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  1. Dahveed
    • premium
    • 161 kudos
    Technically impressive, but for me Aloy looked more heroic (especially with her face rework mod) in the first game.  Much more of a chiselled look.  In the new game she looks like a dopey Twitch streamer.
    1. Kadraeus
      • premium
      • 468 kudos
      Huge disagree. She looks much more like a real person in FW. I used to like her original look, but it's hard to go back. In the new one, I can take one look at her face and immediately guess what she's thinking. whereas looking at the ZD version now feels like just looking at an NPC and not an actual person. Most of the old game's characters have that feeling, which makes it harder for me to get back into it unfortunately. Especially because of the improved facial animation in FW.
    2. Dahveed
      • premium
      • 161 kudos
      That has more to do with the animation upgrade, which I 100% agree on.  I'm just talking about visual model.

      Also the "real person" thing is subjective too... I generally agree for rando NPCs in games, but she's the hero of the story and should look less technically "realistic" and more "heroic".  But that of course depends on preferences.

      I mean... when I make my own NPCs in games, I usually play males and I want them to look stern and heroic, not "realistic" and dopey like most people look IRL if we're being honest.  It's fantasy, after all.
    3. Kadraeus
      • premium
      • 468 kudos
      It isn't just the animation. She looks more like a real person because she has not only more detail but more imperfections. Her blemishes are more visible and are all over her face rather than just her cheeks and nose. This might sound weird, but it gives her a sense of "history." Because having a very smooth face gives the impression of someone who is either very young or isn't exposed to the elements a lot. Imperfections also just add more visual interest and tell you something about the character subconsciously, as well as making her more visually relatable. She looks like someone I could actually see irl, which I think is important for a lead character in a game that puts clear emphasis on representation. For something more stylized, it can be different but I still think even then it's doable. Arcane understood this very well, given how many imperfections their characters' faces have.

      Yeah, she's the hero, but I don't think heroes need to look flawless or even "above standard." I personally prefer when they aren't, which is why I usually give my characters blemishes/imperfections in some way. They can still look unique, which Aloy achieves by being the only character with her style of hair, but based on the themes of Horizon (partly the representation thing) it just makes more sense to have characters that look more like normal/slightly above average people. It's normal/average people that can either heal the world or harm it

      Both games also make it a point to have a diverse cast of characters. They don't lock themselves into what's considered conventionally attractive or whatever. They can give characters hairstyles that most people in modern society at least in the West would think are weird. They can make male and female characters have different body types like how the Oseram are a lot heavier than everyone else (instead of giving every single female character roughly the same slender build). To me it just reads as not being ashamed of natural human traits that modern society very often urges people to hide. And it also takes that larger than life narrative/setting the games have and grounds it. Because the story is really just an exaggerated version of the type of world we already live in. People like Ted Faro and Elisabet Sobeck exist. Ted Faro can be the worst person to ever exist, but he still just looks like a very average, normal man for a reason. Because technically anyone could be him. Just like anyone could be Elisabet Sobeck (at least, I'm sure that's the point the devs want to have).

      Sorry for the essay lmao
    4. Marzoval
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      • 0 kudos
      She looks more chiseled in the first one because of the lighting. Otherwise the character model is essentially identical. In FW the lighting is improved, but she's also continuously lit by invisible hero lighting and - in combination with subsurface scattering - fills the shadows on her face, making her look less chiseled because there is no dark and hard shadow line to give shape to her facial structure (as you can see in the first comparison pics). 
    5. Dahveed
      • premium
      • 161 kudos
      @Marzoval - You're basically agreeing with me.  You've explained on a technical level why everything looks the way it does, which was what I kind of said to begin with.

      In the original one she does *look* more chiseled, even if you can explain to me (technically) that shouldn't be the case.  But in the end it's the looks that matter.  And it's all just opinion anyways.

      I just hope someone can come out with a face mod before I start playing it... And hopefully it won't stir up some idiotic "controversy" which gets the Nexus moderators involved.
    6. Kadraeus
      • premium
      • 468 kudos
      Marzoval is right, though it is still definitely the textures and subsurface scattering that contribute to this.The skin is going to look less "chiseled" because SSS means some of that light is going through her skin, making the shadows a little less harsh.

