5 quests carved

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  • Find the three lost messengers and retrieve their Sealed Orders for the Blackstone Irregulars.

  •  Deliver the shipment of cabbage to Jareb, the vendor near the gates of Orzammar.

  •  Investigate the statue's history. There's a strange statue standing in the middle of the village. Could you do something with it?
  • A woman named Delli from Redcliffe has lost her son, Gabon. She says it's likely he went into the Frostback Mountains, and that he stole her heirloom necklace. If you find Gabon or the necklace, return to Redcliffe and let Delli know.

  • The propagandist scribe in Denerim now understands your side of the story, and will slant his rants in your favor.
  •  A young child who was forced to pick pockets by a gang of thugs gave you a note. If you bring ten Stolen Goods to Pomer the guard, he might consider letting the young children go free.
  •  You have been asked to find ten Stolen Goods in Denerim and bring them to Feoran in Denerim's Market District.