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Team Hssiss

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About this mod

This mod will add 15 new force powers to your game.

All powers are added directly to the Force Power Selection Screen. Some will only appear if the character has a prestige class.

Permissions and credits

This is compatible with TSLRCM 1.8.5:
Since force powers are added to the game with TSL Patcher there should be no incompatibilities with TSLRCM.



The Sith Lords: Full Force Mod Pack 1

A Team Hssiss Mod

Author: Team Hssiss
For: KotOR II
Date: 08/26/2009
E-mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
or Private Message VarsityPuppet at Holowan Labs


Team Leader: Canderis
Lead Scripter: VarsityPuppet(VPcombat)
Balancing Consultant: Lord of Hunger
Skinner: Te Mirdala Mand'alor(Mand'alor the Artistic)
Moral Support: DarthDac, Trigger God(BIOSHAZARD)


Darth Darkus for spotting out some nasty bugs
yawon for getting my into scripting
The original TSLFFM team
Stoffe for inspiration
HarIII for Screenshots and final Testing
Mr Shadow for final Testing


The TSLFFM was a project originally founded by VarsityPuppet and yawon. Initially intended to become a large modding effort with crazy amounts of hype, the project dwindled down to about 15 solidly scripted Force powers and ended up with being adopted as a full Team Hssiss mod.



This mod will add 15 new force powers to your game.

All powers are added directly to the Force Power Selection Screen. Some will only appear if the character has a prestige class.

Force Enflame
Universal Power
Character Level 8

This power allows the caster to generate an extreme amount of heat within the victim's body, eventually causing it to erupt into flames, suffering damage equal to the attacking character's level.
A successful Fortitude save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers will null any effects.

If unable to save, the victim may also suffer a temporary bout of insanity.

Force Combustion
Dark Side Power
Character Level 12

With a higher understanding of sentient biology, the caster is able to trigger a series of reactions within the target's body, causing it to explode, dealing damage equal to twice the attacking character's level.
A successful Fortitude save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers will null any effects.

Force Destruction
Dark Side Power
Any Prestige Class

Assuming complete control over the target, the caster lifts the victims body into the air and riddles it with one fatal explosion.
A successful Fortitude save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers will null any effects.

Force Quake
Universal Power
Character Level 16
Any Prestige Class

This power sends tremors through the ground, knocking all enemies in the vicinity off balance. Everyone within a 20 meter radius will be knocked down.

Universal Power
Character Level 16
Any Prestige Class

This power spawns a lesser replica of the caster who will aid in fighting for 60 seconds or until it is killed. The Doppelganger itself is an illusion, not actual living matter.

Sith Alchemy: Create Life
Dark Side Power
Character Level 10

Using Alchemical principles discovered by the Ancient Sith, the caster can indefinitely create a Sithspawn creature with the aid of the Force. The creature may, however, suffer mutations such as a short life span, decreased strength, and terrible dexterity. It is also possible for beasts created in this manner to become psychotic and uncontrollable. A Neutral or Dark Side alignment will yield moderate to impressive results. Lightside users, meanwhile, will be unable to use this power effectively.

NOTE: If the Jedi has Beast Trick or Beast Confusion, disobedience is less likely to occur.

Sith Alchemy: Create Life II
Dark Side Power
Character Level 16
Create Life

Creatures made with Create Life II will be less prone to mutations and generally have a longer lifespan. Also, they will be more likely to respond to the caster's commands. A Neutral or Dark Side alignment will yield moderate to impressive results. Lightside users will be unable to use this power effectively.

Sith Alchemy: Transform
Dark Side Power
Sith Marauder, Sith Assassin or Sith Lord level 6
Create Life
Create Life II

Having mastered the art of Sith Alchemy, the caster is now able to transform into a ravenous beast with the aid of the Force. While changed, the caster will not be able to use any Force Powers or regain any Force Points, but will have extraordinary physical strength. Due to the intense physical nature of tranformation, upon returning to human form, the Jedi will suffer -4 Strength and -4 Constitution for 120 seconds.

