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"The goddess [Pallas Athena concealed] seized the lance and immediately gave it back."
Homer, Iliad XXII. The death of Hector, trans. Voss, verse 277 [347].

Kelly Sweet — In The Air Tonight

Crazy SAM has Violet discern Macen Barro played a woman's part even as her mother. 
Her pieces add up to this persona. Next Cora finds asari ark, omen of great promise.

“Nothing takes the taste out of peanut butter quite like unrequited love."
Charlie Brown

"It may be clear from these few remarks how decisively the domain and the occurrence of concealing and concealedness hold sway, for the Greeks, over beings and over human comportment toward beings... "to forget" renders nothing at all of the Greek way of thinking.
Thought in the Greek fashion, [to forget] says: I am concealed from myself in relation to something which would otherwise be unconcealed to me. This is thereby, for its part, concealed, just as I am in my relation to it. The being sinks away into concealment in such a manner that with this concealment of the being I remain concealed from myself. Moreover, this concealment is itself concealed. Something similar does indeed occur when we forget this or that. In forgetting not only does something slip from us, but the forgetting slips into a concealment of such a kind that we ourselves fall into concealedness precisely in our relation to the forgotten."
Martin Heidegger, Parmenides, Third Directive, Indiana University Press, 1992, p. 24 [Epicurus: Live Unnoticed (Lathe biosas)].