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This user's image description contains 8 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. BlLLthecat
    • supporter
    • 69 kudos
    Nice pictures! Never even heard of this game, or Porcupine Tree. Thanks for introducing both! In a beautiful way.

    Didn't actually love the song until the vocals. Made your screens come to life somehow. Nicely done. :-)
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      You're very welcome and thanks for the interest and compliments.
      I mostly try to find something fitting to go with the images. Some more succesfull then others.
      This one worked out nicely , I agree.
      I play a pretty heavy modded game that takes out most of the annoyances the game came with.
      In terms of gameplay you have to be patient at times , but other then that it's a great game to play  :)
  2. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    I haven't played it yet. It's probably priced reasonably by now. Some new characters and races, I see. I like the pinks and purples in the last shot.

    I am now totally intrigued by Porcupine Tree. From Wiki --

    "Porcupine Tree originated in 1987 as a collaborative hoax project by
    Steven Wilson and Malcolm Stocks. Partially inspired by the psychedelic/progressive
    bands of the 1970s, such as Pink Floyd, that had dominated the music
    scene during their youth, the two decided to form a fictional legendary
    rock band named The Porcupine Tree. The two fabricated a detailed
    back-story including information on alleged band members and album
    titles, as well as a "colourful" history which purportedly included
    events such as a meeting at a 1970s rock festival and several trips in
    and out of prison."

    Good find, sir.
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Actually one friendly race and an enemy one , no quarians or geth or other "minor" races from the original game.
      Pretty good fun this game , with one big issue for me ( see my comment to thesarantis) .
      All in all,..  well worth to play, if you're a patient kinda person.

      Steve Wilson is the big brain behind this band and it's music. They still exist , but to my knowledge he left the band.
      (edit : they reformed in 2021 with a new album Closure/Continuation. This after a pause of twelve years)
      He's now solo. He makes great music and does not shy away from heavy subjects.
      Indeed influenced by those two , although he stated once he didn't like Emerson, lake and palmer to much. Way to technical in their approach.
  3. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 201 kudos
    Great captures Erwin!!!
    A quite misunderstood game but i liked it nearly as much as the other ME ones!
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      A lot of great stuff in this game that I enjoy as much as the original masseffect series.
      The quests though ,..  the waiting , the loading screens going from on place to another.
      Five minutes of loading screens for the purpose of talking to someone for 30 seconds on another planet and then going back from where you came.
      That's just bad design, no other word for that.
      But if you ease up a little on that subject it's a very enjoyable game that did not deserve the critics it got. It dried up reasonably nice 
  4. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    Viel Spass beim spielen Erwin, die Bilder sehen echt schön
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Spiel ist grafisch sehr schon,..  auch das fahren in den all terrain wagen ist super und macht wirklich spass.
      Quests sind aber nicht gut ausgedacht und unnotig lange gemacht mmit viel warten und unnotige "loadingscreens" .
      Mann muss schon ein bischen geduld haben um es zu geniessen 
  5. Shnub
    • supporter
    • 122 kudos
    that last image tho *.*
    1. SomewhatWindy
      • premium
      • 149 kudos
      Taken with a reshade made for another scfi -game.
      Made a few adaptations  and it looked quite nice.
      Graphically the game looks very nice.
  6. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,118 kudos
    Captures are looking excellent Erwin :))
    Been awhile since I heard Porcupine Tree :))