About this mod

Years in the making: MOFAM - MasterLix's Overhaul For Advanced Modding.
At approximately 450 mods we will also be using a multitude of tools, similarly to my MOFAM guide for Fallout 4, Lexy's guide for SSE & STEP guides found elsewhere. If you're familiar with it you'll be right at home.

MOFAM: Even James can't believe his eyes.

Permissions and credits

Please do spend a few moments to read the Prologue to grasp the background, intent & brief overview of the final-build. Certain key-technical, thematic & practical advice is given to shed deeper light on both the installation & final output.

Given its broad scope and wide array of mods & differing authors' input, I affectionately perceive MOFAM to be a celebration of the Nexus & modding community, and five years of my life well-spent & richly-rewarded.

What differentiates MOFAM from other guides is it's purely Fallout 3 centric: I know full well many modders have moved onto TTW however given it's the games 15th Anniversary, this is a pure nostalgic trip for me, and perhaps like you, Fallout 3 is your personal favourite holding many fond & dear memories. Indeed, I have zero interest in returning to FNV & the conceptual attraction behind TTW yields little value.

Welcome to MOFAM

My FO4 guide celebrating its 3rd year on the landscape. I also have a similar guide for Oblivion, my other favourite. Check them out for a similar (albeit larger) adventure!

Thankyou's and Testimonials from my discord


I am having a blast playing this. Reminds me of installing Lexy's guide.  Totally worth it.

This list may be actually perfect. My computer isn't super powerful, by any stretch, but I'm getting solid frames, and I think this is the best I'veever seen it look. Gameplay-wise, it's just difficult enough for it to be hard, but not so much that it feels unfair. Literally the only downside to this guide is actually going through it, but I promise it's not that bad. It's just a bit more involved than Lexy's guide, so if you've done that, you can handle this. Don't be afraid to ask for help on the discord. 10/10 genuinely great stuff

I must say, this guide is fantastic. And long overdue. All of the promising mod guides for FO4 from early on,(that I'm aware of), have long been abandoned. This is one that should have everybody excited right now. Thank you so much MasterLix for your dedication and hard work on this

Mr. Pwntacular
Thanks! Great guide btw. I never really knew where to start with modding until I decided to follow your guide. Cheers!

Hello all! First off, wow. I cannot convey the feeling I felt when first booting up my complete @MasterLix load order and entering my first Red Rocket load screen that lasted 2 seconds. It's natural to be perfectionist/greedy with load orders, and that's what makes Beth games still playable, but the year 2020 was truly a test of patience experiencing hundreds of CTDs and inevitable game corruption (Even following BRB's guide). Every game session was WAITING. 90 second DC load times, pip boy with quests I couldn't scroll, and horribly inconsistent damage balance, 12 FPS in Boston. But taking ML's guide fora short spin, I can tell I'm finally able to experience something special this year. Thank's for everything MOFAM team! Really excited to find out how I can give back

Finally got it all installed and up and running. Gotta say, the game looks great. Runs great too so far. Thank you to Masterlix for putting the guide together and everyone here for the help.

So genuine first message I sent ML back in December - "Have endorsed and left you kudos. Really exceptional piece of work!" Got to say, even withthe limited testing I have done, FO4 feels like a new and very different game. FPS is better than it has ever been and it feels a much more dangerous wasteland!  Kudos to you sir! Now to ruin it by adding a few mods of my own :-)

I just wanna say thanks to everyone here, used to play with buggy 20-30 fps, stuttering here and there, and so many ctd's that idk how to fix (with my own mod list), but now I got stable around 60

Having had some time to take this fine build on a test drive for a couple of months now, I wanted to add a few lines about the guide. We always wondered several years ago, as a group of us were modding and became friends in this community, where Masterlix would go when he "disappeared" for some time. I knew it was Fallout, but what I didn't know was that it was the start of MOFAM. From top to bottom this guide is a blast to both build and play. The female theme is exceptionally well blended in with the quests, gameplay, NPC retextures and conflict resolution patches to give the player an all around FO4 experience. My build is rock solid as well. If you really like challenges, both in modding and play, look no further. Like Lexy's wonderful LOTD for SkyrimSE this guide will give you many hours of enjoyment. So, carry on wastelander...mission activated and accomplished

I have been searching for a guide to play fallout 4 in an immersive and dangerous environment. Finally stumbled on MOFAM and got exactly what wanted. I want to give a thank you to MasterLix for this amazing guide, helpful and awesome community too.

While installing the Merge Patches now, I feel so much more confident of doing more than simple zMerge patches, ESL changes, or Cleaning files. This guide and list has done more for me finding how to use these tools in tandem, than anything I've done since making OBMM's and Merges for FCOM in Oblivion. I know the AM in MOFAM is a turn off for some, but the#guide-installation-help channel has been patient, helpful and kind with guiding me to think more critically about working within mods. I'm not even in the game yet and have really enjoyed taking my time to learneverything I can this week. Thank you so very much for the effort you've spent to teach people like me "how to fish" all over again.

I have to say, this guide is great. The amount of effort that has been put into MOFAM is impressive, and installing the guide has taught me a couple new things I can use to better mod Skyrim. Great job.

Holllllllly crap. Every time I tested while plugging away at the guide, I was impressed to see how things looked. I was super impressed on my alpha mofam run even while I still had a huge mess of things going wrong because ofmy own stubbornness. Now I have a much more refined version that more accurately follows the guide and was impressed AGAIN seeing most if not all things working as intended. I've never had my jaw drop so many timesover one modlist. Thank you, indeed.

So after nearly 125hs playtime with this modlist (and a little my own personal touch), I think it's safe to say this is the second-best thing that could ever happen to this 6-year-old game other than Horizon. You can really feel the dedication and the authors' love of this game. And do not be put away by the sheer amount of content this modlist offers! Jointhe discord server (which I'm willing to boost till the day Masterlix calls it a quit) and feel free to ask around! You will never know what ur missing out on until u make up ur mind to go through this super fun and educational (no cap, it really is!) guide. Again, kudos tothe mightyMasterlix and his friends for making me a better modder, andmore importantly, for making fallout 4 a better (actually a brand-new) game.

Sugar Cookie
I'm finally through a successful build! WOO! Every time I stopped to test Iwas blown away. The game looks, sounds and feels incredible, with surprisingly high performance on my 6 year old franken-toaster. I've leveled-up my moddingunderstanding and skills tenfold putting this together. With my newbiness it took me over a month to get it correct (mainly through mis-reading/misunderstanding/mistakes/stubbornness aboutabandoning old favorites etc. But now it's done I'm so, so, so, so, SO pleased. Thank you for making this! I'm so chuffed with this!

This guide is awesome! I run more than 1000h in FO4 and run through different mod list setups over the last few years, but yours is the bestso far. 110 GB of assets and it works great. Very, very good work. Another 1k hours of life goes into wasteland :D. Thank you!

after two days, got this done. thanks for the help when i got stuck. still many things to iron out like the MCM and ENB... also saw some pink treesin the distance, think im missing a lodgen esp or something, may have to redo those steps. and fix unresolveds in xedit. but anyway, played for two hours and zero CTD. that's insane. it's stable. was looking for aFO4 version of lexy's, and this is it.

First enemy I shoot after sanctuary Bridge is a 10-12 year old girl in yellowdress trying to shank me . Shook me to my god damn core. Thank youso much for this modlist. It's been a long time since I have felt this invested in a gaming experience

As I approach the end of my customized version of this many thanks to all the information in discord. I haven’t had to ask any questions really.

Proud Wingman
Wanna say thank you to all of the experienced people here in this discord. Instead of ignoring my problems I got real support here. Even low level problems were taken care of. Thanks guys for your patience! I stay here and learn another two three things and maybe some additional builds with GFHlater. Awesome and supportive crew here!  And MOFAM runs like hell on my rig.

Thank you for giving a jaded old timer a reason to play the game, rather than constantly tinker with my LO until it melts. This, as I have said before, deserves to be right up there with DarkLadyLexy's LOTDB mod guide. Simply amazingConsider a Patreon or direct PayPal donations, I'm sure I am notthe only one who would like to reward you for your dedication and hard work.

Thanks team, my gratitude is belated, but you guys and gals have taught me so much about modding. playing the game is now so much more rewarding than any game i've ever played out the box.

Masterful ! The incredible fruit of many years of work, this list will take you on a journey through the great diversity of mods, seeking to retain only
the quintessential necessary to preserve the spirit of Fallout. Takes alot of time and patience, but the end result is well worth it. I have more than 2000 hours on this game and I feel like I'm discovering it for the first time. A big thank-you. Respect to you, MOFAM Team

Jokes aside, I learned a bunch of this guide and it's very elaborate with steps, I would have been very lost otherwise. Plus I love the amount of help being handed out in the help channel. I commend the amount of communitywork put into this and the generous amount of patches made forit. Last time I followed a guide was the Nordic Skyrim & fallout guides. MOFAM's was so much more throughout on conflicts, merging & xedit work.

