Fenn Finn-Gall Arrives in Morrowind

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  1. TairenSoul
    • premium
    • 288 kudos
    Nice to see you playing ESO! Look me up if you need anything. I'm a master clothier, woodworker, blacksmith and enchanter. I can even give you a werewolf bite if you want! Happy gaming!
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Woot! I was too impatient on the bite and everyone told me it was a major grind and hassle to get it solo so much as I dislike micro-transactions and paying for things like this I got the bite through the store. Simply because being a WW is intergral to my characters who have it from birth - so actually just "getting" it like this works RP wise as it seems more like he was born with it.

      I am only level 3 currently but enjoying my super casual approach. My characters name is "Fenn Finn-Gall" and under the user name I have here - wolfgrimdark. I also have a level 2 rogue who will be my secondary - he is named Myrkwulf and a Dark Elf. But my main will be this guy.
    2. TairenSoul
      • premium
      • 288 kudos
      I knew you'd play a WW! I have five WW's so no more paying for bites! I'll hook your other characters up anytime. I'm level 673 so yeah, I've been playing for awhile now and I play solo 99% of the time. I forgot to mention I'm a 9 trait master so I can make you any set and I'm a motif hoarder lol so I have almost all the styles. Good armor and weapons can cost a fortune so let me know if you ever need anything crafted!
    3. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks! The only set I have seen so far I like is the Minotaur one (minus the helmet). But I got a long ways to go. I just made level 5 last night
    4. TairenSoul
      • premium
      • 288 kudos
      Check out the ESO fashion website. You can see all the weapons, armors, etc.
  2. Heaventhere
    • premium
    • 277 kudos
    Great looking Fenn, I hope you enjoy your play time.I never had the want or desire to play this at all. I watched a few videos on it and my Son Wayne has it but has it and plays it once in a while but he grew bored with it after a few months and now plays it maybe 3 or 4 times a months for an hour or so and then back to Skyrim or Fallout or GTO. I did look it over just could not get into the idea of playing it but am glad you will enjoy ESO.

    I have gotten in to Dying Light with Vedran (crimsomrider) for co-op but found I enjoy it single player too. lol I even play a much older game called Rage by Bethesda from 2011, play a few hours of it here and there when I get bored. Never played WOW but I know a lot of people who have and did it for years. So many games out there if you look around that are fun but keep coming back to the Fallout series and Skyrim they have spoilt me for how game works and looks and what I can do to change it to suit me.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks for the nice comment Shelley!

      As I mentioned to a few ESO is just something different to do and a different style Fenn gone back in time. How much I play I really don't know. Its meant as a diversion/break from FO and Skyrim really. Course right now FO is my main "go to" game and I expect it will be for a while. But nice to have some other games as you mentioned.

      I also have some new games that are old-style in design I like to play so getting some diversity. But like you very spoiled with all the custom options you can get in FO and Skyrim. Plus I think both games are very well done for what they are.
  3. PatrickTheDM
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    I hope you enjoy it! I played Reckoning before ESO came out which used the same engine. A bit cartoony, but still fun. It's easy to get spoiled with Skyrim heavily modded.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks - Aye FO4 and Skyrim have really raised the bar, for me, when it comes to gaming quality - with mods and ENB/ReShade at least although I love the games even with out that - they just add to the life of the game for me.
  4. Darksaber87
    • supporter
    • 102 kudos
    I played the beta, pre-ordered it, but once I got far into the game it became a bit boring. I have not played ESO in a really long time not since when they first went F2P. I hope they changed a lot of things in it. It just didn't feel like an Elder Scrolls game to me and just another generic MMO.

    Shots look awesome, Jonathan and so does your character, enjoy your time in Morrowind.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks Quinten!

      I think MMO's can be a bit on the grindy/boring side unless you play with friends. By their nature they have limited story, no companions, and are somewhat repetitive and not overly immersive. Still I have enjoyed a few - EQ1, WoW, DAoC, RIFT, and SW being my favorites. But dislike F2P games in general as they are even less immersive with all the " spend you money " options.

