I am back with some impressions in my bag

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  1. ClipsyMoon
    • member
    • 204 kudos
    Very nice pics...great...have to try this game...
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you very much
      You should really try it, it's great but if you want the full experience, you should wait before the major issues are fixed (they are not annoying me, but could be annoying for you)
  2. Kuschel-Drow
    • supporter
    • 97 kudos
    Sooo chöne Bilder...
    Aber wenn ich mir das weiter angucke, bin ich nachher bestimmt total enttäuscht weils bei mir nicht so toll aussieht weil ich nicht dieses komische Dings hab... da... ach keine Ahnung. ^^ Bin ttrotzdem stolzer AMD Besitzer
    Die panoramen sind einfach göttlich...
    Überhaupt, so viele beeindruckende Bilder...
    Ich muss echt mal hinne machen... xD Aberi ch komm aj zu niiix!
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Willkommen im club... seit Sonntag will ich spielen... Pustekuchen...

      Vielen lieben Dank Mika... ach du brauchst Ansel nicht, um schöne Bilder zu machen Die meisten meiner Bilder sind aus dem Spiel raus geknippst... nimmste einfach Fraps o ä... geht auch
  3. Crimsomrider
    • premium
    • 1,385 kudos
    Great looking images of Dragon Age: Andromeda Quite happy to see you went with a girl. What'd you call her in the end ? ^^

    And most important question, who did you sex ? I bet the Krogan!

    I personally LOVED Mass Effect 1. It was a brilliant game, full of exploration and amazing mechanics. Mass Effect 2 took a more linear shooter approach rather than an exploration RPG, but still... it was extremely fun and well-made game.

    Mass Effect 3 was ugh... I never finished it. Mostly because it turned into an extremely linear shooter with awful running animations (my femshep ran as if she had a dildo up her ass put on maximum vibration) and you could not put away your gun during levels. Plus I heard about the awful endings, so I just couldn't really immerse myself that much into the game.

    Across the trilogy, it's clearly seen that ME games were more and more lackluster in the features they had. They're great games, but they went from being an amazing exploration game to downright linear shooter with collectibles.

    I had hoped ME Andromeda would finally bring back the amazing feel that ME1 had. Although it looks fun and great and finally has some exploration to it, I personally am going to wait for a huge discount before I get it. I really don't get how they managed to make the animations even worse than ME1. To me it's a fundamental issue. But it's just been a downward hill from ME1 I guess, atleast from my POV.

    Is there any chemistry the way you have between the Normandy crew ?
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      whoops... I didn't saw your comment... that's creepy... it's very large... ^^

      first of all... thank you very much, Vedran

      Nah... I didn't went with a girl... startet her and decided to switch to the male protagonist (the german voice of "Sara" is really annoying... I'm trying to play her again... but it feels really ...wähhh...) and I romanced the Asari Cora (the only other female possibility for males on the ship) is not that kind of personality I feel attracted to

      I loved the whole triology + this one too... I couldn't understand why people were jelling about the ending in ME3... I mean... hey it is just a game... not a movie or a book... and for a game, they did a fantastic job

      Idk why they made this change to the linear shooter... maybe they thought more people would buy the game... that's why they also put a multiplayer into it... just business :/

      If your main attention is on exploring... than I can tell you... yes ME:A is in this point again more than ME1... running around the maps finding stuff... exploring "dungeons"... mini games like sudoku puzzles and other little things are there again
      If you are interested in the story... meh... it's not really new... or exciting... but again... it's just a game for me it gave me absolutely everything I needed to have fun with it... action, a bit drama, a bit romance, beautiful locations and a breathtaken 4K graphic

      So the chemistry... mhmm... not easy to say... it is not the same like with the Normandy crew... what I prefer... because they are gone... but there is a chemistry between them... there are dialogues between them or with you on your travels and you can talk to them on the Tempest or the colonies... you can make wrong decisions and they will tell you... but there is no longer the paragon/renegade system, so they won't leave you at an special point...
  4. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    Some breath taking shots, Tanja. I see you had some fun in the Andromeda Galaxy.

    While I enjoy the game and like it. It has some glaring flaws for me to fully enjoy it like most people who have played it through fully. I do hope with some DLC that changes also some major patch work has to be done also.

