Tiziel - Davon's Watch

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This user's image description contains 8 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Very nice pictures, that's a great set my friend.
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 354 kudos
      Many thanks, Sky! It was a lot of fun capturing images from this game, so I will do it again, but for the moment I need to get back to Skyrim and start exploring some unknown dungeons and old ruins...
  2. User_133491
    • account closed
    • 56 kudos
    Really awesome my friend, main shot is splendid
    1. Excellentium
      • member
      • 354 kudos
      I wanted to grab me some more shots, because Morrowind shows such a spectacular landscape and I feel they've done this part of the world good justice. It's something for sure when strolling among the dark rocks and lava rivers while ash and dust covers the air, but these captures were right at the end of my play session, so I didn't get that many. I'll bring some more on another occasion, since I have two characters in Morrowind at the moment.

      Thank you, my friend! This was it from ESO for this time, but I'm sure to return. Now I need to pay some attention to Skyrim again...