Isla 10 Trouble

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"Am rather in trouble Brett"
Ernest Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, Book 3, Chapter 19, 1926.

Shinedown [Threat to Survival] — Cut The Cord

"Sulky people are most troublesome to themselves and their friends."
Aristotle, Nicomachean Ethics, Book IV, Chapter 5, 1126a10-25 [For evil destroys even itself.]

"Sullen were we in the air made sweet by the Sun: in the glory of his shining our hearts poured
a bitter smoke. Sullen were we begun: sullen we lie forever in this ditch—"
Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto VII, lines 121-124 [The river Styx runs through it.]

I'll Make A Man Of You From Oh! What A Lovely War

"Of war I sing, war worse than civil, waged over the plains of Emathia, and of legality conferred 
on crime; I tell how an imperial people turned their victorious right hands against their own vitals ; 
how kindred fought against kindred; how, when the compact of tyranny was shattered, all the forces 
of the shaken world contended to make mankind guilty; how standards confronted hostile standards, 
eagles were matched against each other, and pilum [spear] threatened pilum. What madness was this, 
my countrymen, what fierce orgy of slaughter ?... —where the sun rises and where night hides."
Lucan, The Civil War, Book I [The golden line & hyperbaton: In sua victrici conversum viscera dextra.]

Fate [MMD] — KillerB

"For there was a nunnery in Padua in charge of a cleric who was thought to be extremely devout and learned, 
and who used to go the familiar rounds of the convent, often hearing the nuns' confessions. And then five of 
the mothers, and there were no more than as many again, became pregnant, and the father was seized by the 
Bishop after he had tried unsuccessfully to run away. He immediately confessed that because of the temptation 
of the devil he had got those five nuns pregnant, and consequently my Lord Bishop was resolved to chastise him
very severely. However, the culprit was a very learned man and so he had very many friends, all of whom made
efforts to help him; and along with the others Marc'Antonio also went to the Bishop to plead with him to be lenient.
After they had been very insistent, recommending the culprit and pleading in extenuation the easy opportunities 
he had been given, the frailty of human nature and various other factors, the Bishop said at length: "I will do nothing
for him, because I have to render my account to God." They still insisted, however; and then the Bishop added:
"What shall I answer when on the Day of Judgement the Almighty says to me: 'Redde rationem villicationis tuae?'"
To which Marc'Antonio swiftly replied: "My Lord, in the words of the Evangelist: Domine, quinque talenta tradidisti
mihi; ecce alia quinque; superlucratus sum." At this the Bishop could not stop from laughing and he greatly
mitigated both his anger and the punishment he had designed for the wrongdoer."
Baldassare Castiglione, The Book of the Courtier, Book II, Chapter 58, 1528 [Matthew 25:20; five talents more.] 

This honorable duel of Sloane Kelly serves a summons to drell species on quarian ark for defection at Isla's side.