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The possibilty of swinging with friends and racing them across the city. Fighting enemies with double the spawn rate so there is enough for the other players.
Make Catch the Pigeon course all over the map so you and youre friends have to chase it using your skills, first person to catch it wins.
 Also an option to turn off name tags to play Hide and Seek throughout New York!!


  1. MiiMonkii1773
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A few weeks ago I would've called you insane, but we got Breath of the Wild Multiplayer, so anything can happen lol.
    1. NADE16
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Blade and Sorcery has a multiplayer mod, it can only be improved.
    2. ctxrlsec
      • premium
      • 295 kudos
      And Skyrim too, Fallout 4 support is upcoming, and Cyberpunk's MP mod is still on early WIP...
    3. YaBoiJosh1
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Technically BOTWMP isn't even out yet, so no we don't have it
    4. YaBoiJosh1
      • member
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      Also Ctxrlsec, Fallout 4 Together isn't being developed by the Together team anymore, they're letting the community deal with it, which I would like to point out that it's not gonna happen anytime soon
    5. DiscreteReaper
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      LINK ME TO IT PLS, ha ssee what I did thhere 
  2. Midboy
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Any progress on that front ? Miles moralis game coming out , maybe thats a better chance for a co op mod ? 
  3. TECStudios
    • member
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    I remember this guy who made a multiplayer mod for Fallout 4. If that's possible, I'm 100% positive this is possible.
    I don't think that guy is working on mods anymore. It's been two or three years since I haven't seen anyone talk about that mod since then.
    Most recent guy I could think of who could pull this off would be this one modder who was able to make Boneworks (A single player VR game) multiplayer.
    1. YaBoiJosh1
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      The Skyrim Together Reborn team were planning on working on Fallout Together until they basically said "nah f*#@ it, let the community do all the work" there was also another Fallout 4 multiplayer mod that got cancelled long before that. While the coding knowledge would be transferrable between projects, I think that both mods would have to be made very differently from each other
  4. Midboy
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I will donate as much as needed . if theres a 1,000 of us . each put down 10$ thats 10,000$ to fund this project. Whos with me ? :) 
    If 2 developers works a whole month on this I bet they can get this working 
    1. MiiMonkii1773
      • member
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      As long as it's through a reliable site I would donate
    2. Midboy
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I think first we gotta find a modder / dev whos up for it :) haha 
    3. AnthonySan87
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      we can find the modder of just cause 3 online ? its a mod too no ? 
  5. VallionCrux
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Agreed. MAKE THIS HAPPEN! I will literally pay for a coop mod.
  6. jitgotmopped
    • supporter
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    since skyrim i have faith in any game to become mp just need the right members in the games community.
  7. Spyro80
    • premium
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    Yes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    1. NADE16
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  8. Millan32
    • member
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    you are insane.
    1. NADE16
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      The Spiderverse