Fake Symbiote Transformation Mod

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For those that are unware of the situation. A lot of youtubers have been making videos "demonstrating a symbiote transformation mod" when it's just cheeky video editing for more clicks. It's really frustrating that these youtubers keep saying it's a mod. A symbiote transformation mod is NOT POSSIBLE!!!! You cannot add new inputs/functions into this game, nor will we ever. If any of these creators are reading this, stop being petty for views and admit that it's an edit and not a mod.


  1. Batcow153
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I think the closest thing we can get to this right now is someone making a script hook mod that maps a key to change the suit without going in the menu, so you can select your black suit
    1. MiiMonkii1773
      • member
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      Yeah, but that will be a static change rather than having an animation.
    2. Viper69acc
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It still would be awsome
  2. Nycto420
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    its quite heartbreaking i would love to have one even if it is static
  3. errobot
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  4. caboose27xxx
    • BANNED
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    everything you said is exactly what i was thinking i see these videos all over when its just video editing lol