-Lethal Company
-An ultrawide monitor with minimum aspect ratio of 21:9.


* Download BepInEx mod loader and follow the instructions to install it into your game directory.

* Download this mod's DLL file.

* After you have put the BepInEx files into the correct location (\Steam\steamapps\common\Lethal Company), finish it's installation by loading the game to the main menu then quitting. You should see a console log launch with your game.

* In the downloaded zip, you will find BepInEx>plugins>LethallyWide.dll

*Move LethallyWide.dll into \Steam\steamapps\common\Lethal Company\BepInEx\plugins

* Optionally you can use the pre existing n8bits.LethallyWide.cfg and place that into \Steam\steamapps\common\Lethal Company\BepInEx\config. This is not
critical, if you do not do this then the plugin with automatically generate it when you first launch the mod.

* Launch the game, load into a save, enjoy life without bars (the visual kind).

Config Description:

The config file is auto generated (or manually placed) and can be found in \Steam\steamapps\common\Lethal Company\BepInEx\config.


There are 2 FOV variables you can set. One is for the normal gameplay FOV, the other is the FOV the game sets while you are using the terminal.


There are 3 offset variables you can change, though I would not suggest it unless you are having visual issues with model clipping.
They exist to move the first person camera forward/back and up/down to compensate for changes in FOV and aspect ratio.


There is a variable called resmult and the simplest way to put it is the higher resmult is, the clearer the game becomes. High values mean less pixelation.

Extended Description:

Please read about the current existing bugs before committing to this mod.

Lethally Wide adds automatic ultrawide detection and support for the game Lethal Company.
This mod is very early in development and it is not in it's final state, use at your own risk. 

This mod is currently incompatible with any other "HD" or resolution mods for Lethal Company, however this mod manages to completely eliminate black bars unlike the others. If you install this mod without an aspect ratio >= 21:9 the mod will not activate. I would like to make it compatible with other resolution mods, but for now I have tried to bake in the core features of the others such as FOV adjustment and resolution scale to smooth out the games visual pixelation filter. All of those features can be set in the cfg file.

Note that you probably want to run the game in full screen, this mod does not support dynamic changes to your game window dimensions. It calibrates to your display when you load in to the level, and will not re-calibrate until you quit back to menu and load back into a game again.

Known Bugs:

- Terminal isn't the most readable. It works, it's playable, but the font gets a bit fuzzy. It's on my list but I pushed this version out anyway for people like me who don't mind the tradeoff.

- The visor is disabled, I haven't had time to implement logic to scale the visor to your monitor dimensions so I've just disabled it for now.

- The scanner is only half functional (per the alpha tag on this mod title). Right click will still execute a scan, however it is only useful for price estimations and creature data. Locations and waypoints of scanned objects are not properly displayed.

- Asset pop-in is amplified due to the higher FOV. These settings can be adjusted in the cfg file. Some objects will only pop-in when you get near, but as far as I can tell this is purely visual and only affects the environment, not any of the monsters or items.

- Performance should be fine??? I didn't notice any performance drop compared to vanilla but the higher resolution does mean more VRAM usage, I just haven't gathered a lot of performance data yet.

Enjoy one of the first mods to break Lethal Company free of those bars! Please give me feedback and report any bugs you find that haven't been noted yet!


Lethally Wide Mod:

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