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About this mod

Compatibility patches between BTB's Game Improvements and MGSO to make both mods work together seamlessly. Now includes Other Common Mods!

Permissions and credits

Have you ever thought, Hey MGSO is pretty awesome, Hey BTB's Game Improvements is pretty awesome as well, Oh wait the armor, sound, tools etc... plugins wont work together so i either have a choice of graphic improvements or BTB's changes. Well not anymore!

For a limited time only for only $59.99!......Not really, Basically this mod started out as the BTB - Equipment Module but with full compatability with MGSO's Plugins that change equipment looks and such by merging them together so not only do you get the benefit of BTB's equipment changes but you get the graphical awesomeness of MGSO!

This also will be for other modules and MGSO esps

Don't forget to check out his website BTB's Morrowind Mod List for his other Game improvment modules as they all work well with MGSO

**Modules Merged into the BTB - Equipment Module**
UniqueFinery.esp - Uses the Robe Version -
Better Weapons and Armor.esp
Female Armor - Complete.esp

(Also Resolved a small conflict between Better Weapons and Armor and Female Armor - Complete - Concerning lords_cuirass_unique
and also uses the UF Female Hortator Robe instead of the Unique Finery one)

**Optional MGSO Modules Merged for BTB - Equipment**


**MGSO Modules Merged into the BTB - Spells Module**

**Modules fixed for BTB - Settings(Works with both versions of BTB - Settings)**

**Optional Addons**
Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit) - Bug fixes for the new BTB-Equipment (Only use this if you use the new BTB - Equipment)

BTB - Spells/Excellent Magic Sounds  -

I have made a separate file which includes a few spell magic effect changes I felt it could do with. If you want these changes use the file from the folder: Tooplex's Magic Effect Changes otherwise use the file in the folder: Default.

Changes and Explanation of why:

Alteration: Slowfall and Levitate can now be used for spell making (Make those crazy floating spells!)

Conjuration: Calm Humanoid can be used for Enchanting and Spellmaking (If Command Creature can why not Command Humanoid?)

Destruction: No Changes

Illusion: No Changes

Mysticism: Soul Trap and Telekinesis can be now be used for Spellmaking (I don't see why not)

Restoration: Fortify Attribute can now be used for Spellmaking (Because Speed)

**Other Mod Compatibility**

BTB - Alchemy / Syc_AtHomeAlchemy -

Adds the changes BTB-Alchemy makes for the Apparatus to the Syc Plugin to resolve conflicts

BTB - Alchemy / AOF Potions Recolored -

This file has incorporated the amazing AOF Recolored potions T+B into BTB - Alchemy so you have the cool changes of BTB's Alchemy with the graphical awesomeness of AOF Potions, This has been designed around AOF's potion color choices. Other changes include changing the naming back from Normal to Standard and Special to Exclusive and changing the name of the levitation potions back to "Rising Force" and Reflect to "Reflection".

Color Schemes are -

Alteration - Violet

Illusion and Fatigue potions - Green (Fatigue potions in inventory are a brightness higher to distinguish them in the inventory)

Mysticism - Lilac

Restoration - Blue

Shield Potions - Yellow

Health Potions - Pink

Mana Potions - Swirly Light Blue

Spoiled Potions - Red (Bargain, Cheap and Standard look only)

Special Potions - Red (Quality and Exclusive Only)

Cure Poison - Dark Green

Cure Para - Amber/Orange

Cure Disease - Yellow/Green

Cure Blight - White

Optionally, I have also changed some potions of their effects, If you want these changes use the file from the folder: Tooplex's Potion Changes otherwise use the file in the folder: Default

Changes and Explanation of why:

Chameleon -WAS- Resist Blight -NOW- Changed Back to Chameleon  (Was not OP in first place)

Invisibility -WAS- Resist Paralysis -NOW- Balanced and changed back to Invisibility (Again not OP in first place and spells still existed for it)

Cure Paralyzation -WAS- Resist Paralysis -NOW- Changed back to Cure Paralyzation (Theres cure blight potions even though Resist Blight was added so why not keep Cure Paralyzation so kept simple and kept only the cure potions)

Slowfall -WAS- Recall -NOW- Changed to Divine Intervation (Slowfall was swapped with Recall which didnt make any sense so i swapped them back and gave Slowfall Divine Intervention)

Recall -WAS- Divine Intervention -NOW- Changed back to Recall (See Slowfall)

Removed from potions - Resist Blight and Resist Paralysis (Resist Blight doesnt make much sense in a potion and realistically neither should Resist Paralysis and we have the cure potions so why have both? in the end people would just buy the quality potions and im not a big fan of reliance on hefty RNG with the other potions so i removed them. To balance this a bit i have upped the value of the cure potions)


Extract the esps in the folders for which you use into your Data Files Folder

For BTB - Equipment:

BTB - Equipment
Choose either the folder "Left Gloves Addon" if you use "LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp" or "No Left Gloves" if you do not
Overwrite BTB - Equipment.esp

