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This user's image description contains 27 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. hammersmcp
    • premium
    • 111 kudos
    Really interesting to see those worlds in B&W, especially in contrast to the colors in previous sets where they really look alien.
    In B&W, they remind me of book illustrations from stories of fantastic imagined worlds.

    I can't quite explain it. But, you've shown both sides of the coin. In your colored images, the way things might look if the fantastic were real. In the B&W, just the fantasy of imagination. Bad explanation, I know, but I almost always get feelings of sly and subtle, undefined undertones in your works. I always enjoy and appreciate them.
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Many thanks Hammer. I was also surprised that B&W screenshots can show the world of Andromeda in a completely different way.
  2. JimmyRJump
    • premium
    • 243 kudos
    Slightly spectacular set of black and whites. Fascinating to see such detail and splendor in monochrome when the game itself is an abundant colourfest. Great stuff
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Thank you very much.
  3. User_42537105
    • account closed
    • 78 kudos
    Just when I think I'm about to pick a favorite I scroll to the next one...and then the next...and the next. Your images are just outstanding. I do think the portraits of her and the Krogan are leading the favorites pack, but I would be hard pressed to choose. Thanks for the set
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Thank you kindly Jacoboriley.
  4. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Superb set of images, each and every one of them!
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Many thanks.
  5. denzel4444
    • premium
    • 52 kudos
    Wow the Visuals the Music, this is a perfect set. You really have an eye for this!
    Well done, keep releasing these wonderful images! -Like every picture has emotion behind it!
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Thank you kindly Denzel.
  6. clauDA
    • member
    • 240 kudos
    Now I'm almost speechless... These are beautiful pictures and fantastic shots.
    Impressive. I love it.
    Also the music. Am a big fan of the series "Battlestar Galactica - Caprica" and likes Tricia Helper (sexy) (-;
    1. MagdalenaA
      • supporter
      • 121 kudos
      Thank you very much Claudia. I have never seen "Caprica", but "Battlestar Galactica" is one of my favorite TV series and Tricia ... <3 ... she is perfect as Six and EDI. ;)