Sophia 17 Halcyon days

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"An old man is twice a child, and so is a drunken man." 
Plato, Laws, I, 646a [the Athenian Stranger].

HBS — Without Me

"You did not realize these goddesses support a multitude of charlatans—"
Aristophanes, The Clouds, line 319 [Socrates to the old man].

"To that I would reply that older men are in their second childhood." 
Aristophanes, The Clouds, line 1417 [Pheidippides to the old man].

"Yes, I support him and I shall provide Whatever the old man needs, be it porridge,
Or something to lick, or a cape or a coat, Or a tart to stroke and pep up his prick 
(Perhaps his behind). 
But he isn’t responding, won’t even grunt, So I can’t help feeling a little put out."
Aristophanes, The Clouds, trans. Paul Roche  [Hatecleon to Lovecleon].

"Few ills are without their palliatives; despair is a greater deceiver than hope."
[Peu de malheurs sont sans ressource ; le désespoir est plus trompeur que l’espérance.]
Vauvenargues, Reflections and Maxims (Réflexions et Maximes), 455, 1746.

Nick Cave & Kylie Minogue — Where the Wild Roses Grow

"You should know that I own little else than the clothes I wear; I never had any wish of a servant & I am well used to take care also of all the needs of life and by myself alone." 
[Scis, inquit, Disari, praeter hunc vestitum qui me tegit nihil me in omni censu aliud habere: unde nec servus mihi est, nec ut sit opto, sed omnem usum qui vivo ministrandus est ego mihimet subministro.]
Macrobius, Saturnalia, Book VII, Chapter 13:17 [Capito].

"I wholly approve of real loves; they indicate greatness of soul, and although, in the uneasiness they give rise to, there is a something contrary to strict wisdom, they fit in so well with the most severe virtue, that I believe they cannot be censured with justice." 
[« J'approuve extrêmement les belles passions: elles marquent la grandeur de l'âme, et quoique dans les inquiétudes qu'elles donnent il y ait quelque chose de contraire à la sévère sagesse, elles s'accommodent si bien d'ailleurs avec la plus austère vertu que je crois qu'on ne les saurait condamner avec justice. »] 
Duc de La Rochefoucauld, Portrait fait par lui-même, 1658.

"The keenest pleasures of the mind are those which are commonly attributed to the body; for the body cannot feel; if it can, it is the mind. The greatest mental faculty is capacity for pleasure." 
[« Les plus vifs plaisirs de l’âme sont ceux qu’on attribue au corps ; car le corps ne doit point sentir, ou il est âme. La plus grande perfection de l’âme est d’être capable de plaisir. »]
Vauvenargues, Reflections and Maxims (Réflexions et Maximes), 545 & 546, 1746.

Keri T'Vessa: They disowned me. But it brought me to Andromeda... and to you.

Sophia perfected just sharings with the two pathfinders Vederia & Avitus Rix.
She reaps Alec, asari absorbs Matriarch Ishara & turian imbibes Macen Barro.

Loreana C. — Dangerous Love

"And like one who reckons as he works,
always planning for what comes next,
thus, while raising me to one boulder’s peak,
he searched for yet another crag
and said: "Take hold of that one next but test it first 
to see if it will bear your weight."
This was no climb for people wearing leaden cloaks. 
Though he was weightless and I was being pushed, 
how hard a climb it was from one crag to the other!"
Dante, The Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto XXIV, l. 25-33.

[E come quei ch’adopera ed estima,
che sempre par che ’nnanzi si proveggia,
così, levando me sù ver’ la cima
d’un ronchione, avvisava un’altra scheggia
dicendo: “Sovra quella poi t’aggrappa;
ma tenta pria s’è tal ch’ella ti reggia.”
Non era via da vestito di cappa,
ché noi a pena, ei lieve e io sospinto,
potavam sù montar di chiappa in chiappa.]

"Pursuit may be, it seems to me, Perfect without possession."
Robert Kelley Weeks, 1876.

Before his Milky Way trip, Sovereign did bomb Meridian & laid down the Voeld AI.
Death of the Archon rakes in reaper genetics & Alec's ashes dump in Cora & Liam.

Hozier — Like Real People Do 

"Wilt thou lay down thy life for my sake? Verily, verily, I say unto thee, The cock shall not crow, till thou hast denied me thrice."
John 13:38, King James Bible.

"Consider cocks and other animals—they avenge themselves against their fathers."
Aristophanes, The Clouds, line 1427.

"For the rest, let the devil and statistics carry them off!"
F. Nietszche, On the Use and Abuse of History for Life, in Untimely Meditations, 1876.

"And, by the way, during those halcyon days (the halcyon was there, too, chattering above every creek, as he is all over the world) we fought another battle. It has not got into history, but it had a real objective existence, although by a felicitous afterthought called by us who were defeated a "reconnaissance in force." Its short and simple annals are that we marched a long way and lay down before a fortified camp of the enemy at the farther edge of a valley. Our commander had the forethought to see that we lay well out of range of the small-arms of the period. A disadvantage of this arrangement was that the enemy was out of reach of us as well, for our rifles were no better than his." 
Ambrose Bierce, On a Mountain, in The Collected Works of Ambrose Bierce, vol. 1: Bits of Autobiography, Neale Publishing Co., New York, 1909.

"Man, intellectually, somewhere between the sheep and the horned cattle, and as a hero, somewhere below the rats."
H. L. Mencken, Prejudices Sixth Series, Knopf, New York, 1927, p. 259.

While pathfinders climb sex roles to an evenness Scott hides assets SAM stole.
Captain Hayjer looks for own way of fornication with kett Primus-Zevin Raeka.