      Still I wanted something different and I already owned the main game. So got Morrowind and will give it a try. It is really just for variety in games. I mainly play FO4 the most right now so its a nice switch. Plus I do play Fenn in Skyrim so like the idea he was sent back into the past on a mission by Fenrir which is my RP for him in ESO.
    2. Darksaber87
      • supporter
      • 102 kudos
      I've played my far share of MMOs WoW, SWTOR, Guild Wars, Guild Wars 2, ESO, Rift, DC Online. Though I always ended up back playing either SWTOR or WoW and I still play WoW lol.

      With ESO they tried to sell it as Elder Scrolls but online and it's really not. At least that's what I think hehe.

      I like the idea of time travel. It's something I've been thinking of doing in my own world.
  5. RatherWindy
    • account closed
    • 162 kudos
    I have somewhat the same questions as hawk,.. very curious as to how you experience the game. Could be something for me to.
    Nice to see you play this game,.. curious to see more if you get to it,..
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks - well you can see all my replies to others

      My plan is casual - just a few hours here and there. A break from FO4 and Skyrim. Or really a break from FO4 which is the only game I still play every night ... although it varies from 30 mins to 3 hours depending on energy and mood. Skyrim I play a few hours a week with Fenn. I have a couple of old style games I tinker with but they are lucky to see 4-5 hours a month. ESO was a game I owned already but never really played. I like the Warden class as it fits Fenn perfect. Plus I get a bear at level 12. The graphics are meh - too spoiled on FO4 and Skyrim - but I think I might enjoy just the lore and exploring and the fact that its a more dynamic living game in the sense of no real saves and lots of people.

      Will see how it goes
  6. Marthos
    • premium
    • 75 kudos
    When some of the guys I know were playing ESO we hammered it, did everything as a group multiple times etc. I enjoyed it but to me it was never a TES game, well, it never felt like one if you catch my drift.

    The guys got bored and stopped playing after a while so I learned how to optimise my characters and manage group content on my own.

    Loved the desert regions the best, Alik'r Desert and Bankori, great sunrises and sunsets. The guys would play war with me coz they'd be getting the snot kicked out of them and I'd be watching a sunset

    Character creation used to drive me potty and take me ages, you did well with him
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks Marthos!

      I am not really a group or team person. I do it at work because I have no choice but much prefer doing things on my own in my own way with my own time.

      The exception was two games - Ever Quest 1 and WoW. In both cases I managed small non-raiding (hate raiding as I find it incredibly grindy and boring except the first time) guilds for easy going players. When the guild finally got bored and moved onto raiding I left EQ but that was after 3.5 years. I played WoW for 5 years and had a great guild although I was just an officer in it. But eventually people got bored and turned to raiding - those who didn't want to raid left like myself.

      My plan for ESO is to treat it more as a single player game with the obvious MMO aspects in the background. I doubt I will ever play enough to meet anyone and even if I did my play times will be short and erratic (unless I somehow get really hooked which I very much doubt - only games like FO4 and Skyrim with mods and presets and companions can get me hooked these days).

      Glad you liked the character
  7. BlueOgreSan
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    He looks awesome. Is it your first time in ESO? How do you like it so far? I remember getting it before the big updates and steam release were a thing, but didn't get into it. I wonder how much it changed since then.
    1. wolfgrimdark
      • premium
      • 888 kudos
      Thanks Hawk! I got the game when it first came out but never made it past level 7-10 or so. It wasn't until this weekend I realized how much uglier all the Nords are when making a character. I simply don't like playing a character I find unappealing. But I was able to make a good one with the Redguard as the race so happy.

      I am just going to play it light and easy - just something for variation is all. I still spend to much time in FO4 to have much time for other games. But I expect to get a few hours in each week.