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About this mod

XXXXXL - add NPC to group vs group encounter (3 version from normal to 20)
XXXL - remove or add a little cooldown to each encounter.(from nocooldown to 8hour cooldown)
XXL - make single person passive encounter (merchant, beggar) happen less.
1vsALL encounter modification : you(alone) vs group minimum npc to 1.

Permissions and credits

with the new PTF model, some explanations are needed.
I don't really know how to make the files PTF, and I didn't learn how to use the modding tools, and I'll be honest I probably won't as for now.
but I can give the files changed, which won't be compatible with other mods modifying the same file ("tables")
tho it doesn't mean this mod is incompatible with other mods PTF or not.
what PTF does is that it patch the file with new values modified by the mods only, instead of replacing the whole files comprising value not used.
two PTF mods that change the same files but also the same value in the file will still not be compatible.
there is no mod I know (and I searched feel free to correct me) that modifies the files I posted here, and ADD news value.
there is mods that modify the exact same already existing value, and will not be compatible with this mod PTF or not.

but one file, which is linked to Tzeke(other version are safe and are not modified by any other mods, that could be compatible in PTF).
those files are:


if you use any mods which modify those 3 files (and those 3 files are only in tzeke revival not in XXXL, XXL, XXXXXL)
it will be incompatible.
the main issue would be localization, if you have any mod which modifies and add new entry to localization, it will be an issue.
I'm sorry for not updating to PTF, but if someone want to, he can do it and post it separately on nexus and there is no need to credit me or ask me permission at all.
I would suggest if you are not sure, to try it, and if you see issues (especially with localization) just remove the file, it shouldn't affect your save.


for version 1.9.5!!!

XXXXXL    -   add NPC to group vs group encounters (3 version from normal to 20)

XXXL   remove or add a little cooldown to each encounter.(from nocooldown to 8 hours cooldown)

XXL   -            make single person passive encounter (merchant, beggar) happen less. (need testing and feedback)

1vsALL encounter modification : you(alone) vs group minimum npc to 1.(max still same)

Random Encounter Tezke revival :: Add 3 custom encounter, (credit: creator - Zaatch ; updating - pecheurman)

*** You Can use XXXXXL WITH XXXL they are independant from each other and compatible with each other. So you can use them two at same time
or use only one. 

you can't use XXXL with XXL, you have to choose one of them.

ONLY use 15 and 20 if you have a good pc, otherwise you will have bigs issues. (recommended: 1660 gtx, 16 gb ram, i5-9400+)

USE "NORMAL" if you have pretty weak PC but still want more people in fights...

NO need for a new savegame, you can remove the mod ANYTIME and it will be back to default game setting.

in comment you can see some in-depth modification. if you have a question, I'll try to answer it.

********1vsALL encounter modification*******

that mean (for more explanation) that before in the game, you had aggressive encounter but it had to be more than 1 bandit, you had to be
outnumbered each time.
min npc in the default was not less than 2-3 and a dog.
with this modification the minimum npc can be 1 but max npc still default. so sometime you will be 1 vs 4, and you have a chance to be 1vs1 (for some nice duel).

in my previous modification I edited it so sometime you could be against 6
raubritters alone. and I got always the same result (otherwise you can't
deal with this, the game is simply not made for you to be against that much opponent.)
was just jumping on horse killing them with bow and finishing the last or last two guy with melee. and it destroyed the immersion a bit
(mine at least).

so I reverted the setting to default, (the default game one) and made this 1vsALL encounter modification.
it simply make it possible to be sometime against 1 opponent (or one npc human and one dogs is also possible) but you still can get 4 opponent against you.

Random Encounter Tezke revival

Add 3 new customized encounter (for more information check "Roads are Dangerous") credit : Zaatch

to use instead of XXXXXL!!

group to group encounter min=20 max=20 (gonna make a lighter version soon)



pour la version 1.9.5!!!

XXXXXL -    Ajoute des NPC au ambuscade de groupes. (3 version de normal a 20)

XXXL     -     supprime ou rajoute un temp d'attente pour chaque ambuscade.(de aucun temp a 8h d'attente.) par défaut c'est 168h

XXL        -     les rencontres pacifique comprenant seulement 1 NPC (marchand, sans-abris, vendeur) sont réduit de 50% (besoin de test)

1vsALL encounter modification : les ambuscade contre vous (seule) (d'un groupe qui vous attaque en nombre supérieur) on une chance de n'avoir 
qu'un seul NPC, mais le maximum (par défaut) reste le meme (4)

Random Encounter Tezke revival :: ajoute 3 rencontre personnalisée, (credit: createur - Zaatch ; mise a jour - pecheurman)

*** Il est possible d'utiliser XXXL avec XXXXXL  indépendamment l'un de l'autre, comme il est possible d'utiliser les deux en meme temp.

il n'est pas possible d'installer XXL avec XXXL il faut choisir un des deux.

je ne recommande pas d'utiliser XXXXXL 15 et 20 si vous n'avez pas une machine de guerre comme pc. et meme dans ce cas il est possible d'avoir des problème. mais dans le cas ou vous rencontrez des problèmes pas de panique, vous pouvez simplement supprimer le mod, et utiliser la version normal faite pour les pc "normaux"

si vous avez des questions n’hésitez pas.

********1vsALL encounter modification*******

c'est quoi?

il y as deux type de rencontres (aggressives) une groupe contre groupe, et une c'est vous(seule) contre un groupe.
c'est modification fait que il est possible de tomber sur une personne seule (avec ou sans un chien). au lieux de toujours tomber sur minimum 3
(par défaut dans le jeux on est toujours contre 2-3 npc dans ce type de rencontre.)

donc maintenant il est toujours possible d'etre a 1 contre 3, mais il y a aussi une chance de tomber sur une seule personne.

Random Encounter Tezke revival

rajoute 3 rencontre personnalisée (plus d'information sur la page du mod "Roads are Dangerous") credit: Zaatch

a utiliser a la place de XXXXXL !!!

rencontre groupe contre groupe min=20 max=20 je ferais une version plus low config friendly bientot.

description update 21/6/2020:

I'm still active to answer question if someone have any, but I did stop the developing of the mod.
I was in the making of adding new encounter (in addition to tzeke) I made 2 more encounter type, but really it wasn't special enough to publish it at all.
the thing is you have to use already existing inventory (you can make new inventory but its a little plain in the a** to be honest, I wasn't ready to put much time into this because of the release of mount & blade bannerlord)

if in the future is mod become outdated, I'll try to update it. it might take some time as of today is still up to date (21/6/2020) ennemy name might not appear in portugese tho...
if I don't, you are invited to update it yourself, no need to give me any credit (if you update tzeke give credit to zaach even tho he didn't ask for it)
I wish you good game. and the reason there is so many option, it may be confusing... is because I wanted to give option, so you don't have to search the whole nexus to search for a mod because you wanted to have 8 hours cooldown instead of 4, or 12 group to group combat instead of 20, or 1 guy encounter instead of 6(atleast have it as optional).

I can get some will get confused, but I'm sorry there is a limit I can put in the download description, and I believe I written it all in the main description. if something you don't understand be specific about what, saying "I don't understand anything" won't help, that mean you need to learn english. even tho I'm lacking grammar, I believe someone speaking basic english will understand me.

good game.