Loved your guide. Been through it once and it was beautiful. Learned alot since then, about visand previs and so on. Now i am using alot of it as framework, since i am using bns and crp I have all the previs records intact and a completefluent 80 fps with enb. Thank you for an amazing guide.

This guide is a masterpiece, something perfect and so comprehensive. I have read a lot of similar guides/lists and this one is hands down my favourite for how deep and complete it is. Thanks!

Just wanna say thanks for all this great work. Im trying to educate myself more on modding and the guide and all of this great info really helps and the hard work is really appreciated.

Absolutely awsome guide my friend, i don't know how you managed to make this game look and play asif its a 2020's game but this will be the go-to guide of choice for me for the forseable future, thanks for putting in all the time and hard work in to share this with the community its well appreciated and needed.

I followed your instructions to the letter and been having a great time. Been around 20 hours and no crashes or annoying stuttering. I appreciateall the hard work your team has done. This is extremely well done and brings a new element to a good game. Thank you for getting all these mods to work together flawlessly.

Serious. I cannot believe I am playing a 10 year old game.

Got this up and running after four days, my first setup was a failure so I just started from scratch. Thank god I kept all the zips archived. I learned so much, and it runs so smooth! LOTS of room for growth too but it feels complete. Thank you!

Dear masterlix, i finally finished the guide and been playing for an hour now, and it's perfection thank you for this

Been playing for 5hours approximately, everything works and looks great and I've learned a ton of stuff from following the guide. Thank you !!

Ricky Bobby
MasterLix, thanks so much for making this mod list. Can't imagine how much of yourtime and effort went into making it. I've finished installing and afterplaying for way too long, I can say it really does bring Fallout 4 into2022; the game even runs better than vanilla somehow with all these mods! I had a ton of fun just installing the guide, and learned a ton about modding along the way. Kudos man

Grimwolf 376
I am about 10 hours in and loving it. After playing vanilla fallout on the xbox for the last 4 years it feels good to get back on the PC with mods. Thank you for putting this together.

Thank you to MasterLix for this awesome guide and for helping answer all my questions/troubleshoot my mistakes and thank you to everyone else who helped me at various stages, what a great bunch of humans you are!

Took me about 20 hours to get this up and running, I had to learn a lot of different techniques but everyone here was amazingly helpful along the way.  Thank you to everyone who helped MasterLix and especially thanks to MasterLix himself for undertaking this massive project. This is a phenomenal modlist and I can't wait to dig deeper into it.

Thank you for the amazing guide and your huge efforts. The list is helping me on both my modding and developing adventure.

Thank you for the guide, the game looks amazing.

As far as I'm concerned, MOFAM is the absolute best, more complete and up to date Fallout 4 modlist out there. Thank you for creating this!

Roc Ingersol
I’m loving MOFAM so far. Looks amazing and is great performance wise. Gameplay is super fun and after 400+ hours of FO4 it feels fresh while still keeping with the vibe of Fallout. Thanks for the effort in putting it together. I can’t imagine the time that took.

I just wanted to thank you for making me do all this work.... ? I have learned so much putting this together. I'm working on integrating some of my own mods now (and removing some I don't want) and I feel pretty confident that I'll get everything working together smoothly. And I finally get why MO2 is way better than Vortex.

Mahmoud mohamed
I would just like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, this mod list is one of the most comprehensive and beautiful mod list i have everused. I have been searching for a mod list like this since i start modding back in 2017.I pretty much used every modlist out there including the wabbajack ones but they are always seemed lacking in one category or another; the best of all it's very mod addition friendly. Not gonna sugar coat it to you but i added alot of mods (I think double the amount ) and somehow the mod list is still holding it together; thatmeans that the mod list was made by genius. So again thanks for your hard work and looking forward for more to come.

Yep this guide is the best in Performance and up to date.  I never found a better project like this. Masterlix create the best and stable guide forfo4. Ofcourse not all mods in there is for everyone. But the majority of good mods are there and for mo2 veterans a good guide line to start from there if they want to add more mods or remove. Kudos to him. I am happy to be a part of this. So many years are gone and all the years i just wish a stable guide but i never got it, till now.

Just wanted to give a big thank you for the guide. I just recently finished it and  I am definitely having fun playing Fallout 4 again.

Finished the guide yesterday, and started my playthrough this morning, I did notexpect that. Everything is smooth and nice looking. The gunfight are far more challenging and the variety of ghouls roaming around keeps you on high alert. Love it, can't wait to see what's waiting for me in the commonwealth. A thousand thanks to everyone who had a hand in the makingof this amazing guide

PoweredByPussy (Skelly)
Truly proud of this moment. With a few hiccups, bumps and scraps. I am finally able to enjoy this Guided Masterpiece. Thank you @MasterLix ,
@Erroneous , @Cloudox666 and of course @durbinh ❤️ . You 4 have helped me more than most, as I can be quite overwhelming. I appreciate you morethan a thank you can serve. Here's to you!

So after a slight misunderstanding, I went into a stupidly rage induced message deletion.  So I need to re-thank everyone for such a reinventionbasically of FO4.  I actually enjoy just being in discord to help more then I actually like playing modded FO4.  Thanks for understanding, I enjoy being part of this community.

Unironically the best modlist I have used for FO4. All others I have used either arevery lacking in departments I consider important or just plain unplayable due to performance issues. Even with my old ass rig with a HDD, performs like base game but way better lol. Also massive thanks forpeeps that helped me throughout the process and still answers my questions regarding the modlist lol.

I've managed to get to Concord and end up in the Depravity mod, which I thought it was a mistake at first but opened up more than I thought, very incredible what the modders can create with such a quality that rivals bethesda, you go guys. And infinite thanks for the incredible guide Master Lix.

big props to @MasterLix and crew for a super fun re-jig of fallout 4 - also thanks to @durbinh for always helping out with issues! Haven't had this much fun in a Fallout game for a long time! I love being one-shotted bylegendary lvl. 150 bloatflys almost as much as being accosted by legendary rad-roaches simply called 'Steve'.

All Done! In game and smooth as butter. Thanx to ML and this fine community. Have had great help from many of the modding wizards. Be safe... and remember you do have Bullettime! ?

Secret Celery PhD
Thanks a bunch for the guide! amazing clarity, extremely stable, and i'm loving it (48 hours in)!

Amazing mod list. I would like to thank everyone who has helped me on this journey for their patience, without it it would not have been possible. Ifinally got it and I'm enjoying the best the game has to offer. Thanks

I spent a lot of time these past few days following this guide, and the feeling of finally launching the game smoothly without crashing was just... chef's kiss. The entire process was handholding me just enough not to lose my footing, and I had a blast all throughough (except for sorting my plugins, that will never be fun)! Mad props to everyone involved - I don't think I can actually appreciate enough the amount of effort behind this

Thank you all for your fantastic work in putting together this guide and answering questions here from the unwashed -- amazing results!

After 3 weeks of working slowly on this modlist it runs smoothly even on a HDD and looks amazing. A big thank you to @MasterLix  for creating such adeveloped modlist, @Marvesly  @Cloudox666  and @durbinh  for the help along the way and of course all the modders for their creations. Also a thank you to @LucianoSamurai for the awesome video guides which helped me getthis list done from having 0 experience with any tool used whatsoever. Cheers!

I considered myself an experienced modder until I started MOFAM. I quickly found out that I had a LOT to learn. At first it was a little overwhelming, but thanks to this Discord, every question I had was answered.Thanks for the guide, Fallout is gorgeous, challenging, and completely fresh and new! Thanks to everyone that helped along the way and offered helpful advice. This is going to be a great experience!

MOFAM successfully reinstalled (after ~1 year) to my new PC. It looks a m a z i n g. Thank you for creating this!

fps is 150-100 now with reactor enb after following optimization in your guide. Thank you

Thank you so much for all the hard, detailed, probably excruciating work in building a richer and more beautiful game!

Thank you very much for this guide. It runs like springwater plus its just awesome !

Thank you thank you. Probably had more fun learning and installing the list than I will playing the game lol

Thank you very much for modpack! It was quite an experience but it definitely worth it!

This was the single most demanding, challenging and sometimes frustrating modding experience i’ve ever had. And the frustrating part only came from the mistakes i made 😉Truly amazing work, amazing mods and amazing walkthrough

Corsair 00
Really want to thank Masterlix and the whole team for an excellent guide and set of mods🙌🙌🙌🙌. I have been using mods on Xbox since 2017 and recently moved to PC. This guide is the exact reason I switched, so many great options. I really enjoyed the installation and found this Discord so helpful. Thanks to everyone, am now off to use my brand knew FO4 game.

all done 🙂 many thanks for the modlist - the visuals are amazing

Expertly crafted guide for anyone with a decent understanding of the modding tools used. Though not every mod in the list is exactly my flavor, they do all mostly blend together in a way that makes sense. Visually pleasing, performant, and fun! Well done @MasterLix and team

I'm not an avid Discord-er but I had to come here to share thanks and my amazement. I started through the modlist a week ago and was supremely
impressed that you had already caught the Luxor hide of mods that happened on 2/8. This is hands down the best mod list I have ever seen. It hastotally breathed new life into one of my absolute favorite games.Thank you for putting this together and for everyone's help along the way. I'm completely blown away.


