Reyes Vidal Alternate Appearance

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  1. amoveve
    • premium
    • 177 kudos
    Wow. This is awesome. What casual outfit is Reyes using in your screen ? Is Tiere a chance to are that outfit for Ryder aswell?
  2. Porcelyn
    • premium
    • 32 kudos
    I approve of his new butt!
    1. Atherisz
      • member
      • 176 kudos
      yeah, his butt looks great in this outfit! XD
  3. Kitsumi
    • member
    • 118 kudos
    Reyes with Scott's original texture.. weird . It's already possible to download Frosty Editor tool for testing?.
    1. Atherisz
      • member
      • 176 kudos
      Nope. I'm an outsider to that closed alpha testing group too. This is all MEAExplorerWV.
    2. Kitsumi
      • member
      • 118 kudos
      Oh, so you made this, the model swaps on youtube, change hair and all with hex editing then? you are a beast sir. I thought it was with the new tool because I've seen some people with it making some impossible things those days with the beta testing. I tried this myself with MEAExplorer with no success so I take off my hat to you, nice work .