Bikini Armor WIP 3

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  1. element117
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The bikini looks good, but the yellow armor looks a bit off were you going for gold armor? Not sure if you were done with it and that's the final look, but if you were trying to go with a gold look, maybe a darker more metallic color would work better? Maybe make the armor material reflect light like metal if possible.


    1. mzmoro
      • premium
      • 386 kudos
      This is what it looks like when I am texturing.
      I'm having trouble getting the texture to work properly in the game. This isn't finished yet.
    2. element117
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Ah I see, that makes sense, yeah that does look a lot better, In the in game preview pics the material looks more like plastic, this definitely looks more like gold metal, hope you are able to get it to work in game. If for whatever reason you can't get the material to act like and reflect like metal, probably making the texture color darker and a bit more bronze/orangish would likely make it look better in game. Thanks for your hard work and best of luck!
    3. mzmoro
      • premium
      • 386 kudos
      I'll take it into consideration. Thanks <3