Discord Server Now available 
(Also a dedicated channel 'MasterLix-MOFAM-Updates' on the Collective Modding mega-server)



I use the term 'Advanced' in this mod title as I'm hoping & assuming this isn't your first rodeo with MO2, or indeed modding Beth titles. It is of paramount importance to have confidence inthe basic toolset such as xEdit & MO2, as well as a solid grasp of core IT-literacy skills. My Discord is available for adhoc help & support if needed.

Some important points to illustrate:

  • An install of both a portable instance of MO2 & the official Steam GOTY Version of the game, with all DLC. I've never had the GOG version of the game so can only offer versioning advice around the Steam GOTY. For MO2 I simply extract in the root of a drive, away from the OS (e.g. D:\MO2-FO3).
  • You will notice from the screengrab above I like to have executables as shortcuts. I've also highlighted the two headers which are most commonly used for creating separators, empty mods, quick access to MO2's folders, etc.
  • A fairly commonly used practise in MO2 is merging mods in the left pane that come from the same download page (such as Main Mod + Update + Hotfix). I avoid this approach completely. Firstly it's terribly easy to forget that you have done (unless a note is added to the mod e.g. 'Merged Hotfix'). Secondly, it tends to brain-burp MO2's versioning system when you check for updates. It's better to understand what the hotfix or update included & provides improved visibility in the longer term (until the mod itself updates to deprecate the previous hotfix or update). Avoiding this common approach encourages & ensures basic traceability & version control management.
  • To enable a more aesthetically pleasing UI I recommend a dark mode such as any of the 'vs15 Dark...' options in Settings > Themes. I also recommend disabling the 'Log' from being visible at the bottom of the GUI as this rarely provides useful information.
  • Right click any of the headers in the left pane and ensure Conflicts, Flags, Content, Version, Installation & Priority are enabled.
  • Within MO2's Modify Executables ensure the following are downloaded & create executables including the info below.
  • I like to have the tools in chronological order of typical usage from left to right. This can be done by drag-and-dropping the executable
    names up & down in the MO2 Modify Executables popup menu.


1. Fallout 3 (SE) Unlike other titles, there are no scripts to install into MO2 so we're installing completely manually into the game's root folder; note the src folder is not required. Point the binary in Modify Executables menu to fose_loader.exe. You'll notice that the latest Steam build was updated & FOSE was not, so we run some steps later in Setup to align the versions for usage.

2. Fallout Launcher. This is added by default, however take note it can revert your .ini if selected accidentally. Always have a backup of this file at the ready once it's configured (we create a 'Backup' folder soon for our vanilla DLC plugins so now would be a good time to create it in game root). I actually right click & remove mine to prevent this from happening.

3. LOOT Many would argue true modders don't need automation for plugin-sorting, however it's still a hugely useful tool to run to verify which (but not all!) plugins need QAC'ing. This is the principle purpose of it for us. Add the argument --game="Fallout3" to ensure it's pointed to the correct title.

4. Wrye Bash Hugely capable, respected, and relied upon for years. I simply download the standalone executable & add the mopy folder to the game's root. Similarly to Oblivion, WB's capabilities are exemplary & it also acts as a merging tool. However, it's not completely reliable in terms of automated conflict resolution (CR), so naturally a follow up plugin is required here.

5. FO3Edit Create an empty mod in MO2 called 'FO3Edit Cache' & enable the mod for all profiles in use by also enabling 'Create files in mod instead of overwrite' within the Modify Executables menu, and selecting the FO3Edit Cache mod from the accompanying dropdown.

6. FO3Edit Quick Auto Clean As above, point the executable to FO3EditQuickAutoClean.exe. Whilst there are certain MO2 plugins that automate cleaning, they've proved unreliable for 32bit titles so we're doing it the old fashioned way here.

7. xLODGEN Lastly, Object LOD. Ensure your argument in Modify Execubles is '-fo3 -lodgen -o:"<filepath of your choosing>"


Importantly, ensure only Automatic Archive Invalidation is selected in the Profiles menu, for all in use.


Please take note tags/suffixes are applied to a number of installs

  • [QAC]: This indicates the plugin requires running through Quick Auto Clean (shortcutted above)
  • [MI] indicates the Data directory is incorrectly set & requires a Manual Install. Simply right click the Data folder and select 'Set as <data>
    directory'. In some instances, further edits are required & these are explained on a case-by-case basis. As a reminder, within MO2 this is what is performed, highlighted bottom left in the images in the spoiler below.



There are a number of key-utilities to run before we actually start adding traditional mods to the build. Please make sure to read each of these modpages in detail to understand what's being performed, and to avoid any user error

As I highlight in the Utility part of this guide, I install these into MO2 just as a reference (but not for actual usage), for easily reminding what has been done & to access the respective modpages with ease.

1. Fallout Anniversary Patcher (Note we still point our MO2 to fose_loader.exe to launch the build)
2. Unofficial Fallout 3 ESM Patcher

As the description highlights, create a backup folder in game root and copy paste the vanilla esms's there. Once this action is performed, create a new mod in MO2 called 'Patched ESM' and cut/paste the newly patched plugins there. (Users of my other guides will know this is standard process after LOOT cleaning e.g.)

3. FO3 BSA Decompressor
4. Fallout 3 Heap Replacer

Ensure you read the description & information on these carefully; the instructions for the Heap Replacer are on the download/files page as well.

5. Steam Overlay Enabler

A recent addition; now all those hours spent in the wasteland will be totted up in Steam appropriately!


Bethini's a hugely useful tool to run so ensure MO2 is closed prior to using it, and simply perform the following:

  • Select HIGH under Presets & tick Recommended Tweaks
  • Save and exit.

We use a Custom.ini below that houses key-parameters for the build for (e.g.) enb support amongst other QoL features & stability settings.


  • Similarly to Fallout 4, we have the functionality of a FalloutCustom.ini, powered by Command Extender which is installed in the FOSE part of the guide. Create this file now, within the Documents > My Games > Fallout 3 folder, and populate it with the following:


bFull Screen=0









  • Secondly, referencing the table on the description page here under [HAVOK], include at the bottom of the .ini your respective max framerate in use. This is a crucial step to ensure a stutter-free experience in line with the mods we will install to support it. For example, my max framerate is 144 so I have added to the base of my .ini:



Typically in my MOFAM guides a number of MO2 plugins are included however a recent addition has arisen that is simply superb & caters to all modding projects. Download Bethesda Plugin Manager for Mod Organizer & enjoy a more informative right-pane.


If like me, your background is software development, Fallout 3's Nexus mods seem to have this crucial information mostly lacking. When installing mods here, you'll often find a timestamp is instead used by MO2. If this irks you beyond belief, spend a few extra moments after the installs that exhibit this frustrating behaviour & manually input the version in the mod's entry via their respective header column(s). This will help when checking All Mods > Check for updates.



1. ActorCause Save Bloat Fix (FOSE)
2. Combat Lag Fix
3. Command Extender

Note this mod, amongst other key features, allows us to create & use a FalloutCustom ini, similarly to Fallout 4.

4. Console Paste Support
5. Fallout 3 - Enhanced Camera

Once installed apply the following within the Ini Files tab:

bEnableHeadBob=1 (This is optional, the minor movements when stationary & moving the mouse could prove jarring for you).

6. Fallout Achievements (optional; however if like me Xbox 360 was your first run of this game, this will be a welcome addition! Note, ignore MO2's warning of incompatible plugins once installed).

7. Fallout Stutter Remover (version 4.1.36) (MI)

Once installed apply the following edits:


bManageFPS = 1
bHookCriticalSections = 0
bHookLightCriticalSections = 0
bHookHashtables = 0
bReplaceHeap = 0
bReplaceGetTickCount = 0
bFastExit = 0
bFlushLog = 0
iSchedulingResolution = 1
bReplaceRandom = 0
bExperimentalStuff = 0
iMainHookPoint = 1

bInject_iFPSClamp = 1
fMaximumFPS =  x

x is your maximum refresh rate of the monitor in use.

8. F3TF - Fallout 3 Tick Fix
9. High Resolution Screens F3
10. lStewieAl's Tweaks (main mod plus Ini Tweaks, install separately)

Incredible mod; a huge plethora of fixes, tweaks & useful QoL features. Feel free to make your own personal edits, however I use the following & indeed please do apply them once you have launched the game to populate the file:


bSightingNodeSupport = 1
bDontMirrorTexturesInRAM = 1
bKeepXPBarWhenClosingMenus = 1
bWeightlessItems = 1

[Weightless Items]
bAid = 1
bArmor = 0
bMisc = 1
bWeapons = 0

optional: bUltrawideSupport = 1

11. Sunlight Fix - FOSE
12. Loot Menu Once installed apply the following in the Ini Files tab:

iFont = 4
iTextAdjust = 0

13. NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash Once installed ensure the NVSE folder is renamed to FOSE.
14. Ogg Vorbis Libraries

Widely recommended, this requires manually installing into the root folder. I'd suggest adding the originals to the Backup folder created in Setup.

