Request - Longer Two Dragons flash and ping

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Can someone please create a mod that make Two Dragon's flash and ping effect lasts longer? So that we can execute a perfect parry easily? Thank you very much.


  1. gundamartist
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    No. You can choose other weapons if you can't parry well with this weapon. To me this weapon is more for the ones who can only master the perfect guard and we should keep it that way.
    1. AndreizNexus
      • member
      • 4 kudos
      Dude its a single player game, no one oblige you to download this mod.
      Don't force your stupid taste into others, if you want to be a fanatic hardcore gamer, be my guess, but others want to be more fun without the hardcore stuff.
  2. blizzthecasul
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I don't want to say skill issue....but I found the timing to be pretty forgiving, once you do it a bunch you kind of internalize the timing.
    When it comes to bosses though it is super easy, you can just watch ONGBAL do it and practice one attack at a time.
  3. yonesuke19
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It would be better if there is a guard point in the stance motion.