About this mod

A variety of looks for your game, from a more "realistic" color balance to more "artistic" color palettes.

Permissions and credits
Erika's DAI ReShade Presets

What began as a small project to upload a preset I made several years ago that fixes the white balance issues the game has, has now multiplied into a variety of looks for DAI. Have a look at the shots, and pick one that suits your purposes. Note that all shots have been altered a bit (not much) with Hattiwatti's Cinematic Tools.

Preset Descriptions:

Each preset now comes with a version for prod's tint remover shader, which will remove the overall tint from any game. It is a bit finicky, and I don't necessarily recommend it for gameplay, as sometimes it will act a bit odd. But it required altering the presets a bit for when it was on, which evolved into separate versions. Use whichever you prefer. 

Realistic, Cinematic, Fantasy: These are all fairly similar, as you can see. Their main purpose was to correct the white balance of the game, and add some bloom and sharpening. Realistic is the most desaturated, Cinematic is the most saturated. Fantasy is in between, but is brighter. CInematic is the darkest, with the most skin detail. Fantasy and Realistic look very similar in places, and very different in others. See shots for comparison. 

Filmic Teal-Orange: Somewhat self-explanatory. A teal-orange palette, fairly saturated, orange skin-tones with quite a bit of detail. With the tint remover the lighter skin tones are often quite pale, as it seems to remove pink tones from the skin.

Sylvan and Dutch School: Both of these are fairly reddish with purple shadows, and reddish skintones, but the Dutch is overall more reddish and has teal blues, whereas Sylvan's blues are heavily desaturated.

Threadbare: A teal-gold palette, dark shadows, teals are more towards green than in the Filmic Teal-Orange preset, yellow skin-tones.

Bleak: A very desaturated, very blue preset with very bright white highlights, desaturated skintones

New Bleak: This is very similar to Bleak, but less foggy. Uses a different LUT that was a free LUT from Lutify.me. It is part of a MultiLUT and I recommend trying some of the others, some look quite good with the Realistic, Fantasy, or Cinematic. 

War Torn: B&W, super grainy, with chromatic aberration for photographic effect, has quite dark shadows, and now a chromatic aberration as part of bloom that adds some swathes of color to the image. See the shots for examples.

The images below are just examples. Full comparison shots in most areas are available in the mod images section. Note that in the labels, "TR" stands for "tint remover."


Download ReShade from https://reshade.me/. Select your game exe and DX11. Download the shaders. Download my file and place it in your root DAI directory. Merge if asked.


Q. What is the performance cost?
A. It depends on the preset. Some of them are more costly than others. The bloom can be a bit of a killer though. There are now quality settings for this, and some of the others, so have a look in the shaders. Apparently sharpening is pretty heavy too.

Q. Why don't my screenshots look like yours?
A. This is one of the most serious hobbies I've ever had--a lot of work went into every screenshot on my Flickr stream, including these. Work hard and yours might look like these, too.

Q. I would like a different look. Do you take requests?
A. Yep, taking requests again. I like to mess around with this stuff. Probably going to work on something for those night areas such that the blue doesn't make you want to vomit. Edit: did this thanks to prod's remove tint shader.

Q. Does this have depth of field enabled?
A. No, I tried doing that before and got too many questions about it.

Q. What version of ReShade does it use?
A. ReShade 4

Last words: None of this would have been possible without the geniuses over at ReShade.me, and Crosire, who created ReShade. They're doing incredible things over there. Special thanks also to prod80, whose shaders have allowed me to greatly refine these presets. Download updates from his github here

Follow me on Flickr if you like!