Horizon Forbidden West -Young Aloy

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It would be nice if someone could bring her normal face back...as it was in the Horizon Zero Dawn 2017


  1. Kadraeus
    • premium
    • 468 kudos
    Her original face doesn't really look as good as it seemed to in 2017. I'd love it if they did a remaster of the first game to update her textures tbh. Also, that picture isn't even how she looked in the first game. She looked quite different in promo material vs the final game
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      • 7 kudos
      Thank you for posting this. It is exactly what I was referring to in the 2017 version.
    2. Kadraeus
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      • 468 kudos
      I think you misunderstood. I'm saying her Forbidden West face is leagues better than how she looked in Zero Dawn. Back then, her face looked fine but seeing the new face she looks way more realistic. Her old face, like most faces in that game, looked like they were made of clay.

      But even in Zero Dawn, her face in promotional images didn't look the same as it did in the final Zero Dawn release. Meaning she never really looks like this picture in Horizon Zero Dawn anyway. I don't get why people want a less realistic face for her. It's ridiculous that in a great game with so many things things you could have a discussion about, especially regarding its story's themes, so many people only seem to care that the main character isn't "hot" enough according to their standards.

      Did people make this big of a deal out of Nathan Drake's face changing between Uncharted 3 and 4? I'd agree if they completely changed her face like they did Spider-Man's, but the changes to Aloy in FW aren't nearly that dramatic.
  2. BritOne
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    • 1 kudos
    Considering the second Game is set 1 month after the first game ended, this versions more cannon.
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      • 7 kudos
      Is it really one month after? It is amazing
    2. Desalater
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      6 months