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Monsters of the 80sverse

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About this mod

Simple reshade preset put together in attempt to imitate the tones and colors used in the 90's hit classic American cartoon, Batman the Animated Series. There is also some distortion affects include to try and smooth out some of the black value heavyness, as well as partially emulate the picture quality of your average 90's show broadcast.

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So what I've done here is cobble together several different shaders to try my hand at recreating the tones and colors of Batman the Animated Series, including that picturesque 90's broadcast distortion some of us so fondly remember, but in a style of 3D animation that is slightly reminiscent of Borderlands or other comic styled games. I know you know what borderlands, but are you up to snuff on your animated batman swag? You DO remember, the hit classic American cartoon from the 90's, BTAS, on your good ol' fashioned 90s tube, don't you?? Well, hopefully you don't remember it TOO much, as this preset may not be as picture perfect as I would have hoped! However, I can say that it is at least near enough to perfect for me, and so I thought I'd share it with the rest of you in case you . Feel free to use it, add to it, change it to your liking, or spit on it and throw it in a digital dumpster fire, whatever!


If for whatever reason you actually download and use this preset, bear in mind there are some extra steps you will need to go through;
Step 1 Download ReShade: Go here and download the version of reshade that you want. At least the last 3 versions will work for this preset.

Step 2 Click on Download: Once downloaded, run it. It should be called ReShade Setup 5.4.2, or whatever version you downloaded.

Step 3 Setup ReShade: ReShade will ask you where you would like to install it. Please choose Gotham Kites exe in the list of games it pulls up for you, then click next. Then, click on DirectX 10/11/12. Click next again.

Step 4 Download/Import Preset: ReShade Setup will now ask you to import a preset. Now, download my preset and extract where you want it to go. Then, go back to ReShade Setup, and click on the browse button. Locate my preset wherever you extracted the zip folder, and click on it. Then, click next.

Step 5 Package Selection: After clicking next, ReShade will offer you a selection of shader packages to choose from. Most of the packages containing shaders that my preset uses will already be checked, except one: RSRetroArch by Matsilagi. Now, unless you want a ton of shaders my preset doesn't use crammed into your ReShade game overlay, make SURE that you click the checkboxes by the packages you want to install, however many times necessary until the check mark becomes a black square in the center of the box. This will allow you to pick and choose which shaders you want contained within the packages via setup. If you miss this part, don't worry. You can change it later. Click next.

Step 6 Shader Selection: Now, you will see a series of shader selections listing each shader contained within the packages you want to install. In order for my preset to work as intended, you will only need to install the following shaders from their associated package: FakeHDR.fx, Levels.fx, Technicolor.fx, Technicolor2.fx, and Clarity.fx. Make SURE that you do NOT check Technicolor.fx from any package other than the one from RSRetroArch by Matsilagi. After you're done going through these, click finish.

Step 7 Copy/Paste Outline: The final shader you will need is called Outline, which is not located in any of the packages provided to you by ReShade Setup. For this, you will have to go to this url: made by kingeric1992 and ported to ReShade by JPulowski. Next, select all text on that page and copy it. Then, open up a new notepad window, and paste the shader code into there. Then, save the note as Outline.fx

Step 8 Add Outline.fx to Your Game: Now, locate your Gotham Kites folder in Steam/Steamapps/Common. Then, drag or copy and paste the new Outline.fx file you just made into Steam/Steamapps/Common/Gotham Knights/Mercury/Binaries/Win64/reshade-shaders.

Step 9 Start the Game: Now, go back to your game launcher and run Gotham Kites. Once you're at the main menu, if it's your first time using your current isntallation of ReShade, at the top of your screen you will notice ReShade compiling all of the shaders you just installed. Then, it will open the ReShade overlay. It will ask if you want a tutorial or if you want to skip it. Choose whatever you want. After skipping or completing the tutorial, you should now see my preset loaded at the top, and the shaders it uses should be in white text with checkboxes next to them at the top of the shaders list. If all shaders are present, then you only have 1 more step.

Step 10 Verify Shader Load Order and Tweak Settings: Shaders have different outcomes depending on the order in which they are listed in your shaders list. They should load in for the first time in the correct order but in case they are not, make SURE they are in this order;


If that looks ok, then you're done. Unless of course, you want to tweak any of the settings. If you're new, I recommend leaving levels, clarity, and fakehdr alone and only adjust technicolor 1 and 2 and outlines.

DISCLAIMER: I did not make any of these shaders. I do not have permission to redistribute them. So this download ONLY contains the preset. You will have to visit the links to get them from the creators. Please give them thanks for creating such wonderful shaders. Thanks!

- MOT80

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