About this mod

Become a Mad Scientist! Explore the Zanier side of Technology

Permissions and credits
Mad Science!!

############## V1.3b UPDATE RELEASED! ##############
Since things are taking so long with other projects, I have elected to release everything I've got right now.
be aware that many things are not finished, there may be bugs, some of them might even crash your game. 
Save early, save often!
New features:
the start of the Mad Scientist's Lair!
Currently includes the exterior entrance (needs work, you need a jetpack mod just to get to it!)
Entrance Caverns - beautiful and eye-hurting crystal caverns!
Interior Foyer area - it's turd. don't judge it. It'll get replaced totally.
Combat Test Chamber - right now this place doesn't reset. in future it will, and will include multiple levels of difficulty. Save before you enter, then you can reload after you're done and still have access to enemies to fight.
Debug Room - This room contains boxes with all the weapons, armour and gadgets introduced in Mad Science. It also has an NPC representation of myself to tell you all about them!

############## V1.3
Gives you the better part of a dozen new weapons and devices
Several new ammo types
New items
wholly new kinds of weapon you've never seen before...

Just as a teaser:
Blast your enemies with the sound of Gun And Bass and watch them soar like an eagle that's swallowed a duck!
Cover them in horrendously lethal toxins and laugh maniacally as they die horribly
Sneakily place a Psychic mine in their path and watch them do...well, anything but attack you effectively.
Turn the landscape into a minefield in seconds with the Bomblet Blaster!

even build and deploy flying nuclear grenades to hunt down and kill your enemies for you!

Short Description:

Become a Mad Scientist! Explore the Zanier side of Technology

Long Description

My Project for the past month or so. Many of you are doubtless getting tired of my repeated mention of it in nearly everything I do. I know my family is.

What you get:
Currently about a dozen new pieces of gear and weapons. the theme is that they all have some particular use. be it a custom built cloaking device, a gun that shoots psychic blasts, or something else entirely.

Basic Concept:
Maybe it was the bullet to the head that did it, or the near-death experience, or maybe you're just insane. But you're starting to see the world in a slightly different light. You see the myriad missed opportunities in technology and you can see how to fill them, you just need the proper inspiration and you could do anything.

Throughout the wasteland are a number of triggers for your inspiration. Find them, and the courier will make a note about them, perhaps describing the thoughts that are crossing their mind, or perhaps listing the parts needed to make some awesome device.

Before anyone asks me, this is -not- a quest mod. it utilises existing quests to unlock its features (but in a friendly way which doesn't actually change the quests at all) there is a meta plot to the mod, but its still in development, you'll get hints of it through the notes.

Please note that this mod is only in Alpha phase. I have a list of devices and gadgets and other features to add to this mod which would double the content.
but I wanted to get it out for this weekend and get feedback.
Give me your lovin' and suggestions and I'll add them to my list if I like them :)

Alpha Release (v1.0)

Released, everything implemented currently -should- be working properly and the triggers have been tested.
If they aren't. tell me in the comments.
Currently in the game and fully implemented are 10 craftable items, 1 non-craftable unique item, 1 craftable Ammo type and a number of recipes for breaking down various technologies.
The Spoiler sheet contains a list of what should be implemented and functional, and how those should behave and be unlocked.

I'm still fine-tuning the skill requirements for the different recipes. if you think it should be easier or harder than it is, let me know and I'll take that onboard.

Added Two new ammo types, Two new wearable devices. Two new types of creatable followers and 1 (or three if you count Console only) weapon(s)

Highlights include Seekers, Lobotomite Minions and Frenzy Grenades

V1.21 Patch
Fixes the combat AI so that Minions and Seekers will come to your aid when you attack someone who isn't hostile by default.



IMPORTANT: you will require both Dead Money and Old World Blues in order to run this mod.

To install, Drop the Data folder from the .rar archive into your main Fallout New Vegas directory.
Tick the tickbox in FOMM for MadScience02.esp
Start up the game.


How to set the ball rolling..
Get the perk. Its a level-2 perk, but you'll need moderate skills in repair and science first.
from there, you play the game normally. try and forget you even have the perk and you'll get pleasantly surprised by the notes from time to time.
if you really want the gadgets unlocked asap, there's a guide included in the files ("spoilers.txt")

The way it works is that various quests and sets of conditions need to be met in order for you to have the "inspiration" to create the device or weapon. the inspiration takes the form of a note describing the thinking and logic behind the device being created and in general it makes sense. You know you have a new recipe if the note has a parts-list. if it doesn't, you don't.
Mad Science related recipes are sectioned off at the Workbench in their own subsections. there are four sections including Breakdown, Components, Devices and Weapons.

For a tip on starting out, for new characters, head through primm to nipton and find the house with the robot guarding it. there's a few rare items related to the mod there. including the only items I actually added to the game-world directly.


Potential Conflicts:

The IFF Transciever probably will conflict with any mods that behave like "animal friend" with robots. the way it works is to add you to the four most common robot factions (which are often used even on robots in other factions outside of them) and to remove those four factions from your list again when you take off the transciever again.

Adjustments to a computer in OWBs at the Lightwave facility. it now adds the notes to your inventory rather than just showing you them. conflicts with this will prevent you from getting the portable holo-emitter.

Anything in the Nipton house with the robot may potentially conflict. but most likely not.
apart from that, the note-adding script does all the work. so it shouldn't conflict anywhere else.

The timers were a pain in the ass to get right. they -may- still be acting up. nothing should take more than three minutes to trigger, if it does, let me know.
I am aware that the mesh for the PHE clips wierdly with the Scrubs on the chest. I am also aware that parts of it distort when ADSing.
It'll be fixed in the next update. till then, suffer through it :P

Robot Death inventories are a bit pathetic currently, they should have a more random selection with the possibility of more than one item being added. I don't really get why they don't. I'll figure out levelled lists eventually.

I am aware that all the custom parts have identical world models and often identical icons. I hope to make custom ones later. bear with me.


Disclaimer: This mod may overbalance your gameplay dramatically, its Awesome quotiant may cause lesser minds to explode or at least fail to comprehend it.
I take no responsibility for this mod screwing up your savegames (unless its a bug in my scripting) your other mods, your games, your computer or your life.
Take it As-is and be aware of this.


Myself - custom nifs, concept, implementation and coding
My Girlfriend - for letting me spend all of last weekend working on it, blatantly boring her by talking about next to nothing else and generally not paying her enough attention.
My family - for suffering through my chattering about the mod...
The guys and gals on the chat, you know who you are.
Bethsoft and co - for making this awesome game for me to work within.
You! - those of you who download and comment and endorse and otherwise make it all worthwhile. I thank you for giving me a reason to do this. without you I would be doing nothing but job-hunting....

Please remember to endorse if you like this, or even vote it for File of the month! (I'm reaching, I know, but I really have put a lot of work into this)
If you like this, you might like some of my other mods too

A Vault For Two - http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39547
Tar-3 Tesla Assault Rifle - http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40721
Archimedes One - Multitarget Laser Satellite - http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=41406
Got Wood? - http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=42075
Lamprey Mini Missile Launcher - http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=42702
Tesla Thrower - Lightning gun - http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=43227

And for those wanting to give input on the mod without putting it in the comment section:

Mad Science Main Forum entry - http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/309118-mad-science/page__p__2828205#entry282820

Please leave feedback on the forum.