    Also welcome back to the nexus.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you so much my friend

      We all (who played the game) have several opinions and that is a good thing

      See I played all of the games and read all books and comics... am I a hardcore fan? ... no I don't think so, but I love the series This game is no exception... is the story/gameplay boring for me?... no not really, I like to discover and build new homes for my cryo settlers, I like little puzzles... yes they used the same storybase like in ME1 to 3 and edited a bit with new alien races... but hey... only because it's a new galaxy, the problems don't have to be different, right ... are there major issues? ... definately yes! but they were also in other great games like the witcher 3, Fallout 4 and so on... and what did they do? They fixed it... time after time... I'm patient... I can wait... if I like a game I play it completely more than 5 times, wanna see every possible ending, every romance... and so on... so I can wait for the patches

      I never set high demands on a game, before I go and buy it... one will always be disappointed if one do so... this game series is not longer for fans only... it's for the whole gaming community (see the multiplayer... fans don't need that...) EA and also Bioware wants to make good money (creating the game was expensive enough ), so they need a game, they could sell to as many gamers as possible... not only to a hand full of fans

      What makes me angry are people who are not given any chance to that game... they watch some youtube vids with only the bad parts of the game in it and think they know everything ... no, they don't... or people who played 2 hours and think they have the right to attack creators for their work, because they don't do it, like THEY wish... this behavior is just stupid...

      The only thing what I'm a bit disappointed about (but this is nothing I would say the game is bad) is the character creator... ok, it never was good during the whole series, but now that they gave us great basics... I miss the possibility to choose between different nose-, eye- and mouthtypes, since I'm a Skyrim screenarcher, I love to build unique characters... and this is not really possible here :/

      oh look at me... I'm sorry for babbeling so much here... my impressions of the game and everything around it took me a bit away

      Thanks again, Quinten
    2. Darksaber87
      • supporter
      • 102 kudos
      I don't mind your long comments.

      As for my take I have already put up a set with what I thought of the game and what I liked and what I dislike. I already started multiple play throughs after I finished my first one going.

      What you said is true a lot of people do not try the game themselves they go off of the bad raters or youtubers who only talk about or show the bad stuff. Glitches and bugs will always exist in games.(unless it's a Nintendo game they are flawless out of the box haha. ) As I said I like the game, but for me to love the game the flaws will have to be fixed. I will also be waiting patently for the bugs to be fixed while I play through it a few times.
    3. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      You uploaded a ME:A set? I didn't get any notification for it... wait... I will take a look... brb

      Edit: yap I saw your opinion
  5. frank213
    • premium
    • 828 kudos
    Na Tanja
    Geht es gut voran mit der Erforschung neuer Welten. Die Bilder sind wundervoll und macht Lust das Spiel auch mal zu spielen. Leider fehlt mir da die Zeit dazu, habe mit Skyrim voll auf zutun.
    Ich hoffe die weiten des Weltraums werden Dich auch wieder nach Skyrim bringen
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank Frank
      Es hat mir echt Spass gemacht ... bin schon soweit durch, nur noch ein paar Nebenmissionen... aber ich habe nochmal von vorne gestartet mit new game+, das heisst, du kannst alles von deinem 1. Spielstand mitnehmen (Level... Krafte... Rüstungen... Waffen) und levelst einfach weiter Na Skyrim muss sich noch ein bisle gedulden, aber ich werde auf jeden Fall dahin zurück finden... muss ja noch ne Story weiterschreiben
  6. NannyOgg68
    • premium
    • 44 kudos
    uii, schon durch? Männe ist noch mitten drin
    Ich kann ja ab und zu rüberlinsen und finds jetzt auch net sooo schlimm mit den Gesichtern.
    Ok, der Hauptchar sieht manchmal aus wie ein Hamster auf Koffeinschock, aber man gewöhnt sich dran

    Super Bilder hast du da aber wieder gemacht

    Wünsch dir weiterhin viel Spaß bei der Erforschung des unendlichen Weltraums
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank Nanny
      Njaaa... die Gesichtsanimationen sind schon etwas gewöhnungsbedürftig... aber was solls Ich hab irgendwo gelesen, dass das irgendwie gefixt werden soll... aber das glaub ich erst, wenn es geschehen ist...
      Ich dind den default Scott gar nicht mal so schlecht... die custom males... na ja... die sind m.E echt schräg im game ... bei den Mädels ist es eher umgekehrt die Gesichtslähmungen der Default Sara gehen eigentlich so gar nicht... dafür macht sich mein custom Mädel ganz gut
  7. CuteAsDuck1
    • supporter
    • 284 kudos
    Wow Tanja! The game sure looks great and you captured some magnificent shots. I have to admit, while I love the first three ME games, this wasn't on my radar much and the reviews I read did put me off a bit. Seeing your images though makes me want to give it a try.

