Triss-Inspired Jammies

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About this image

Fun fact: I've never played the Witcher series. However, I've seen this particular texture everywhere and I really like it. I nabbed some pieces from it and made new jammies for Artemis; I also included Cullen's coin from her previous skyhold outfit. It's technically a WIP, but I'm too tired to fiddle with it anymore tonight. xP

They're not really "done" but you can grab the current version of them here. (This one doesn't have the coin.)

The skintone of the shoulders matches Artemis specifically, so to change it you'd have to edit this file in photoshop and import the .dds over my diffuse in the modding tool. Sorry for the inconvenience - I'll update this when I can!


  1. manifestreverie
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Love this pajama texture! But every time I try to merge it with the other mods, the mod manager crashes >.< When I remove it and stick in a different texture, no crashing. Any ideas?
  2. User_14598759
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    has the inquisitor elf version?
  3. DracoAngel
    • supporter
    • 50 kudos
    I've seen a lot of people with a version of this with the coin, which is the one I'm dying to get. Is that one posted somewhere? Or is it no longer available?
  4. nancyferg
    • supporter
    • 99 kudos
    Are you going to share this when you can? pleeeeeezzzzzeeee???
    1. dragoncakes
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Oh, sure thing! I hadn't really planned on releasing them, but I'd be glad to. Let me fiddle around with them a bit more and add some more color options, and I'll try to upload them soon.
    2. nancyferg
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Thank you!!!
    3. nancyferg
      • supporter
      • 99 kudos
      Thank you so so so much!!!!!!
  5. Sunegami
    • supporter
    • 17 kudos
    Very nice! I have my Warden in Triss-inspired garb in DAO, so it's nice to see a version in this game for Inquisitors, too!
  6. SydneyB
    • premium
    • 1,096 kudos
    Nice, Dragon
  7. Lyslani
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    i love this jammy and the Cullen coin idea. I am looking forward to seeing if you release that for general use
  8. Mankind12
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    looks great can't wait for it.
  9. BlackOrchid
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    This looks awesome! If it makes you feel better I've never played the Witcher games either, but I always liked that outfit. ^_^
  10. nancyferg
    • supporter
    • 99 kudos
    OMG I love them!!!!!!!!