How to make the mods work after the updates

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  1. ComradeTorchwick
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What does step 3 and 4 even mean?
    1. Paedric
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      In a nutshell, you are basically making a change to the SLI file, reversing that change, and then saving it. Whatever character you delete, you add back, and then save. This changes the file date to be newer than whatever patch the game is running.

      In example:

      • <!--######## WEAPONS ########--> (as given in the SLI file (it doesn't matter what SLI, this is just an example))
      • <!--######## WEAPONS #######--> (delete one # symbol)
      • <!--######## WEAPONS ########--> (add the deleted # symbol back)
      • Save the file (either File\Save or <CTRL> <S>)
      • $Profit$

      The main take away here is that the modified file will appear newer to the game than the installed game patch.
      Adding a space somewhere and then deleting it will produce the same effect.

      EDIT: Honestly, I think you can get away with just opening the file up, and then saving it without making any changes. As long as the date of the file has changed you should be golden.
    2. xxserahxx
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Step 3: Delete any character / symbol in the text
      Step 4: Add the same character / symbol in the text

      Very helpful instructions lol