Morrowind Night

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  1. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    Looks pretty cool, very deep blue.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Aye very deep Thanks!
  2. BlueOgreSan
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Beautiful! I guess the atmosphere of Morrowind in ESO is alright?
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      It is okay - been too long for me to really remember Morrowind from the game. This image is over-saturated (its from the Pack ... and don't have ENB to tone it down) but still liked the darker night and feel to it. Something I am working on while I play. I also made a Nightblade just cause I miss having a rogue. But no idea how far I will get :p I played Fo4 most of the day but did have fun tonight doing ESO quests. I was doing some stealth with my warden when I was like ... oh damn I miss my rogue.

      I have already way over-posted this weekend but if curious this is what he looks like. Myrkwulf is his name. I also found a new haircut I think I prefer for Fenn in ESO but going to wait a bit before I change anything. See if the Mohawk grows on me or not.
    2. BlueOgreSan
      • premium
      • 252 kudos
      I remember playing as a dunmer who had mohawk as well I blame Teldryn Sero for making me like dunmers with that hairstyle.