Hyper guardian variant

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So something i noticed a while back and figured i'd put it up here, it appears to be an unused variant of the Hyper guardian armor with a much beefier helmet, reinforced chest piece and alternate shoulder plates. I personally prefer the more symmetrical version already in game, but it would be nice to have this as an alternative, especially that helmet IMO.


  1. Aspbel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    so here i am diving off into the deep end of modding finding whatever i can to make andromeda feel fun and fresh and i really do like this armor set but since i have no idea how modding works for this game if anyone reads this and has the skills to do so please make this a mod even if its just the helmet i'm 100% good with that.
  2. mkta
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    I'd like that armor too, but I don't think it has files in game that can be used.
    1. KainPrimus
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Clearly it has finished model and textures. If the T pose is anything to go by, it's also probably rigged to the humanoid skeleton already. It's a matter of giving it either its own item files, or make it into a replacement for existing armor pieces.
    2. U653748
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      • 36 kudos
      sadly we'd need the ability to import models to the game. The armor appears in modeling programs as it does in game, all assembled as a statue =/. it would need to be separated first before players could really use it.
    3. KainPrimus
      • premium
      • 249 kudos
      Technically, we'd just need the chest, arms and helmet. The legs seem to be exactly the same as the currently available Hyperguardian ones.
    4. U653748
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      • 36 kudos