15. OneTweak but Really Updated Similarly to iStewie's mod, the ini will populate once you run the game. Ensure that the following are applied:

#Enable Borderless Window
BorderlessWindow = true

#Enable dynamic priority change
Priority = true

15. Ultrawide Black Rectangle and Menu Zoom Fix (for UW users only)
16. Viewmodel Shading Fix - FOSE
17. Visual Objectives (FOSE)

A relatively small SE section compared to our other MOFAM guides, however iStewie's mod covers so much, so give him a kudos!



1. Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch (main OGG file + ESM Hotfix Update, install separately)

Install Optional Extras: None



Given the amazing scope of the Unofficial patch (which is still being updated), so many fixes on FO3 portal are rolled in. This section however covers some key fixes for this build, as well as some pleasant new additions.

1. Goodies

Install Optional Music: None

2. Old Barkskin
3. Point Lookout - Double Barrelled shotgun fix (version 2) [QAC]
4. Confessor Cromwell has a Break EV
5. Council Seat Fix
6. Custom Race Endings Broken Steel OverRide (main file only)
7. Automat Fix
8. Mainframes Litter Flickering Fix
9. TTW - Zeta Alien CTD Fix
10. Dogmeat in Springvale
11. Interior Optimization Project (main file only)



I was overjoyed to see Luxor's mod surface on the FO3 portal, and it's a superb base for us for retexturing, breathing new & improved life into the build. However, given the main mod has many 4k textures, we'll do a little extra work to make sure performance & stability are optimal.

1. Hall Of Weapons
2. Fallout 3 HD Overhaul (main file)

Once installed, delete the dungeons folder. Run the mod through Ordenador resizing to 2k (selecting 'Resize Down; If > 2048).

It's a super simple tool to use, so be sure to read the description & info so you're confident with the tool.

3. Fallout 3 HD Overhaul - Dungeons Only [MI] Select only textures > dungeons & install.

Given Dungeons are interiors, it's a safe route to take to have these as optimal 4k-max textures.

4. Fallout 3 HD Ovehaul Mothership Zeta
5. Fallout 3 HD Overhaul DLC Broken Steel
6. Fallout 3 HD Overhaul DLC The Pitt
7. Fallout 3 HD Overhaul DLC Point Lookout
8. Fallout 3 HD Overhaul DLC Anchorage

These mods are on a Russian site so use Chrome which is the easiest for translation. I also recommend enabling the Use Custom URL in the Nexus Info tab & pasting the URLs there.

9. MothershipZeta Retextured [MI] Choose the ULTRA folder as the data directory.
10. The Pitt Retextured (during installation, select ULTRA)
11. Broken Steel Retextured (main file + update, install separately) (during installation, select ULTRA)
12. Point Lookout Retextured (main file + update, install separately) (during installation, select ULTRA)
13. Operation Anchorage Retextured (during installation, select ULTRA)



I've deliberately kept things simple here. Users of my other guides will know that UI is a great avenue to introduce a fresh feel for the game, however with the fickle nature of the engine in this particular game's regard with UI, I've found it a safe bet to KISS. Also take note, enb does not support night vision so don't be too disappointed we're not going all Tom Clancy here!

1. Crisp Main Menu
2. Game intro AI upscaled to HD 60 FPS (first main file)
3. Loading Screens Replacer Fallout 3 (main file)
4. Remove Glare From Loading Screens
5. Enhanced User Interface
6. DarNified UI For Fallout 3 by DarN (MI)

There are alternatives to Darn however due to install complexities, unreliability & frankly frustration on my part given UIO is required (which is notoriously awkward to work with), Darn, similarly to Oblivion, keeps things simple & aesthetically pleasing. Note the menu fix will be applied when we install the addon to this mod installed in Gameplay section.

7. Immersive HUD - iHUD
8. A Decent Metro Map
9. Metro - You Are Here [QAC]
10. FO3 - Better Messages Plus [QAC] (Better Messages Plus)
11. Rusty Hectrol Lockinterface Deluxe
12. Atmospheric Death Camera
13. Dynamic Third Person Camera



1. Omnis Hi-Res Pip-Boy 3000 - FIXED (MI)
2. Simple Maps
3. Pip Boy and Terminal Glare Gone
4. no more dots (MI)
5. Descriptive Icons for Fallout 3
6. More Map Markers - Cleaned

Note a popup appears when ingame for this mod asking to download the markers to the pipboy; for appropriate 'immersion' I decline this.

7. Point Lookout More map markers
8. Faster Pipboy Faster
9. Tweaked PipBoy Light
10. Original Pip-Boy Color Lighting

Once installed, delete every esp except Original Pip-Boy Color Lighting White.esp



Dialogue mods are fairly few & far between, however there are some solid & in some instances, genuinely refreshing dialogues found below.

1. D.E.R.P. - Dialogue Expansion for Role-Players
2. THAT middle-aged guy - A Dialogue Overhaul mod
3. THAT middle-aged guy - Operation Anchorage DLC
4. Zeta Sharing



1. Delay DLC Plus Updated
2. 3DNPC Fallout Bundle 

A number of the plugins require some work, so once installed perform the following:


  • Open DotsDiner.esm in xedit:
  • Search for 00078C1A > Right click and delete the navmesh from the plugin
  • Right click the navmesh with xx000EB4 & select Change FormID to 00078C1A  > select all and press OK
  • Save & close xedit.

  • Open 3dNPC_FO3.esm
  • Search for xx011395 > Right click & delete

  • 3DNPC_FO3Generic.esm [QAC]

Im a huge fan of Takahashi's overral mods for both FO4 & 3. A brilliantly composed blend of memorable followers, engaging side quests & extra content. Optionally, add this URL into the Notes tab for ease of reference.

3. Facegen For Various Mods - 3dNPC
4. 3DNPC Followers Relax

Merged or individual: Merged

5. Vault 101 Revisited
6. Existence 2.0 [MI]
7. A World Of Pain for Fallout 3 AWOP4FO3 [QAC]
8. A Trail of Crumbs [MI]
9. The Institute - a fully voiced quest mod

Sadly not all 5 of the Puce Moose suite can be used, however we'll make full use of 2 of the 5, alongside some great gameplay tweaks offered within Mantis Imperative, also installed later.

10. A Note Easily Missed (QAC)
11. An Evening With Mister Manchester (main file only) (HeirApparent.esp: QAC)

Once QAC'd
open HeirApparent.esp in xedit & perform the following:


Search for 0006696F > Right click and delete the navmesh from the plugin
Right click the navmesh with xx07BC3E & select Change FormID to 0006696F > select all and press OK

Lastly, delete FasterMorePowerfulMines.esp.

12a. The Mantis Imperative (main file)

Once installed perform the following:



meshes > creatures
meshes > dungeons
meshes > PM5

sound > FX > voc > PM5
sound > Voice

textures > PM5

The Mantis Imperative - Mantis.esp
The Mantis Imperative - Medical.esp
The Mantis Imperative - XP.esp

Open The Mantis Imperative - Combat.esp: delete Ammunition + Game Setting + Non Player Character record groups.

12b. The Mantis Imperative v108 UPDATE ONLY (The Mantis Imperative - Jello.esp: QAC)

Once installed delete The Mantis Imperative - Mantis.esp

13a. Shadows and Dust - Tales from Southwest DC

Once installed delete Shadows and Dust - Southwest DC - Public.esp & optionally right click the mod and select 'Ignore Missing Data'

13b. Shadows and Dust - Cleaned



1. The D.C. Interiors Project
2. DC Interiors - Fixed ESM

I recommend using the Use Custom URL for this install, as it was provided on mediafire.

3. Another Interior Mod
4. Canterbury Commons Interiors
5. Fairfax City Interiors (both files, install separately)

With this suite of interiors added, it addresses an age-old gripe I had with vanilla: so many of the buildings in the gameworld were inaccessible. Enjoy hundreds of new interiors that have been carefully balanced & CR'd with the quests we use, as well as exciting visual changes made in the Weather & Lighting section for them.

6. Point Lookout Reborn [MI]

Once installed, delete Point Lookout Reborn.esm.

7. Point Lookout Reborn Cleaned ESM Patch
8. Teaser Trailer Ruin [QAC]
9. Auto Gates
10. Baileys Crossing Metro Opened [QAC]

11a. Riverside Cafe - The Silver Swan (main file)

Once installed, rename the Sound > Voice > RiversideCafe.esp folder to esm. Then delete RiversideCafe.esp.

11b. Riverside Cafe v2 - Navmeshed and ESM'd by RoyBatterian

12. Springvale School Fortified [QAC]
13. Better Rivet City Church [QAC]

Once QAC'd, open the plugin in xedit & search for xx000FE3 > Right click & delete.

