damage AND dynamic armor to create palm-sweating encounters. CDO also 
adds a variety of unique mechanics such as dynamic bleeding, weapon and armor repair recipes, overdosing on chems, and more.

Here's the how

When a projectile hits, it will calculate a damage stat based on Distance, Speed, Base Damage, Armor, and Body Part data.
Q: Now what's to keep someone from wearing armor and being invincible? 
A: Armor now deteriorates at an incredible rate, and is dynamic to what type of projectile hits it. 
So now it is like how in real life body armor WILL prevent most damage, but breaks quickly, making it useless.
This means that armor repair management is of the utmost importance, and can be done at Workbenches. 
Q: How does overdosing work?
A: Your threshold is your Endurance multiplied by 5. Each chem has an overdose value. If your value surpasses your threshold, you overdose. 
Q: Is this mod compatible with x?
A: It should be compatible with most non damage related mods. Place as low in load order
as possible to resolve a majority of possible conflicts. 
Q: Power Armor is too overpowered. 
A: That's not a question, but I'll address it. Having trouble taking on an enemy in it? Either ignore them or use EMP devices
like pulse grenades. Having trouble being killed while wearing it? Good. Power Armor is strong. 
Q: How come I have low carryweight?
A: This mod alters carryweight modifiers. If you don't like it, change it in FNVEdit.
Q: This mod alters my health, but only sometimes. Why is this the case?
A: Dynamic HP equations run every time you get hit. You will likely not surpass 200 HP.  
Q: Stimpaks are not stopping the bleeding. 
A: You didn't listen when I told you to put it lower in your load order, did you? Stimpaks no longer heal bleeding. Use a bandage.
The stimpak effects I made are essential, not optional. Please prioritize my stimpak effects. 
Q: I was fighting and got knocked over. I cannot get back up.
A: Please refer to the Fatigue mechanic. Try using the wait command to wait it out. 
Q: Why can I not heal my followers?
A: If they are robots, they require the Welder item, which you can craft.
Humans should work. Make sure to NOT use the JIP CC&C stimpak option. It does not work. 
Q: Why are fully automatic weapons overpowered?
A: They aren't. They have their advantages and disadvantages. Try getting some range on your target and see
how full auto plays out. 
Q: Why am I so slow after using ingestible item?
A: It is a side effect of "Time To Apply". Draw your weapon after a few seconds to restore speed. 

What else is there? 

All NPCs in the game are adjusted to have dynamic HP and Fatigue values based on factors like Endurance, level, etc. None of which leads to bullet sponginess, unless it is a situation that makes sense like the Giant RoboScorpion of Big Mountain. This isn’t even done through form changes, these stats update dynamically when NPCs get hit! That means it is compatible with pretty much every content adding mod!

Also, the aformentioned Fatigue mechanic. This makes use of the Fatigue stat, where when damage is taken, the victim 
takes a similar quantity of fatigue damage. When fatigue reaches 0, it prompts them to fall over until it regens. 
This mod also takes inspiration from Immersive Hit Reactions, and uses a Poise system to have NPCs stagger when too much
damage is taken in a single hit. There are also some other unique things Poise can trigger, for example helmets can fall off during headshots if the victim’s Poise is broken.

There is more, just see for yourself!

[ I N S T A L L ]
1. Download the requirements. Always make sure they are up to date. Otherwise the mod WILL NOT WORK. I will not make a non NVSE version.
2. Download this mod. Choose only ONE of the following. DO NOT download them all. The non base versions INCLUDE THE BASE GAME edits. 
3. Use your mod manager (or manually drag the files to the data folder) to INSTALL the mod.     
4. You should be done. Give the game a launch and check out the combat.     
5. Show support by leaving feedback and endorsing. It really helps. 

Also, please report anything not functioning with the mod, or that you may not like, or that you do like,
Feedback. I am asking for feedback. 
Credit to Jokerine for some meshes: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/2543917?tab=about+me
Credit to ACBRadio for the Ballistic Plate: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/3942693?tab=about+me
Credit to Shiggus Digus for the Ballistic Plate Rigging: (Please provide page?)
Credit to georgex for the armor texture path fix and Bandage model: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/19549744
Credit to Scalleie for the in depth First Aid scripting: https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/22096769?tab=about+me
Credit to that one guy who made the Pip-Boy images for the Ballistic Plate, Welder, etc: ???