      I've also looked at both of her models from both games before in Blender out of curiosity, and if you compare her heads the only significant difference in face shape is that the outer parts of her brow ridge are angled down rather than up. This does give off more of a softer expression than "fierce" imo. I like either, especially since she can express both in cutscenes anyway. They greatly upgraded the amount of expressions she has in FW.

      The other changes are much more minor, like her cheekbones being slightly more sunken in FW. But a lot of the small changes seem like just a natural result of the process of mesh editing/sculpting. The FW head has more polygons (10,900 triangles to 44,900), to the point you can see more detail on the mesh that would otherwise only be possible via normal maps. Which means they reprojected that detail from a high poly sculpt to this "low poly" model. So, it's actually technically closer to the original face sculpt than the face from the first game.

      TBH all of this might make me sound like a lunatic, but as someone who makes CG characters I live for this s#*! lol. Studying video game models is fun

      Unfortunately it probably would get controversial, since a certain crowd has made Aloy's appearance a huge deal for some reason (despite the fact people complained about her face even in the first game). I don't get why this is the hangup for some people though. There's so much cool s#*! in these games, and Aloy is a really cool and surprisingly relatable character
    7. Dahveed
      • premium
      • 161 kudos
      No argument from me, and like I said, technically you guys are most certainly correct.  But I'm using my feely-feels to disagree :D

      Also keep in mind I was using a face mod for the first playthrough which changes the model of her face, I think it's just called "Aloy Face Rework", I'm too lazy rn to look it up.  It changed the actual model to make her look more 1990s-style action hero "heroic", the "chiselled" word I keep coming back to. 

      It's not the hangup for me, but it's one of them.  I'm just waiting a while for the modding community to catch up so I can tweak the experience to my liking, especially regarding xp speed (I like to slow things down) and damage modifiers (I HATE damage sponges in these games).  Also other more nuanced stuff.  Modding is also fun!

      And like I said, I hope the Nexus just kind of stays out of it.  I don't understand why they let people use waifu barbie-doll face mods all over the place in Skyrim but for some reason HZD is some kind of forbidden fruit... it's truly perplexing.  /shrug

      Interesting conversation either way, cheers.
    8. duckManww
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I agree with you. Games do not necessarily need to be realistic. Especially a lead character's face. In fact, many aspects of the game are not realistic. We are just gamers, not ideological politicians.
  2. janosch333
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I fully agree with you in preferring her visuals from the second game due to the higher realism.
    The peach fuzz made me genuinely excited about how far games have come. Which apparently seems to be an unpopular opinion.
    Pretty sure not long and we're gonna have mods to make her more "appealing" to the male gaze in face and body ..
    1. Kadraeus
      • premium
      • 468 kudos
      Yeah it's fine that people like the original, but the new one really just took her original face and improved it in almost every way. But when comparing the two, especially comparing their meshes, it's clear they're really the same head mesh. It's just that in FW she has more polygons and more realistic textures, and there's a slight difference in her forehead and jaw (and of course her hairline). This is really the closest I've seen to a game character looking like they would in a cinematic CG trailer, and that's especially because of the peach fuzz. Since that's always been a detail that character artists for movies and game trailers would add to CG models, but hasn't before been feasible on game characters till now. The mods that change her face to make her "hotter" definitely annoy me. If it weren't for the controversy I wouldn't really care. But it's the fact that people make it into some kind of huge statement. And it isn't even new. People said the same things back when Zero Dawn came out.
  3. albinowalrus64
    • premium
    • 123 kudos
    It's certainly a big upgrade in terms of fidelity but (excepting a few things) I still kinda prefer the more "painterly" look that Zero Dawn had. That's just me tho!
    1. Kadraeus
      • premium
      • 468 kudos
      It was great at the time, minus the skin textures on non-white characters tbh. Asian and African characters had very weird skin tones. Didn't help that the game seemingly didn't have true subsurface scattering (which also could legitimately be the reason why those characters' skin tones looked so weird, since there wasn't an underlying redness to go with the textures).

      I prefer FW for all of the characters since their personalities are much more readable through their faces than before. But it is odd how in FW the transparency on Aloy's hair textures isn't as good as in ZD. Like they changed a setting with how it's rendered.

      The hairstyles for black characters are weird in both though. I wish they'd stop giving them straight hair, especially when they created some Afro-textured hairstyles for the Tenakth. Just often looks very goofy
  4. NerdissimoPC
    • supporter
    • 5 kudos
    The graphic detail is incredible in HFW but in this comparison I prefer the chromatics of the first one.