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  1. Vermi77
    • premium
    • 735 kudos
    Also, thanks to everyone who commented on my last Cyberpunk set. I'm honestly very tired of that game and did not feel like I can answer.
  2. Enroys
    • premium
    • 365 kudos
    ESO has a weird place in my heart. IMO some of the in-game art assets, weapons, armor and such are too cartoony for my liking.

    I always appreciated the more grounded aesthetic of the previous three ES games.

    But the fact is that this is probably the first modern ES game to have fun combat.
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Hmm, it definitely is cartoony (and more than a little comical). I see its art style as TES4 Oblivion but made in 2015 rather than a continuation of themes established in Skyrim. Though MMORPGs are almost always cartoony for some reason.

      Oh yeah, I 100% agree on the combat. Often I play Skyrim after a session of ESO, and the combat feels so bland. Where ESO has 10 different abilities at a time, light and heavy attacks, DoTs, stuns, dodging, quick potions, and ultimate abilities, Skyrim is just left-click, right-click until the enemy is dead. Maybe I'll download some of those combat mods now. 
    2. Enroys
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      Yea, I think ESO's aesthetic (in-game at least) is influenced by other contemporary western MMOs... For mass appeal I guess.

      That meme comparing the cinematic art styles to the in-game models is always fun.

      Mods are definitely such a massive boon when it comes to gameplay, you should definitely try 'em out.
    3. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Uff.. ESO's cinematics tho.. I hope I get to see an Elder Scrolls game with graphics like that during my lifetime.

      I added Immersive Interactions and Smart NPC Potions today, and they definitely add to the gameplay experience, especially the former. I already had a couple gameplay and perk mods installed, but still, they don't really change the core issue of Skyrim. I was also very close to installing either of the popular animated potion mods and the dodge mod... but tbh, it looks like those mods have more bugs than features. Not sure they're worth it. I'll probably also add a bunch of Mihail's creature mods over the next couple days for some variety.

      Lastly, I wanna recommend this mod. It's quite underrated. It adds ESO-like powers (magic armor, healing, traps, stuns, buffs, and such) in a simple, balanced way.
    4. Enroys
      • premium
      • 365 kudos
      Thank you! I'll definitely check that one out, if it lets me cast spells with both hands free, I'll give add it to my modlist.

      When it comes to combat, I think my baseline is, like, a Dishonoured or a Dark Messiah, since I think first person works better for these games than 3rd person. I use Archery Gameplay overhaul, I wish I knew about an equivalent for melee tho.
  3. Beba
    • supporter
    • 127 kudos
    Ohh I love the armors, wish we could have them in regular Skyrim. Also, your Imperial Dragonknight is soo cute, I don't know how you are doing this
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      There are so, so many fantastic armor designs in ESO (even better than the ones shown here) and all of them would fit perfectly in Skyrim. Thanks Beba!
  4. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 130 kudos
    Oh nice, I didn't know you played this game but cool to see shots from it from ya.
    Awesome shots man 😊

    In regards to CP2077, I suspect Phantom Liberty will draw you back in.
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Hey, thanks man! It's the perfect stand-in game for me. The one that easily fills my time when I'm bored of other games or waiting for something new. Not that I'm bored of Skyrim tho
  5. Sanna92
    • supporter
    • 219 kudos
    I've played ESO... god, how long ago? 2018 or something like that. I did most of the story lines, dungeons and expansions (by that time, I think Summerset one was the most recent) with friends. Had a HUGE nostalgia trip playing through Morrowind expansion. I still remember how well they re-created all cities from the original game which was my very first RPG ever. Naryu was hot too So, it's obvious that TES: Morrowind takes a special place in my heart. 
    Anyways, regarding ESO: I really liked the stories and quest lines, just exploring around, seeing the lands around too. Some of the raids and dungeons were quite fun too. Especially with friends, where we kept dying over and over for hours, trying to understand mechanics But unfortunately, in the long run, combat pushed me away from the game. It felt kind of... stiff. I'm not a huge fan of MMO games but occasionally Im trying some of them. I tried Lost Ark but unfortunately, the game is quite dead in EU. I also tried BDO and well, that one actually ''clicked'' for me and it's a game I come back to regularily. Anyways, how's ESO nowadays? 

    Edit: I found this picture on my imgur, took it after beating that stupid place (it was a pretty big deal back then):

    Now it's probably a walk in the park and I just made myself look silly but here's my dark elf archer vampire. She's probably just a husk now, after not feeding for years 
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      You've brought back so many memories with that pic
      Maelstrom Arena! I almost forgot about it. I spent so, so much time in there. Back in the day, I had a rule that I would get a Flawless run on each character I made. Not to mention how I used to chase that perfect time. Best I did was 30-35 minutes flawless on a stamina sorcerer. Of course, I would then show off the title and brag to my friends about how much of a sweaty try-hard I was

      Throughout the years, and even now, I've never been drawn to questing in ESO. Morrowind, Summerset, and whatever came afterwards -- no clue what goes on in those DLCs. I've always been the kind of player to collect Skyshards, complete delves and overland dungeons and ignore the story. Most of the time I did challenge runs in veteran DLC dungeons, but transitioned to PvP full-time when my group retired in 2019. And that's all I've done every time I returned to ESO since then. Battlegrounds and Imperial City. I like how fast-paced and arcade the PvP is in the game. Easy to hop into and hop out of. No mechanics, group coordination, or anything of that sort. Challenging but casual somehow :p
  6. Karna5
    • premium
    • 304 kudos
    This is so cool. I never even thought of playing ESO. This is kind of eye opening, haha.
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Thank you. It's a great game if you've got the time for it. Very large, with lots of different stuff to do -- ranging from fashion and housing to challenging PvE and PvP. Personally, I can't imagine starting this game again from scratch lol. It's very much like starting RDO for the first time and I don't really have the patience for that right now :D
      Fortunately I did most endgame content years ago and have all the stuff I need, so I just hop on for a few hours of PvP and not much else.
  7. SmolMakarov
    • premium
    • 271 kudos
    Hold up. Is that a reptilian chicken?
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Yes. It's... a dino-chicken!
  8. asylumrat90
    • supporter
    • 46 kudos
    I really wanted to get into ESO but I can't for some reason. I love TES lore and the game was really fun, so idk what's stopping me. I need to give it another chance soon!
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      I haven't been a new player in a long, long time -- but I remember that starting out feels slow and a little overwhelming. It's a bit of a steep climb at the beginning and requires some time investment and exploration until you feel comfy. I think that applies to all MMORPGS. To be honest, I don't remember much from when I started, only that I created a lot of characters, followed the story, and did dungeons.

      The endgame of ESO is a lot of fun imo. Organised PvE raids were never my thing, but 4-man veteran dungeons were plenty of fun when I used to do them with my group. Challenging but thrilling and rewarding. My favorite thing though is PvP. It's very "arcade" and I love creating, testing, and perfecting builds ^^
  9. cormell
    • premium
    • 338 kudos
    Nice hat.
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      Aye, the hat maketh the character.
  10. ThatMrSmile
    • premium
    • 406 kudos
    Ooooh, looking sweet.
    1. Vermi77
      • premium
      • 735 kudos
      I was using a ReShade for these, but it's still a very good-looking game (despite its age too).