14. Metro Carriage Interiors
15. Metro Carriage Interiors Unofficial Fixed
16. Fort Independence Redesigned [QAC]
17. Potomac Steamworks [QAC]
18. Museum Halls of Today
19. Museum of History Expanded (main file only)
20. Rockopolis Rebuilt [QAC] (Update file only)
21. Temple of The Union Overhaul [QAC]
22. More 2 Megaton [QAC]  After QAC, open the plugin in xedit & perform the following:


Search for 0005A7B0 > Right click and delete the navmesh
Right click the navmesh xx028279 & select change formID to 0005A7B0 > select all and press OK

Search for 00028D9E > Right click and delete the navmesh
Right click the navmesh xx03A414 & select change formID to 00028D9E > select all and press OK

Save and close xedit.

23. Washington Monument BoS Outpost (QAC)
24. Ships Of The Sea
25. Entire Highway Overhaul (QAC)
26. Army Trucks Overhaul - UUFP Compatible
27. Big Town's Big Cleaning Out
28. The Pittsburgh Expansion Project (cleaned first main file)
29. Arefu Player Home Enhanced [QAC]



1. DC Moods (1st main file) Once installed, delete:

  • ENB 0.194 Preset DC Moods Friendly
  • DC Moods.esp
  • Textures > Sky > sky planes

Delete all the textures but keep:

  • sky\alpha.dds
  • sky\wastelandcloudhorizon01.dds
  • sky\CloudySky1.dds
  • sky\urbancloudr01.dds

2. Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow v2 Hotfix (3rd 'recommended' main file)

  • Press Start to install, and select just Weather Sounds in Interiors. Select Install.
  • Once installed, delete Enhanced Weather - REBOOT.esp + Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow in Fallout.esp

3. Dynamic Weather Once installed, open the mod in MO2 & perform the following in the Filetree tab:

  • From Dynamic Weather - DLC, move Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main + DLC Merged.esp to the bottom (so it's within the root data structure of the mod)
  • From Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus, move Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Dynamic Sneak Bonus.esp to the bottom
  • From Dynamic Weather - Rain, move Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Rain.esp to the bottom
  • From Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms, move Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Sandstorms.esp to the bottom
  • From Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine, move Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Weather Machine (Start Game Added).esp to the bottom
  • Close & reopen the mod in MO2 (to reflect the changes above)
  • Move Xepha's Dynamic Weather - Main.esp to the optional folder (using Optional ESPs tab)

4. Dynamic Weather - Green Tint Remover
5. Realistic HDR Lighting

6. Point Lookout Moods Once installed, perform the following in xedit:

  • Delete the Cell, Climate, Image Space, Image Space Adapter, Moveable Static, Region, Water & Weather record groups (right click & remove)
  • Open Worldspace > Delete DLC4Bog/Sacred Bog group
  • Save & close xedit
  • Run the plugin through [QAC]

7. The Pitt Moods
8. EMODs Nightsky Version2
9. Size Variable HD Moon Cycle Textures

10. Fallout Street Lights [QAC] After QAC, open the mod in xedit & perform the following:

  •  Select Worldspace > DCworld17/Falls Church > Right click and delete 'Children of 0001BA01' > Save and close xedit.

11. Street Lights Script Fix
12. Alternative Megaton Lighting Plus (Neon Sign Glow)
13. The Merges

Choose Merged Plugins: Realistic Interior Lighting

Once installed, rename the mod to The Merges - Realistic Interior Lighting (for ease of reference)

14. Increase Fog and Clip Distance Once installed, open Wrye Bash & perform the following:

  • Select NoFogClip.esm
  • Under 'Bash Tags' (far right of the GUI), select the + symbol
  • Search for & select 'C.Light'
  • Close Wrye Bash

15. Clarity Patched Cells

I was relieved to find the Clarity xEdit script was feasible for FO3. Enjoy all the mod-added interior cells with a fresh & modernised look, not performed before here in the FO3 portal. As a comparison, below is a before-and-after of A World Of Pain:



1. FO3 Flora Overhaul (Dead Edition)
2. Less grass for Dead Edition

Once installed open the MO2 Ini Editor & apply the following within Fallout.ini:

  • iMinGrassSize=40

3. Vertex-Lit Grass (both files, install separately)
4. Wasted LOD - Cliffs

5. Legacy Reborn - Capital Cut (Performance Edition)

6. Nut Water Overhaul

Plugin or script: I Have ENB

7. Water edges fix
8. Water for Enb (version 2, 2nd main file)



Whereas many a LO would likely have NMC's excellent texture overhaul as the base, things have changed over the years. There are still some hugely impactful aesthetic improvements NMC makes to the gameworld, so we'll be using a fairly extensively trimmed version of the mod. Please be patient with the edits required to ensure optimal visuals.

1. NMCs_Texture_Pack_for_FO3 (3rd main file MAXIMUM only)

Once installed, delete:


(Note any asterisk indicates all the files of that texture name, such as diffuses, normals, etc):

textures > vehicles
textures > landscape
textures > dungeons
textures > terminals
textures > clutter

textures > architecture > washington monument
textures > architecture > war memorial
textures > architecture > underworld
textures > architecture > statues
textures > architecture > suburban
textures > architecture > retaining wall
textures > architecture > paradise falls
textures > architecture > megaton
textures > architecture > lincoln memorial
textures > architecture > jefferson memorial
textures > architecture > hospital light
textures > architecture > diner
textures > architecture > doornoenter
textures > architecture > citadel

textures > architecture > urban > autowheel*
textures > architecture > urban > bricks09*
textures > architecture > urban > clockface*
textures > architecture > urban > details01*
textures > architecture > urban > emergencylights*
textures > architecture > urban > metrometalstructure01*
textures > architecture > urban > monumentmidbase01*
textures > architecture > urban > postbase01.dds
textures > architecture > urban > rebar01*
textures > architecture > urban > rubblepile*

textures > architecture > wasteland > ropebridge*

textures > furniture > diner*
textures > furniture > fan01*

2. NMC Retexture Improved (MI) (link/file: (weight: 1.11 Gb))

Note the mod is on a Russian site, so Google translate helps. I recommend pasting the URL into 'Use Custom URL' within MO2's Nexus info tab.

Similarly to the main NMC mod, we're using a small fraction of it so once installed delete:



textures > vehicles
textures > temp
textures > clutter
textures > landscape
textures > dungeons

textures > architecture > washington monument
textures > architecture > underworld
textures > architecture > suburban
textures > architecture > retaining wall
textures > architecture > paradise falls
textures > architecture > megaton
textures > architecture > citadel

3. RB PosterPack FO3 ('full mod' download).

Again, I recommend pasting the URL into 'Use Custom URL' within MO2's Nexus info tab.

4. FO3 Translucency Overhaul (main file 2x upscale)
5. The Decayed Bomb of Atom 4K
6. Laurens Bathroom Poetry [QAC]
7. Billboards Refreshed HD
8. Germantown Sign Texture
9. Glowing muck pools
10. Tiny Marie Retexture for The Pitt (large)
11. Semitransparent Door Glass(plugin version) (main file + optional, install separately)
12. Retex_Brahmincorpsetrap (normal)
13. Tweaked Generator Modders Resource
14. Tweaked Intercom Modders Resource [MI] During MI:

  • Expand Intercom01 > Lord Inquisitor
  • Right click on "NIF" and (sequentially) create 3 directories called "Meshes" > "Clutter" > "Consoles".
  • Drag the intercom01.nif file into the Consoles folder.
  • Right click NIF & select Set as data directory

15. Raider Grafitti Re-worked (MI)
16. Blending Graffiti (both files, install separately)

17. Street Signs HD
18. Megaton Signs HD
19. Rivet City Signs HD
20. Paradise Falls HD



1. Precision Collision - Clutter
2. MGs Neat Clutter (2nd main file only)

Similarly to NMC installed earlier, this install's a little fiddly, so once installed peform the following:



  • textures > architecture > paradisefalls
  • textures > clutter > aircraftservice
  • textures > clutter > casino
  • textures > clutter > displaycase
  • textures > clutter > lights
  • textures > clutter > repairkit
  • textures > dungeons > industrial
  • textures > landscape
  • textures > weapons

Anything with an asterisk below means all files of that texture (e.g. normals and diffuses):

  • textures > clutter > ashtray01*
  • textures > clutter > fence > tlborderfence01*
  • textures > clutter > holodisk > passcard01*
  • textures > clutter > hospital > surgicaltraybloody01*
  • textures > clutter > hotplate01*

  • textures > clutter > junk > microscope*
  • textures > clutter > junk > plunger*
  • textures > clutter > junk > shoppingcart01*
  • textures > clutter > junk > telephone01*
  • textures > clutter > junk > wooddetails*

  • textures > clutter > office > folder01*
  • textures > clutter > office > paper01*

  • textures > clutter > questitems > mq03postalbox*

We delete a fair chunk of the mod given its FNV sourced & previously installed mods provide higher quality alternatives. If you're super picky you can also search for '.fnv' using explorer & delete any remaining assets for NV, however we're talking a few megabytes here!

