One step closer to the goal

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This user's image description contains 17 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. Blass1912
    • supporter
    • 116 kudos
    I look at your work and feel like I'm playing this game :)
    Everything is so beautifully and superbly done, Frank!
    But I don't have time for this :))
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Many thanks to you for your kind words Pavel, I'm glad that you like the pictures and that I've aroused your interest, even if you don't have time for them, maybe someday later.
    2. Blass1912
      • supporter
      • 116 kudos
      I meant that there is no time to play this game :))
      I have time to look at your photos :)))
    3. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Yes, I understood Pavel. Maybe I did not express myself correctly.
  2. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 483 kudos
    Magical captures, Frank! Really like this closeup portrait!
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Thank you so much for your kind words dear Larys, I'm glad you like it.
  3. ista3
    • premium
    • 1,118 kudos
    Details are incredible Frank :))
    Awesome captures :)
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Thank you very much for your kind words Izzy
  4. LadyBella
    • premium
    • 213 kudos
    Beautiful!! Wow!! Nice captures!
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Many thanks to you for your kind words Ladybella
  5. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 383 kudos
    Wonderful engaging heartfelt closeup intro.
    Gorgeous landscapes and action scenes.
    Excellent imagery.
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Thank you very much for your kind words dear Gurley.
  6. SomewhatWindy
    • premium
    • 149 kudos
    Ein superspiel,.. ich habe mit ein neues spiel angefangen und spiele es ab und zu.
    Ich werde immer uberrascht durch wie schon das spiel grafisch ausssieht.
    Ganz tolle bilder 
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Ja , Du hast Recht Erwin. Man wird immer wieder überrascht, wie wandlungsfähig die Landschaften sind und auch die Charaktere. Ich Danke Dir vielmals.
  7. gucky2010
    • premium
    • 361 kudos
    Klasse Set Frank
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Vielen lieben Dank an Dich für Dein Lob Kai
  8. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 130 kudos
    Amazing work Frank, these captures leave you wanting to see and know more about what's happening :)
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Thank you very much for your kind words Moe, there is still a lot to come before the game is over, it is definitely worth playing.
  9. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Fabulous sunset shots. And some great character shots also. Yeah, there are some wonderful characters in that game starting with Rost and going on from there.
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      You're absolutely right Laird, the characters are very varied and I think it gets more and more emotional as the game progresses.
  10. Beba
    • supporter
    • 127 kudos
    Beautiful shots, Frank.
    1. frank213
      • premium
      • 828 kudos
      Many thanks to you for your praise Beba.