Original face when

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  1. burrito116
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Stop commenting please .
  2. Majusbal
    • member
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    the original face is so ugly it made me cry
    1. piccolo113
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      The new face was just pasted into the game with minimal animation tweaks though, so it doesn't convey personality or emotion on the same level the other face did. Besides, a Spider-Man who has been at this for over 8 years should look a tad haggard and clearly used to stress like the original face did. Fresh-from-high-school Babyface does not fit the Parker this game is supposed to portray.

      The ironic thing is that the new face works just fine in the Miles Morales expansion game because they had it to work with straight from the start. It was part of the rigging and animation process instead of just pasted on like they did in Spider-Man Remastered.
    2. Akashiki
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      this is factually incorrect, the whole reason they changed this face was so that it could pick up on Yuri Lowenthal's facial performance better. you're literally lying by saying that "it doesn't convey personality or emotion on the same level the other face did". the exact opposite is true. you're also lying by saying that his new face is "just pasted on". you're so fucking mad and don't even know what your talking about. shut up and download this mod if he looks too young for you.?
    3. burrito116
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I enjoy Yuri's performance in all the game he has done and I agree that the face matches his voice better
  3. ElectronicOwl
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    • 2 kudos
    Soooo, when is the mod coming out? I think it's been around a week since the news about old model found in game files.
  4. Andarus2
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    The new Face looks just better.
    1. piccolo113
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      It doesn't animate properly or capture the emotions properly in the base game, though. Was just fine in the Miles Morales expansion, since they actually used that face while animating all the scenes, but the new face wasn't part of the development process of the base game. It downright ruins certain scenes with the complete lack of proper emotion shown on it. 
    2. Silverwing280
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      Nah bro, literally nobody asked for Peter to get Hollanded.
    3. Kenshiro152
      • premium
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      Exactly the Facelit is the reason I refuse to buy that game until that crap is removed and a mod PS4 face is returned. 
  5. Aegandor
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    I refuse to play the game until we make this happen
    1. islamesenov
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    2. PartTimeDevil007
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    3. Acnologia999
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    4. kershman
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    5. Kenshiro152
      • premium
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      I fell the same I will not buy it until this is done. 
  6. piccolo113
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I wholly agree with this. In fact, I thought the mod already existed because of the promo videos for the PC port I'd been seeing. They have the original face in the videos I'd seen. 
  7. shimcot
    • member
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    Is anyone working on this mod?
  8. MHwtf
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    oh gosh yes
    • premium
    • 256 kudos
    Bring it back it’s sooooooo much better