Vegas Overhaul - Feedback wanted

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I have changed the ruined building as you enter Freeside into a new one but integrating the old building on top as to not modify vanilla stuff. Unsure of the design of the new building so looking for feedback.


  1. DrRuskin
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    I like the idea and the general design a lot, not sure the bay windows fit with vegas architecture, but the rest of the building looks real good.
  2. mmousewhisperer
    • premium
    • 10 kudos
    I know we talked about it on the discord but I’ll have to double down on what someone else had suggested, the textures should blend a bit more between the two buildings, I don’t know if it’s possible to apply one brick texture to the other building but I’d go that route, and if that’s what you already did then I’d maybe try to color correct the image so their textures are more seamless. I’d also suggest you swap the green texture on the San Fran buildings for the trim texture on the top building. I think the actual architecture of this build is great and interesting (could maybe use a pillar on each corner though) I definitely wouldn’t scrap this building you absolutely have something here
  3. Kuippana
    • member
    • 17 kudos
    I think it's the green elements, they don't go together too well with the reddish brown of the bricks. Also the rounded windows in the corners, they might just go with an office building, but I can't see them fitting into a mall. Overall it doesn't look too Vegas-y, if you know what I mean.
    1. Luke2172
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      I guess the general consensus is the building doesn't really fit in, back to the drawing board for this one
  4. 616Lazarus
    • premium
    • 34 kudos
    Looks interesting! Just remember that there's NPC's in the building (original) that are related to some sidequest, and that the original building interior is navmeshed.
    1. Luke2172
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      The original building with npcs and all vanilla records are up top and so is the navmesh, there will be a stairway/elevator connecting the buildings from inside the bottom one. The original building is very much still in the Freeside worldspace
  5. Seva91
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    You're definitely onto something here, with the idea of razing vanilla buildings up and placing intact floors under them. I think it's a clever compromise. That said, in this specific screenshot architectural styles do still clash, despite the effort you already put in. The assets just have to be blended together more convincingly.
    1. Luke2172
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Is it a thing of the brick being out of place or it just doesn't all go together right?
  6. mrrippe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It feels a bit out of place and architecturally confusing (is there an interior when I can see that the inside is bombed out?). If this is the building I'm thinking of, how does Jacob Hoff get affected by this?
    1. Crabsody
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      • 0 kudos
    2. Luke2172
      • premium
      • 147 kudos
      Jacob hoff and everything else is unaffected just up above rather than ground level. It'd literally the vanilla building with its interior on top of a new building. I could try change the textures from brick to something else and see how that will work architecturally?
  7. regularrigby64
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    that's cool! super duper mall, wonder how it would look inide
  8. theeggman99
    • premium
    • 105 kudos
    Looks great.