Delete from your Data Files:
Better Weapons and Armor.esp
Female Armor - Complete.esp

If you use the "Left Gloves Addon" version of BTB - Equipment:
Delete LeftGloves_Addon_v2.esp

For BTB - Settings:

Overwrite SirLuthor-Tools.esp 
Make sure SirLuthor-Tools.esp loads AFTER BTB - Settings.esp

For BTB - Spells:

Excellent Magic Sounds
Choose either the folder "Default" if you want to keep BTB's Original version changes or "Tooplex's Magic Effect Changes" if you want my changes from above.
Overwrite BTB - Spells

Delete from your Data Files:

For Optional Addons:

Better Clothes (Only install if you use MY BTB - Equipment otherwise use BTB's Better Clothes (Link Below))
Follow the Instructions below in Compatibility section for Better Bodies

For Other Mod Compatibility:

BTB - Alchemy AOF Potions Recolored
Choose either the folder "Default" if you want to keep BTB's Original version changes or "Tooplex's Potion Changes" if you want my changes from above
Overwrite BTB - Alchemy.esp
Make sure to overwrite all the icons and Meshes when you install my mod as there have been a few I have edited

BTB - Alchemy Syc AtHomeAlchemy
Overwrite Syc_AtHomeAlchemy.esp
Make sure it loads AFTER BTB - Alchemy (Even if you use the AOF Potions one of mine or the vanilla BTB one)


Only compatible if you have MGSO v3.0 installed otherwise you will have mesh and texture errors
Not compatible with the above modules that i tell you to delete in the install instructions

Do not use PSsorticon.esp if you use both BTB - Alchemy and BTB - Equipment, The conflictions are way too great

******** Optional Suggestions for better compatibility between BTB - Equipment and MGSO *******

If you chose the Better Bodies option from MGSO Get Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit) (If you dont already use mine)
Get from BTB's Game Improvements in the Extra's folder
Load after BTB - Equipment
Delete "Better Clothes_v1.1.esp" and "More Better Clothes.esp"
KEEP "BetterClothesForTB.esp" AND "BetterClothesBloodmoonPlus1.5" IF YOU HAVE IT

Get Almalexia Armor(BTB Edit)
More inline with the Equipment Plugin so can be loaded anywhere
Delete "almalexia armor.esp"

Get Unique Jewelry And Accessories UJA No Ench Version
Load Before BTB - Equipment
Delete "Unique Jewelry and Accessories.esp"

Get Spirit's MGSO Daedric Armor Fixes
Load after BTB - Equipment

Get Area Effect Projectiles (PAR Edit) if you use both Bethesda's Area Effect Arrows and Particle Arrow Replacer from MSGO
Load after BTB - Equipment
Delete "Particle Arrow Replacer.esp" and "Area Effect Arrows.esp"

Thanks to...

BTB for the original module and otherall awesomeness with his website
Ornitocopter for MGSO
Bethesda for Morrowind itself!
AOF Potions taken from AnOldFriend's "AOF Potions" - http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/28916/?
Recolored AOF Potions and Basis of the edits taken from Bycotes/Wassim's "AOF Potions Recolored - http://www.nexusmods.com/morrowind/mods/43414/?

Version History

Version 1.42 - 07/09/2017
Changed: Edited the left glove addon for MLOX compatability

Version 1.41 - 21/11/2016

Fixed: Messed up a couple of icon paths in the left gloves addon.

Version 1.4 - 28/10/2016

Added BTB - Spells Excellent Magic Sounds

Added a version of the BTB Spells Excellent Magic Sounds that has some personal changes I felt were needed

Added a Default version of the AOF Potions Recolored one that reverts the personal changes I made (You can still use my changes under a folder called "Tooplex's Potion Changes")

Version 1.3 - 04/08/2015
Added BTB - Alchemy AOF Potions Recolored
Added BTB - Alchemy Syc AtHomeAlchemy

Version 1.2 - 17/03/2015
Added LeftGloves Addon v2 under BTB-Equipment

*Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit).esp*
Edited Hair Shirt to make it stop popping up with an error and changed its name back to Hair Shirt of St. Aralor
Fixed the Value of many Argonian type clothes as they didnt have BTBs

Edited Hair Shirt to make it stop popping up with an error and changed its name back to Hair Shirt of St. Aralor
Forgot to give the Azura's Servant an owner
There are two files now, If you use Left Gloves or if you do not.
Added the left gloves to the ancient steel gauntlets and ancient steel pauldrons as the original Left Gloves Addon didnt have this

Version 1.1 - 14/03/2015
Added Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit) edit.

*Better Clothes Complete (BTB Edit).esp*
SureFeet had the wrong value
Deleted Caius_ring, Shoes of Sanguine Stalking, Shoes of Sanguine leaping as it conflicts with BTB-Equipment's new looks
Edited the ESP Description to show its been edited

Edited the ESP Description to show its been edited
Fixed a slight misspelling

Edited the ESP Description to show its been edited

Version 1.00 - 14/03/2015
*Initial release