change face whit andrew or tobey face

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  1. Mary5831
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  2. idealleR19
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    It's just a pity that it's not possible. Facial animations are fixed to vanilla faces. If you create new faces for the characters, they will have to create facial animation from scratch. Of course, no one will do this.
    1. Luciness
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      you can do with ai
    2. HollyCeuin
      • supporter
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      "with ai" what lmfao tell me you know nothing without telling me you know nothing
    3. Sheoko
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      Hmmm... what about the Henry Cavill's face on Geralt mod for The Witcher 3? How did they do it?
    4. H4ndw3rk3r
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      For Witcher 3 they remade the whole face from scratch several times. From what I know, there are "markers" for the face animation, and they do not work with different shape of the face. So you may need to keep the faces similar to original, at least a bit.
      I have no idea how the cinematics work in there. That may lead somewhere. It may be theoretically possible to edit the cinematics or character models separately.
    5. sezerpoyraz
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      but i have an idea. cinematics are videos right?
      so we extract video files and change to that faces with deepfake and switch ve deepfaked videos to original cinematics so how about that?
    6. H4ndw3rk3r
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      yes, could work if the videos are not rendered in real time. Still will need time to clean up artifacts and fix other mistakes. But I think the videos are not baked, they are rendered in real time. So the mod will need to remake the faces while following the animation cues.
    7. WirierJerk
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      It seems cutscenes are realtime renders. I thought making ultra detailed face rigs as original game uses in vanilla models would work. Because all animastions are motion captured if model facial bones and rigs are equal as the original ones. It could work!
  3. coollgnigth
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    looks great