PN4 Power Armor Update 2024

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About this image

I've been working on this mod again and finally finished working on my re-modeled helmet and imported it in-game. I just have to finish working on the helmet texture but I was too excited with the in-game result and wanted to share it.

The helmet is so glossy because Its just not finished yet. I still have to finish the textures and tweaking some values in subsistancepainter/nifskope not too hard to do. I'm not nearly done with version 2 yet because I was away from this mod for a while. I want to remodel the arms and hands and then upload the Version 2 update, but that might take a while so... I might also release the update after I finish the helmet texture and call it update 1.5. and do the arms and some other things in version 2. but we'll see.

Thanks for following this project. if you have any ideas about what I can add to this mod, please add them in the comments. Thanks!  < comparison pictures in 3ds max


  1. JunebugofNexus
    • BANNED
    • 1 kudos
    fucking sweet helmet. i think thats the first positive comment ive made on nexus so ur welcum
    1. ProudNoob3
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
  2. WebbProductionsEntertain
    • premium
    • 700 kudos
    Absolutely fantastic work!! This looks incredible!!
    1. ProudNoob3
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Thank you, Webb!
  3. Zer0Tru7h
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Looking very nice.
    1. ProudNoob3
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Thanks! love your work.  
  4. Kaitheboss
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    looks awesome friend.
    1. ProudNoob3
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      Thanks alot!