3. 6IXES Clutter Texture Pack
4. Schematics [QAC]
5. Acoraito HD Textures Pack (2k)
6. The Pitt Steel Ingot Retexture (main file)
7. Coffee Maker Retextured and Improved

8a. Skill Books Hi-Res Retexture (main file)
8b. Skill Books Hi-Res Retexture (Paradise Lost - Unique Texture and Icon; once installed rename the mod this way)

9. Wasteland Survival Guide Hi-Res Retexture
10. Retextured Food Labels (main file only)
11. Tweaked Cashregister
12. Books Debunked [MI]
13. Clipboards Retexture
14. Hectrol Vintage Radio Deluxe HighRes Retex
15. Bobbleheads Retextured
16. Weathered Bobblehead Case
17. Teddy Bear Retextures [MI]

During MI, right click Brown Bear > 2048 & Set as Data Directory.

18. Hectrol Mailbox Deluxe HighRes Retex
19. Holodisk ( Holotape ) - Retex (Alu)
20. PM's HD Ammo Boxes (2k diffuse 1k normal) Once installed delete:

  • textures > nvdlc02
  • textures > nvdlc04

21a. PM's Med-Textures - HD Chems and Venoms (main file + Sebastjin's Normals, install separately) Once installed, from both mods delete:

  • textures > nvdlc01
  • textures > nvdlc04

21b. PM's Med-X Texture
22. Hectrol Mystic Chessboard Deluxe HighRes Retex
23. Cherry Bomb HD retexture and remodel
24. Skykappas Water Bottles (no esp version)
25. Nuka-Cola Hi-Res Retexture
26. Better Booze - Mainstream Pack

27. Fallout Food Package Retexture Compilation (2nd main file)
28. DIFF - Fallout Food Package Retexture Compilation

29. Fire Extinguisher HD for Fallout 3
30. HD Real World Smokes (Alternate Aged Set)
31. Motorcycle Replacer (fixed) [QAC]
32. Hi-Res Lunchbox Retexture Once installed delete ArchiveInvalidation.txt.




1. Fallout 3 Redesigned - Formerly Known as Project Beauty (HD DLC edition)

Once installed, open the Conflicts tab & hide all the files winning over Fallout 3 HD Overhaul.

2. FO3Redesigned (Project Beauty) Patches (UF3P patch HD edition)
3. Project Beauty Fallout 3 Redesigned Vault 101 Revisited Patch [QAC]
4. Hall Of Face (2nd main file)
5. LiL - An Eye Improvement Mod
6. Immersive Mouth and Teeth - F3 Version (2k)
7. Beards of Fallout
8. ZzJay's Hairpacks for Fallout 3 (main file + less shine optional, install separately)

9. TYPE4 FO3 - Body and Armors
10. TYPE4 Fo3 - Armor Fixes

11a. Improved Vanilla Male Body (FOMOD Installer Main file)

CORE: Standard Version
Shaved Texture: Default (Hairy)
Mesh Option: Default (Underwear)
Options - Underwear: Default
Hand Size: Default

Once installed, delete:

  • meshes > nvdlc02
  • textures > nvdlc02

  • textures > characters > male > headhuman.dds
  • textures > characters > raider > headhuman.dds

11b. 091 - 2k Body

12. HQ Professional Head Models (MI)Once installed, delete:

  • meshes > characters > head > HeadHuman.nif
  • textures > characters > male > headhuman*

13. Vanilla Hair Retextured
14. ENB Hair Transparency Fix



1. D.C. NPCs (main file only)
2. Rivet City Merchants 2
3. Wasteland Guards aka DC Defence [QAC]
4. The Wasteland Patch Collection (optional files: Crowded Cities Redux)

Once installed, rename the mod to The Wasteland Patch Collection Crowded Cities Redux for ease of reference.

5. The Wasteland Patch Collection Crowded Cities Redux FaceGen

GECK-generated facegen to fix some issues.

6. FO3 NPCs Travel (ESM version)
7. Feral ghoul children
8. Big Weapons for Big Guys (Supermutants)
9. Mutated Confessor Cromwell



Arguably the best NPC overhaul mod on FO3 portal. Enjoy a richer, more unpredictable wasteland.

1. Marts Mutant Mod (2nd main file)

Configuration Method: In-game Menu
DLC Compatibility: All selected
Global Options: Zones Respawn [QAC]

Once installed, using the Optional ESPs tab in MO2, move every plugin except Mart's Mutant Mod - Zones Respawn.esp to the optional folder.

2. The Merges

Choose Merged Plugins: Marts Mutant Mod

Once installed, rename the mod to The Merges - Marts Mutant Mod for ease of reference.

Now Zones Respawn can be QAC'd as the master is present.

3. MMM_DCinteriors Patch
4. Zeta Turret and Drone Karma Fix

MMMorNO: MMM Merged Version

5. MMMF3 Type3 Raider Texture Fix
6. Alternate Female Raider Skins for Type3 - TypeV - MMMF3 (optional file only) (MI)
7. FO3Redesigned (Project Beauty) Patches (MMM patch HD edition)



1. Robots HD Retexture (MI)

  • Expand the Liberty HD Retexture > Russian 4096.
  • Move the textures folder to Data
  • Right click Data and select Set as Data Directory

2. Robots HD Retexture (select just DC Interiors Patch in the BAIN & rename the mod to Robots HD Retexture - DC Interiors Patch)

3. Fallout Texture Overhaul - Robots - Eyebot (2k)
4. Fallout Texture Overhaul - Robots - Sentry turrets (2k)
5. Fallout Texture Overhaul - Robots - Protectron (2k)
6. Dark Sentry Turret Retexture for FO3

7. K9 Breeds (K9Breeds.esp: [QAC]).

Once installed delete K9BreedsPatchMMM.esp.

8. Its a Dogs World - Dog Texture Overhaul (DogsWorldTextureOverhaulFO3 Optimized)
9. Hi-Res Harold
10. Vandr HD Creatures (MI)
11. KDS Feral Ghoul Retextures High Resolution (2k)
12. Brahmin Variant Redux - Fallout 3 [QAC]
13. Armored Swamp Folks



1. Animation Compilation (Third Person)
2. Fallout 3 Re-Animated (main file + update, install separately)
3. AmaccurzerO's Animated Wasteland (main file + update, install separately)

4. Animated Fans Once installed move AnimatedFanV2f3.esp to the optional folder.

5. Ragdoll Overhaul FO3 Edition (no collision file) Once installed, delete:

  • meshes > characters > _male > Skeleton.nif
  • meshes > dlc05 > creatures > alien > skeleton.nif

6. Realistic Death Physics (3rd main file)
7. Video Intercoms (main file + optional, install separately)

8. Animated Pylon wires (slower swaying)
9. Animated Cables for Fallout 3 (very subtle)
10. Animated Utility poles Fallout 3
11. Animated Analog clock (first main file only) Once installed, delete the textures folder
12. Swaying Tents
13. Animated Destroyed Fences Fallout 3
14. Animated Rope Bridges for The DLC Pitt (recommended less pronounced)
15. FO3 brahmin rotisserie Animation (Alternative head and udder removed - better collision mesh added and distorted texture)
16. Animated Raider dressings
17. Animated Interior Decorations
18. Animated Park Equipment Pack for Fallout 3
19. Rivet City cloth simulation Fallout 3
20. Destroyed Houses interior changes
21. Restored mail Box animation (mailbox opens file) Note this does not work if QuickLoot is used to take the contents.
22. Gutsy and Handy Animated Eyes
23. Animated Interactive Face for President Eden
24. Animations For Not Animated Containers
25. Animated Immersive Lanterns (2nd main file only)
26. Animated Flies Swarms
27. Animated Flies Swarms English Translation
28. Military Truck replacer
29. Suitcase Reanimated
30. Animated Tent (Animated marquee Type 2)

Give AmaccurzerO & Ashens2014 a Kudos for breathing life into the gameworld with these subtle mods.



1. Improved Glass Bullet Impact
2. IMPACT (Fallout 3 - The Gaming Rig main file + update + ALL DLCs patch, install all three separately)
3. Retex Gorycorpseparts
4. Gore guts Retextured [MI]
5. The Merges

Choose Merged Plugins: Enhanced Blood Textures

Rename the mod to The Merges - Enhanced Blood Textures for ease of reference.

6. Bloodbath (2k)
7. Dust Mote and Fluid Drip Effects HD
8. HQ Goo Piles for Fallout 3
9. HQ Ash Piles for Fallout 3
10. HD Mist (2k)
11. HD Smoky Fire and Explosions for FO3
12. No Blur Effect (MI)

A very conservative approach to the VFX; take note that it's very easy to make the game explode (no pun intended) when areas such as this are taken to the extremes.



