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  1. Skaballas
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    I'm just sitting here hoping somebody will make a body mod that makes her look like she did in the first game... This body positivity nonsense doesn't work for me... She's a Nora, running, climbing, and fighting the whole day... 
    1. muhdig
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      There was mod which only fixed her enormous jaw like 12 hrs ago, but it got pruned almost instantly. No way we'll see any face mods on this censoring site.
    2. zHIST
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It was fine in the first game because she looked okay already. But God fobid you change someone "body positive"

      Game devs and site mods can go **** themselves
    3. thianx
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      lmao so thats why there are no face mods so far, i hope another site can do that
    4. mauriPS
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Damn right. Hoping to see more than 1 different look for her made into a mod. Maybe different faces, or haircuts too.
    5. orcupeur
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Agree, hope there is a mod for this. That is sad that nexus would remove these mods, is there any alternative mod website where we could get this kind of mods, without nonsense censor ?
  2. evawwave
    • member
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    Looks like Shrak.
    1. 4Paparika
      • member
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      Shrak is better.
  3. Jinxtar
    • supporter
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    She's got a face that only a mother could love. In game she's insufferable to boot. 
  4. leiongod
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    or make a body and face mod post a picture and show us a link to another website. I'm sick of looking at this Nick Avocado Bitch. If there can be mods to make her prettier in the 1st game as well as give her big ass tits, then I can't see the problem in making her face look less ugly
  5. Malistroth
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Has she got syphilis or smth?
    1. 4Paparika
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      lol, may be
    2. a83877507
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      PLZ someone get a make up mod for this