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This user's image description contains 25 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. arghTease
    • premium
    • 209 kudos
    like being in the Sci-fi section of a book store looking at the covers 
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Many thanks RT
  2. Banshee2077
    • supporter
    • 156 kudos
    Fantastic set, masterfully done! ✶✶✶
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Thank you so much.
  3. Shnub
    • supporter
    • 122 kudos
    Your reshade settings make me jealous lol
    Whenever I use it I end up having very strong and sharp results but everything here looks very smooth but still sharp  don't know how toexplain it better :(
    Super-amazing-terrific collection of screens :D
    My favorites are the desert crossing the great stone monument and the giant biped robot
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Many thanks.
      I use the sharpen effect as the first effect (load it as first), then the other effects - they "blend" this sharpen. I hope it helps.
  4. Karna5
    • premium
    • 304 kudos
    So wonderful :)
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Than you very much.
  5. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 888 kudos
    Beautiful collection, makes me want to play this game again. I thought it was a pretty good game and got a bad rap.
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Thanks a lot.
      I totally agree. The game has its flaws (for me, the biggest one is the infantile writing style), but overall it's very fun, especially the combat and exploration, the mysteries of Adromeda (Remnants, Ketts, etc). Unfortunately, the game was already hated before it came out, "fans" whining that without Shepard there is no game in Mass Effect world... :/