Remove armor class restriction with no mod

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  1. ManOfMischief
    • member
    • 23 kudos
  2. DanteNero1
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Wait...this made no sense at i missing something?
    1. LadyGoDieVa
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      Yes I guess you did Basically silverite, dales loden wool, and snowfleur skin remove the class restrictions on armor if those materials are used when crafting armor. So for example if you're a mage but you want to wear a rogue armor, just craft the rogue armor using one of those 3 materials and it then makes the armor wearable by non-rogues. There's a mod out that does this, but this method was what I used before the mod was available/working. This method would still be helpful though for console players or those who can't use mods.
      I hope I explained it better for ya
  3. RedFeather1975
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    omg, how did I miss this after all this time. It's built into the game! XD
    So there is one material for cloth, leather and metal that completely wipes the restriction. That's awesome!
  4. Bluewolf67
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Must go make armor now!
  5. dianapokk27
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    Thanks for the tip.
    1. LadyGoDieVa
      • premium
      • 123 kudos
      No problem