1. Bornagain Combat Armor (Lite version main file + all 3 optionals; install separately)
2. HR Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit (2k)
3. Pitt Raider Armor Distributed
4. Point Lookout outfits for Type 3 [QAC]
5. Expanded Wardrobe [QAC]
6. Type3 Businesswear (main file + FOV patch; install separately) [QAC]
7. PE Dress for Type3
8. Headwraps Galore
9. Merc Adventurer Armor Once installed, move Merc Adventurer Armor - rus.esp to the optional folder.
10. Realistic Radiation Suits FO3

Main: Real Radiation Suit FO3
Optional Science Suit: None
Optional Real Rad-X: None

11. Dragonskin Tactical Outfit (main file only)
12. Advanced Recon Trap Detection (main file only)
13. Armor Repair Kits (main file only)



1. Tribal DX (2k)
2. Hellfire DX (cinder)
3. Enclave DX (G version + Pulse; install separately)
4. Winterized DX (Winterized DX + NEEDED MESHES + DX Compatibility; install in order & separately) [QAC]
5. Tesla Power Armor DX (main file + helmet bluish eyes; install separately)
6. Bornagain FO3 T51b
7. Bornagain fo3 t45d power armor
8. Bornagain Fo3 Outcast (both main files; install separately)



1. Community Ammunition Library - CALIBR Once installed, move CALIBRxMerchant.esp to the optional folder.
2. CRAFT - Community Resource to Allow Fanmade Tinkering (CRAFT 125 file)
3. Ammo Schematics - CRAFT - Vanilla Edition (MI)
4. Modern Weapons AIO (main file only)

Fallout 3 is a nostalgic experience for me. One thing that certainly doesn't remain as fondly in memory as others is the weapons. I can
assure you by having the far majority replaced this will add to the heightened experience of the build, as well as the tough combat changes included in Gameplay section that elevate the combat to far more dangerous levels.

5. Modern Weapons Iron Sighted

Huge thanks to endochronic on the Discord to provide Iron-sighted meshes for all of the weapons in this terrific mod.

6. Wasteland Melee Mod Pack V3 (main file only) (MI)

Once installed, open WMMP_Master.esp in xedit & delete the Worldspace group.

7. EVE - Energy Visuals Enhanced (main file only)

Once installed, using the Conflicts tab of MO2, hide the files that EVE wins over the following mods:

  • Precision Collision - Clutter - 5 files
  • Impact - 2 files
  • Descriptive Icons for Fallout 3 - 1 file
  • Dark Sentry Turret Retexture for FO3 - 3 files


  • textures > gore > handymeatcap.dds
  • textures > gore > robotmeatcap.dds

8. FNV EVE Grenade And Mine Explosion (main file only)
9. EVE Grenade Lag Fix  (default debris no shrub)

Much playtesting revolved around EVE, Impact, EXE, Energy Visuals Plus, etc. As I highlighted in the Visual FX part, this is a fickle part of the game engine & easy to overload. The combination we use is a reliable balance between performance & aesthetics. Also take note the EVE Grenade & Mine mod really takes these weapons to the next level, so tread carefully!

10. Iron Sights Plus

The spritual successor to RH Ironsights, without the need for excessive patching.



1. Tweaked Wrench
2. Tweaked Powerfist
3. Fallout 3 HiRezd (bullet casings + knuckles + mines; install separately)
4. Simplified Fallout 3 Weapon Retexture Project (Chinese Assault Rifle Addon only)

Remember we replace most of the vanilla weapons however this can still be found in the worldspace.

5. Double Barrel Shotgun Retexture (QAC)

Naturally also applies to one of my favourite (cut) weapons from the game: Pa's Fishing Aid.

6. Combat Knife Retexture
7. Kitchen Knife Retexture

8. Hi-Res Laser Pistol Retexture (EVE Version)
9. Laser Rifle Hi-Res Retexture (EVE Version)
10. Gauss Rifle Hi-Res Retexture (No glowing rings EVE version)



1. Digital Nightmare - Music (both main files + both updates, install all 4 separately)

Users of my FO4 guide will understand the relevance of this music mod: consistency.

2. ATMOS Ambient Sound Overhaul (1st main file only)
3. Home brewed soundpack
4. DV's Footsteps Sounds overhaul
5. CRL9000 Sound Modification (both main files; install separately)
6. Improved Vertibird Sounds

7. CONELRAD 640-1240 - Civil Defense Radio
8. GNR Enhanced (main file + update, install separately)

9. Deeper Supermutant Voice - Fallout 3 (all three files, install separately)

10a. Immersive Pickup Sounds (first main file)

Once installed, move Immersive Pickup Sounds.esp to the optional folder.

10b. Immersive Pickup Sounds FINAL - Updated Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch edits

Once installed, open Wrye Bash & perform the following:

  • Select Immersive Pickup Sounds.esp
  • Under 'Bash Tags' (far right of the GUI), select the + symbol
  • Search for & select 'Sound'
  • Close Wrye Bash

11. Quieter Mole Rats (and Iguanas)
12. Quieter Nuka-Cola Sign
13. SaiyanElite's XPsounds (main file only)



1. Mothership Zeta - Lootable Statics (ESM: QAC)
2. Lootable Vehicles of the Capital Wasteland (1st main file)
3. Static Containers of the Capital Wasteland
4. Lootable Rubble Piles

With weightless junk applied by iStewie's mod, similarly to my FO4 guide, this tiresome mechanic is no longer a worry. Enjoy a richer moment to moment gameplay aesthetic with far more to loot now; and as you may know, I love looting!

Their initial levelled list loot was far too generous however, so they've been nerfed somewhat in CR.

5. Gilbert Science Sets (V3)
6. New Toys - Cars
7. Treasure Maps_ A Fist Full of Caps
8. Action for Men (main file plus update; install separately) (QAC)



A crucial section of the modlist. Much playtesting has revolved around longevity of the playthrough, the reward-arc of higher levelling & XP rewards, karma, combat engagement, etc. I'm confident with these changes (also included in previous sections) will yield a fresh and rewarding experience for you.

1. Level 50 Cap - ESPless
2. Slower Item Degradation

Once installed, delete every plugin except Slower Degradation (-50%).esp.

3. Karma Revamp Mod (MI)

  • Right click 'All in One' & select Set as Data directory, then deslect KarmaRevamp1010.esp.
  • Finally, open the mod in xedit & remove the Perk & Quest record groups.

4. Combat Enhanced-Tactics (Combat Enhanced-Tactics v02)

Once installed, open the mod in xedit & remove Game Setting > xx0804CA <fMoveNoWeaponMult>

5. Fugacity - Vanilla-Plus Balance and Difficulty Overhaul (main file only)
6. FPS Grenade Hotkey (main file + DarnUI Grenade addon; install separately)

Open DarnUI Grenade Addon in explorer, and using an editor such as Notepad++, perform the following:

  • Open menus > options > start_menu.xml
  • Find <_isPauseMenu> line
  • Change <eq> 9 </eq> to <eq> 8 </eq> two lines under <_isPauseMenu> (line 51)
  • Save and close the document

This reintroduces the ingame menu that the Fallout Anniversary Patcher performed in Setup somehow removed. Note it is unresponsive at the main menu; the menu is invoked once ingame.

7. Sprint Mod

FO3-modding veterans will acknowledge a fair chunk of FWE's appeal was in these mods just installed; only without the bloated nature of the aforementioned.

8. Blanket (MI) (QAC)
9. Arlington Library More Pre-War Books
10. Mannequins (3-3 file)
11. More Lifelike Mannequins (main file only)
12. Tougher Cars and Vehicles (Broken Steel version)

13. Perks - From New Vegas (main file only)
14. NS Perks (main file only)
15. Better Perks

A fairly slim but sensible suite of mods for the perks. The hugely popular Better Perks I always found to be very inconsistent. Do note that key gameplay changes are also made to perks throughout the install, with finer changes being made in Conflict Resolution to support the engagement-arc to level 50.

I always found myself with many skills at 100 at as little as level 20, so this has been thoughtfully balanced to focus on targeted skills rather than God-like levels of capability on any given playthrough. Choose wisely as you progress!

16. Stealth Kills Enabled Stealth Kills Enabled.esp: QAC
17. Epic Mini Nukes
18. Anchorage Holotapes (1st main file) (both plugins: QAC)
19. Kill Eyebot Gain Karma

20. Operation Anchorage Revamp
21. Anchorage Power Armor Training in Simulator
22. Anchorage Pulse Field Kills
23. Mothership Zeta -No Karma Loss- (QAC)
24. Nasty Zeta v101

Once installed, delete everything except The Mantis Imperative - Nasty Zeta No Scaling.esp.

25. Radiation Tweaks (2 - 2nd main file)

Once installed delete RadiationAccumulationRates.esp



A very small selection of late loading patches that assist in some minor CR with the LO.

1. The Wasteland Patch Collection

Marts Mutant Mod Patches: MMM + EBTMGFWE + UUF3P + FWE

Once installed rename the mod to The Wasteland Patch Collection - Marts Mutant Mod Patch for ease of reference.

2. The Wasteland Patch Collection

Better Rivet City Church Patches: BRCC + PB

Once installed rename the mod to The Wasteland Patch Collection - Better Rivet City Patch for ease of reference.