    I'm currently playing 3 games at the moment, so this will have to wait a while. Great to hear you enjoyed this game and I enjoyed viewing it from your perspective. Oh, and welcome back.
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you very much Andy
      Oh I'm really happy, that my pictures could confirm you on a positiv way, about your opinion for this game If you will wait a bit... yah... hopefully in the meantime they will fix some major texture issues (clippings and glitches)... so you can enjoy the full beauty of it
  8. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Awesome set, my dear!

    I like the variety here with both cinematic shots and Ansel images. I had no idea about the Ansel tool until I got told of it just a few days ago...and since then I just can't help myself from taking a few shots, even if I promised not to do so during my first playthrough...

    I'm not done either, still have some discoveries and exploring to do, but I take my time. Just like you, I feel the bashing of this game is a bit misguided. The high anticipation of a game serie as popular as Mass Effect does that of course, but in honesty, this turned out to be pretty much what I was waiting for. The story is more like a bonus to me, since we're supposed to explore new worlds after all and that's well enough for me. I also recognise the "print" Bioware used in making DAI, so that helps a lot too. Infact, so far my opinion of this game is great as I feel as if it's the original Mass Effect with better graphics and without the Shepard story. I always wanted to see the worlds in original Mass Effect turn into something similar to this when engaged in the "planet discovery" with the Nomad. So yes, I'm with you Tanja, I feel this game delivers and I'm having a lot of fun...

    Cool to see some ICE images too! I actually did a few as well, but erased them since the scale of 200 Mb per image got a bit insane for my taste!

    Good to have you back here at Nexus, although I will probably remain here at the MEA site for a little bit longer until Skyrim awaits again...
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Oh thank you so much, Rick
      I saw your sets too today, but like I wrote I didn't comment on them (not like I normally do) because I had billions of notifications to handle with...
      Your images are wonderful... never expected less, min vän

      I tried to showcase the whole dimension of the game without to spoiler too much in my pictures, since I finished my first playthrough. I thought I need to show that the game looks great and it running fluently on Ultra settings and 4K... I like the protagonists even when their german translation suck a bit (sound like they took some people from the streets and told them... hey synchronize this and I give you 100 €) but all in all it is a great game and I love it like all my other games I'm still playing

      I also don't wanted to capture images.... but the screenarcher in me was stronger... so I have a huge collection of images... this upload and it's album links is just a small part of it

      Idk why, but I had a lot of problems to make the verticals with ICE this time... the one I uploaded was the only one which worked... the size of the pictures... yes I needed to scale them down with ICE and gimp because I had the same problem

      So after I played the default Scott, I will run a second playthrough with my custom Sara (and her custom twin bro) so yes Skyrim and Fallout will have to wait a bit longer... (maybe just some quick pictures, but no real sets )
  9. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    That's a great looking set Tanja.
    Great to hear you liked the game. It's visible in this showcase you made of it.
    I've heard a lot of enthusiasm about the game to,.. but also criticism. It's part of high anticipated games I guess,..
    The same happened with Fallout4 , and by ow it has become a pretty cool game,..
    Can't leave without a favorit, wich is pretty impossible since I've seen some very cool images in this set.
    But this one was very cool amongst the cool
    1. tgstyle24
      • supporter
      • 104 kudos
      Thank you very much, Erwin
      One just cannot make it right for everyone... hardcore fans wish more depth in the story... hardcore gamers wish a perfect and fluently working multiplayer... hardcore grafic junkies wish 4K or more... publisher wish a short development phase... the "old" programmers leave the project to find new challenges.. so what shall they do... ???
      I think they did a great job and I hope they will fix soon most of the issues via updates and patches and then it will be perfect (imo)