Universal Power
Character Level 16
Any Prestige Class

This power allows the caster to discover weaknesses within the structure of objects and other individuals. It lowers the defense of the target by 10 points for 6 seconds when used. A successful Fortitude save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers will null any effects.

Dark Healing
Dark Side Power
Sith Marauder, Sith Assassin or Sith Lord

This power completely restores the vitality of the caster, but will result in -2 to Strength and -4 to Constitution for 60 seconds. It will also significantly drain the Force Points of the caster. You will be unable to use this power if your Constitution is too low.

NOTE: Effects originating from this power will stack, but neither Strength nor Constitution will go below 3.

Sever Force
Universal Power
Any Prestige Class
Force Suppression
Force Breach

Sever Force was developed as a punishment for Dark Jedi and Sith, though the latter have also learned to apply it to their opponents as well. This lesser version of the power cuts off the target's connection to the Force temporarily, requiring them to rely on other means of combat for 30 seconds. The target's Force Points are lost and regeneration is stopped for that period of time.
A successful Will save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers will null any effects.

Universal Power
Character Level 16
Any Prestige Class

Entering the mind of the target, the caster is able to bring back painful memories from deep within, manipulating emotions to weaken their mental defense structure, making them more susceptible to force powers. An unsucessful Will save by the target at a DC of 5 + the attacking character's level + the attacking character's Wisdom and Charisma modifiers will lead to a -10 Force Resist penalty for 6 seconds.

Deadly Sight
Dark Side Power
Any Prestige Class

This power brings death and destruction to anyone seen by the caster through the Dark Side. However incredibly inefficient it is to use, it cannot be denied that it is a power to behold. FP cost may vary depending on the number of targets in the caster's field of view.

Spear of Midnight Black
Dark Side Power
Sith Marauder, Sith Assassin or Sith Lord

An ancient Dark Side power, the caster draws Dark Side energy from within, concentrates it into a near-physical form, and then hurls at an enemy, much like an actual spear.

Arrow of White Dawn
Light Side Power
Jedi Weapons Master, Jedi Watchman or Jedi Master

An ancient Light Side power, the caster draws Light Side energy from within, concentrates it into a near-physical form, and then hurls at an enemy, much like an actual arrow.



Compatible on the PC and Xbox


Use the TSLPatcher to install.


There's never an easy fix with TSLpatcher installs. The best you can do is remove the scripts, tgas and replace the 2das/tlk with their backups




Pack 1 released: October 24th, 2009


-For powers that spawn objects (Doppelganger, Create Life), the spawns always seem to want to spawn near the PC, not the actual caster.

-The current version of Deadly Sight affects enemies with in a circular radius. It is possible to kill enemies that the caster should not be able to see, technically

-Due to some issues with factions, there are some who will attack your Sith Alchemy beasts. I left it in because it's cool. Some people just might be compelled to kill creepy looking beasts.

-Not a bug, but cool: Wherever you spawn a Sith Alchemy Beast, they will stay there indefinitely..  until they are killed.

-If used in conjunction quickly enough, the effects of Shatterpoint and Subjugate can stack.



You may use this mod as you see fit. Display it in screenshots, make it compatible with your mod. However, do please give credit where it's due, and DO NOT release it with any of your mods without my permission. You may however upload to any modding site as I give you full permission to do so. Thanks.


Fred Tetra's KotorTool
Obsidian for making a game to love and hate

All materials and copyrights belong to LucasArts, BioWare Corp. and Obsidian Entertainment Inc.

This mod has been restored from FileFront which closed down their servers on April 30th, 2016. TheDarthRevan has archived this mod for the modding community so it would not be lost to time. This mod has been uploaded to keep it available to potential users and modders alike. I do not own this file and will not be able to provide support
for it.

Even though Nexus Mods scans all mod files and this mod has been confirmed to be virus free, use at your own risk.