TSL Armor Expansion Project
This was a concerted effort to study and redevelop the wearable item system in TSL. 

Item classes and the codes behind them have been redeveloped with this mod.

Dev Notes:

TSL's default layout is as follows:

  •  C - Light Armor
  •  D - Light Armor 2
  •  E - Medium Armor  
  •  F - Medium Armor 2 (/Bao-Dur)
  •  G - Heavy Armor 
  •  - Heavy Body Armor
  •  - Robe
  • - SF robe
  • K - Armored Flight Suit
  • L - Dancer's Outfit
  • M - Jedi Armor
  • N - Jedi Master Robe
Appearance.2da knowledge must be applied.
Then, palette-swapping knowledge is a must to make this, like in MK or GoldenEye.
You must be familiar with UVW Mapping.

GIMP 2.10.22
 is necessary and linked to.

RE: TF2 / Normal Mapping
I used the following program in my Team Fortress 2 Mods, for normal mapping. It is not a free program but it is worth the investment if the need is really there.
People have asked me how I made those skins, it's a blend of real-world photography, GIMP knowhow, and this program here.

Find more of my work through these links:

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