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About this mod

Furious at being sent to the Circle as a child; Azhrya rebelled by always playing in the Forbidden Descent, an ancient forest grove growing around a strange colored lyrium formation. Trees in the grove responded to her; singing to Azhrya, teaching her the ways of unbound, old forgotten magic (MODS), unlike anything the Circle Mages knew.

Permissions and credits
Here for for your gaming pleasure: 

I hope you enjoy my HF mage, Azhrya Trevelyan...

" come mine doesn't look like yours does in the pictures?"   pictures lie!!!!!   J/K!   no, but really..... just continue reading....

**all screenshots taken on a pretty heavy duty gaming rig (Omen, Intel i9, NVIDIA RTX 2080Ti 11 GB, 64GB RAM, 1 TB NVMeHD, 2 TB 2nd HD). I do not play with shader's or any of that. I have turned the bloom down to about 2-5%, because I don't like things to glow. I have also disabled motion blur Depth of Field...because we're humans and our eyes do it naturally.

-This is just a quick screenshot guide how I organize my mods to eliminate problems with conflicts. I run Frosty and DAIMM at the same time. I am always messing around with what DAI mods can be used in Frosty. For the most part, I try to keep the cosmetic mods on the Frosty side, and functional mods on the DAIMM side.

-Before you ask "How come you use Mod A instead of Mod B?" or "Why not just put Mod X over in Frosty, it works better there." ......  I have found, for each character, and each set of mods, you need to switch up the order of your mods a wee bit to make them all play nicely together. Just because a mod works in Frosty with your Rogue set up, doesn't mean it will work with your Warrior set up... This is set up for this mage. 

-Also, if the MRM mods are not for you, (using Bi-Dorian and Bi-Cass) or the Solas texture mod giving him a beautiful neck tat....then don't download and use them.  
Simple solution. Please don't write a bunch of nasty comments about how I'm trying to change the sexual orientation of the character. It is a video game, these characters are nothing but code designed to bring some joy and entertainment to my life, and I enjoy hearing Dorian talk to me about being primal, and not being nice...code or not, male Inky or not. Plbbbttt!!!! (10110001101010100011101001011010100010101010  see what I did idea what it says, because I am not a computer engineer. But it made me happy to write a bunch of one's and zero's...and life is too short to be unhappy) And the Cassandra mod is just because I was curious if it worked. So far, so good.

-For the sliders for my mage Azhrya- I used the 3rd face (I think its Vivienne's) as the base because she has the best jawline!!! 

This is my basic default world state, cause I like things just a wee bit wonky. If you would like something different, I am cool with that. I just got tired of all the "Alistair is King! Yay!" world states... 

YES- I will take reasonable requests on personalized characters and (to some extent) World States. Just send me a PM with what you want, with or with out mods (and what mods you use) and Ill have the saves files back to you with in a day or 2. I am so bored at home right now.....
*Warden is alive/rogue/human noble/female; romanced Alistair; sided with the Werewolves; sided with Templars at Broken Circle; ancient scroll given to sister Justine; ironbark given to Varathorn; Ignacio's assassinations-true; Rogek's Lyrium deal-true; Slim's crime wave-true; give Alfstanna the ring-true; handle the Crimson Oars-true; Chantry in Orzamar-true; proof for Orta-true; clear the Pearl-true; prepare Redcliff-true; help Redcliff fight-true; help Zerlinda reconcile-true; warden kill Leliana-false; warden kill sir landry-true; tell sighard about torture room-true; warden poison urn-true; warden proved legion of dead noble-true; rescued Valena-false; returned the amulet-true; told Athras about wife's death-true;  recruited Oghren/Sten/Leliana/Dog/Zevran/Shale; didn't recruit Wynne/Loghain
*Alistair stayed a warden (romanced by Warden); Not a drunk; Not the King (Anora is Queen alone, he never wanted to be King); Alistair had an old god baby with Morigan. (you will run into Alistair in the cave as Hawk's "Warden friend"*Bhelen is King of Orzamar; Branka kept anvil. Warden asked for Dagna to study-true; warden chose Branka-true;
*Connor alive and not possessed

DA2*Hawk is a Humorous male/rogue; romanced Fenris; sided with Templars; rivals with Varric, Bartrand still alive; Bethany is alive and a Warden; Avaline married Donnic and stayed with Hawk; approved of Anders decisions; blackmailed Thrask; discovered the miners at Bone Pit; Discovered raiders of Hubert's caravan; executed Ander's; found Malcom's will; gave Isabela to the Arishok; discovered the haunting at Bartrands; killed Danzig; killed Gascard; did not kill the Arishok; kissed Tallis; Saemus returned to Viscount; cargo returned to Martin; did not side with Patrice or Varnell against the Qunari; Jarvis died; Merrill did not destroyed the eluvian, Merrill stayed with Hawk; Varric kept a piece of red lyrium; recruited Fenris/Isabela/Sebastian. 
*Ginnis id dead. *Idunna is alive. *Samson reinstated into the templars (just because) *Karras is alive *Kelder is dead *Fenris alive and well; was not returned to his master *

- El Duche - "The Duke", has ALL companion approval at/above 75, Alistair and Warden romanced 

Patch Info:
Game Patch Version 12: MOD Patch Version 13: DAIMM v0.59 alpha: FrostyMM v1.0.5.9