Morcia - Rellenthil

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  1. Gwork
    • supporter
    • 10 kudos
    Beautiful set!
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you kindly and sorry for the very late reply!
  2. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    Very cool Rick. I'm so far behind. I'll make a post soon to explain.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      I've been chasing up and down the notification corridors lately too!

      ESO is my "relax" game. I play it pretty much solo and I'm quite sure I'm the only one among thousands of players that walk down the roads instead of rush like a maniac and fast travel between waypoints. I play it very casually, mostly for just seeing the whole of Tamriel and read some lore books from all over the world. It's also quite nice not to think about mods for a change and simply explore the many realms in my own pace. Tried some shots with the latest Nvidia Ansel update and really liked this filter which gives the screens a painted feeling. Suits my style of playing this game...with serenity!

      Thank you, Patrick...and now you've gotten me curious about your own post to come too!
  3. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 315 kudos
    Wonderful shots of ESO, Rick! I've never step foot in it myself because I avoid MMO's like the plague, but it really looks like a great place to explore.
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      To be honest, I'm not too keen on playing MMO's either. I did play a bit of "Age of Conan" a few years ago, but that's practically it...until the curiosity of Tamriel being depicted in ESO finally drew me in. I don't grind or trying to reach high levels or anything though. I simply play if for the possibility to travel this worldspace, to see the distant lands other than Skyrim. The splendor of Alinor at sunset with griffins circuling the sky, the smoke and dust filling the air among the lava rivers and black rocks in Vvardenfell, the lush wetlands surrounding the Argonian settlement of Lilmoth, the desert coastland near Sentinel in Hammerfell...and many more locations! In this perspective, it's a grand journey and I see myself more of a traveller than an adventurer. I'm probably the only player in this gameworld who walks on the roads and don't use the Waypoint Shrines for fast travel...
  4. skywolle
    • premium
    • 172 kudos
    Your ESO looks great as if it were painted, beautiful set Rick.
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thank you very much, Sky!

      The painted effect is thanks to a lense/filter option in the Nvidia Ansel tool. It comes with a variety of options and settings - pretty much like the LUT's or the tweaks of an ENB - so the watercolours are only applied to the screenshot. The game itself looks a lot more regular, but I like the "feeling" of old paintings this is giving the world of ESO.
  5. User_133491
    • account closed
    • 56 kudos
    Splendid shots Rick, your ESO looks really beautiful. Is it vanilla ?
    1. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      Thanks a lot, David!

      The game itself is pure vanilla, yes. I don't use any Reshade or the like, but all these shots are obviously done with a filter/lense that comes with Nvidia Ansel. I've been wanting to take some screens from this game before, but never really bothered to mod it, since I play it very casually. It's included in the games supported by Nvidia Ansel, so I gave it a go and immediately got interested in this watercolour overlay. It really is a beautiful world well suited for a painterly style (unless you use some powerful Reshade) and I enjoy it a lot for the explorations and discoveries of Tamriel all alone. It's very cool to be able to sail from Summerset Isles to Morrowind, from Hammerfell to Black Marsh and so on. There's even a bit of Skyrim included, mainly the Rift and Eastmarch...
    2. User_133491
      • account closed
      • 56 kudos
      Yeah it must be really fun indeed. A friend wanted we play together but finally i never tried it. Maybe one day
    3. Excellentium
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      • 354 kudos
      I do play the game with two Swedish friends, but it's on very rare occasions. Mostly because they prefer to grind and rush through things, while I like to stop and admire the view and read up on the lore!

      It's actually quite enjoyable in solo for a MMO and I've always been a singleplayer hardcore guy. You just need to ignore people rushing ahead of you as they don't stop and listen to quest givers and such. I'm in ESO mostly for the geography and the history/lore, so to me it's interesting seeing all these places and locations. I've got nine characters, so I'm all over the place - low on levels as usual...