3. Blackened (Blackened MMM - EVE - Project Beauty)



1. FO3LODGen (FO3Lodgen Resources main file)

Once installed, using MO2's Conflicts tab, hide the files that win over Fallout 3 HD Overhaul & Legacy Reborn - Capital Cut.

2. LODIFY - Fallout 3 Conversion

Similarly to above, hide the two files winning over Fallout 3 HD Overhaul (textures > architecture > urban > urbanbuildingslod.dds*)

3. Vurt's Flora Overhaul Dead Edition LOD
4. Improved LOD Noise Texture

5. xLODGEN Output - Objects

Create an empty mod in MO2 here, to house the output we run later.



Rather than provide complex LOOT rules or step-by-step manual intervention to share the LO prior to Conflict Resolution & Automation, some trusted Discord members have confirmed it IS POSSIBLE to paste the the loadorder.txt file into your MO2 profile, close & restart MO2 to have the plugins in order.

Download the file from the modpage here in the Files section.

Please be conscious of this edge-case scenario & DOUBLE CHECK the Load Order is correct however.

I have also provided a Modwatch account; Here is the link. Download the Load Order from my modpage here to begin; note the only two plugins that would not be included are the main Conflict Resolution & Bashed Patch from the subsequent part.



Similarly to Oblivion, Wrye Bash for FO3 is hugely capable. However for all automation, it doesn't cover all we require for a conflict-free build & seamless gameplay. Once the LO has been set as per above, open Wrye Bash through MO2, and we have a number of checks to perform for the bashed patch to be created as intended.

1. Bashed Patch (create empty mod in MO2)

Firstly ensure as per the installation instructions that:

  • NoFogClip.esm has C.Light tag applied
  • Immersive Pickup Sounds.esp has Sound tag applied

Right click Bashed Patch & select Rebuild Patch.

  • In the Deactivate Prior to Patching screen, deselect schematics.esp in the Mergeable but tagged 'NoMerge' bottom half by selecting the square icon next to the search bar. Press OK.

  • Select 'Tweak Actors' and enable both Irresponsible Creatures [All Creatures] & Quiet Feet [All Creature Foot Sounds]
  • Under 'Tweak Settings' right click & set Hacking: Maximum Number of Words to [4]

The only settings that should be deselected are:

  • Alias Plugin Names
  • Import Effect Stats
  • Import Enchantment Stats
  • Import Races: Relations
  • Tweak Assorted
  • Tweak Names
  • Tweak Races

Select Build Patch & once concluded, move the Bashed Patch.esp to the newly created empty mod.

2. Conflict Resolution

Absolutely required; it contains just under 2000 records that correct Bashed Patch & equally importantly address the core-CR of the build.



Open xLODGEN through MO2 & using these settings, click generate:

Again, testing was performed around the texture sizes & atlas, we need the maximum parameters given bugs arise when using lower settings.

For me, it's a remarkably short 2 minute job. Cut and paste the output to mod 5 from Part 30 & you're done.

Note we do NOT generate landscape/terrain LODs. Similarly to my Oblvion guide, having thousands of extra meshes ingame wreaks havoc with performance & provides very diminishing returns visually.

Take note however, some minor stutter & popin can occur with our generated LOD, but with the steps we've taken so far in the build, this is kept to a minimum.



1. ENB Series

Download Fallout 3/FNV enb v.0.451, installing just the d3d9.dll & enbhost.exe files from the wrapper folder into the game root.

2. Atmos ENB (2021 main file)

I've tested near 20 enb's and this is a clear winner so give the MA a kudos. A great balance between visuals & performance, keeping the famous aesthetics in place. Note the only caveat to using enb in FO3 is Night Vision mods not being compatible. A quick step is required however so once installed apply the following:

  • Open enblocal and under [LIMITER], change EnableFPSLimit to false & set your max refresh rate under FPSLimit.

3. Enb Series Tweaked Ini

A fairly extensively tweaked enbseries to accommodate the mods included in the LO. Changes to the image space, sun, clouds, internal AO, and other such tweaks were applied to ensure a fantastic visual experience.

Be sure to download this & simply replace the existing one in the root folder.



Whereas these are used in Setup, I like to have them installed into MO2 (but not active) for ease of reference.

1. Fallout Anniversary Patcher
2. Unofficial Fallout 3 ESM Patcher
3. FO3 BSA Decompressor
4. Fallout 3 Heap Replacer

5. (Create Empty Mod) FO3Edit Cache (suggested from the setup part of the modlist) I also recommend keeping this enabled across all the profiles in use.

I like to create further separators such as 'TO BE ADDED', 'TESTING', 'UPDATING' & lastly 'DEPRECATED'. For maintaining your load order & future-proofing QoL, I recommend doing something similar.


  • Firstly copy the existing MO2 profile & rename it to the version (e.g. MOFAM 01.24). Navigate to this profile when starting to Update.
  • When updating my Modlist, regardless of game, installing the updated mod using the name + version (so it doesn't overwrite the existing mod it will replace) & placing these into the 'Updating' separator helps organise updating the build considerably easier.
  • Once a mod that's been updated is replaced, I then move it to the DEPRECATED separator & add a 'DEP' prefix to the mod's name, as you'll find if you remove the versioning of the mod that's been updated you can't have 2 mods in MO2 named the exact same way.
  • Similarly, for mods I remove, I right click & send to separator > DEPRECATED. This helps keep your last MO2 profile intact in case of human-error.

Congratulations! This has been an epic journey & I hope you've also learned a few new tricks along
the way. It's time to jump ingame and enjoy the fruits of your labours.

HOWEVER! There are still some important tweaks to make once ingame, so don't
forget to incorporate the below for every new game you start.



When the game starts certain popups & Pipboy-settings are recommended. As per Fallout 4, I tend to have a white-UI for both Pipboy & the actual UI, to promote a cleaner, more modern look. I highly recommend that, but if the traditional orange is your favourite, feel free.

Note I play on NORMAL difficulty, as we've ramped up the gameplay/combat to more unforgiving levels.


  • Blanket Initiated: I would like to find them
  • Geospacial Sattelite: Skip Download


  • Vault Tec Pedometer > Control Settings > Change Sprint Key > Use Custom Keybinding > L Shift > Replace Run Key
    NOTE: I disable motion blur in the visual settings, but that's optional.
  • Grenade Hotkey Menu > Bind a new Grenade Hotkey throw > (Mouse Button X such as thumb 4/5 e.g.)
  • Prototype WARM > Weather Machine Controls > Disable Weather Reports
  • Prototype WARM > Severe Weather > Rain Frequency: 3.0 days / Sandstorm Frequency: 7.0 Days
  • Dynamic Camera: I like to have a slightly overhead camera for holstered weapons (similar to this mod); get creative as it's purely subjective!



Out of my four modding projects (I'm not going to publish my Skyrim build, there are enough guides for that game!), Fallout 3 is probably the most challenging one to mod correctly. I do get seemingly random freezes, perhaps twice every 24 hours of gameplay. Over the years my near-unplayable early builds have been refined & these worst issues have all been squashed to a far more enjoyable foundation however. There are still some minor bugs of which I'll detail below.

Honesty's the best policy (especially in software!) so below are the principle known issues:

  • Small pause before the birth sequence (this is the engine calling all the new scripts from the mods we install)
  • Bottom right arrow in SPECIAL book doesn't respond to mouse; use the cursor keys to navigate the SPECIAL book
  • Main menu music persists into gameplay (roughly 1/5); start and stop a radio in the pipboy to fix this
  • The missile launcher is partially cut-off in 1st person when equipped
  • Lands Edge fast travel places the user inside a false cell; fast travelling away is required
  • Handful of NPCs with mismatched face/body texture colours
  • Hung-corpses in interiors turn white when shot
  • An audio loop can occur when reloading a save after death; this fixes itself when moving to a different cell
  • Missing pipboy icons for some misc items
  • Minor visual bugs from using ENB (e.g. shimmer on grass from AA, or the gas ejected from robots being visible through walls - check the birthday sequence as an example).

In terms of updates & updating MOFAM: luckily, unlike SSE for example, mods in general within Fallout 3 don't update at the same furious pace. Only if there is a major overhaul or removal-from-Nexus of a key mastermod will MOFAM need a once-over to resume its lifespan, which I've purposefully built to stand the test of time.

Id also like to highlight to veterans that this is my first large upload to Nexus's FO3 portal. You may disagree with some of the mod choices,
comments, and of course some of the content. I may have 'Master' in my avatar name, but I'm certainly not claiming to be a master of modding. If you're aware of a better process or approach, don't hesitate to share. We're a community.

Naturally, with a game of this scope, not even my hundreds of hours ingame can cover every plausible scenario. One of the founding principles of QA is no one person can find every bug in a piece of software. If you find problems that aren't down to installation-error or missing certain advice above, let's discuss it in the posts tab or in my Discord.

To sign-off, I'd like to thank all the mod-authors involved, Bethesda for creating the game & modding platform, the Nexus & staff for hosting it all, and last but not least yourselves.

I hope you enjoy MOFAM for years to come.


Check out my other guides for Oblivion & Fallout 4! Try them out for similar adventures.